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Posts posted by baldingboy

  1. Yn you buy from internet be very careful..But i read good reviews about united pharmacy before ordering..and i am from india so i know for sure that Cipla company is very trustworthy..btw i did not consult any doctor now when i have started medication because i am scared of side effects and so do not want to try at a good level also..i take the medication after 3 4 days gap so i did'nt think much about ordering the medicine..but if u are trying it regulary then yes u need to be very careful before ordering anything and do let ur doc know that u are starting medication.

  2. Hello,


    I ordered Generic propecia(finpecia) from them..it was pretty cheap ..and their customer service was good..I have just started taking this medication for hair loss for the first time hope so it does a little good...btw the medicine looks good to me as it is manufactured by a ver good company of india CIPLA..i guess you can give it a try

  3. Hey guys


    Ordered propecia and will be receiving it in few days...did'nt had time to visit the doc as very busy in work...will start will just 2 pills per week and will post here if i find something fishy going on after taking pills icon_smile.gif...and thank you all for sharing ur experience ...this forum rocks.

  4. i will be soon ordering from here ,and will now start the batle against hair loss...have thought of just having 2 propecia per week..then if it goes fine then will increase the dose..guys plz assure me that propecia does'nt do that much harm as propeciahelp website states

  5. hi guys,


    just wanted to know that when propecia has the same ingredient as in proscar then why the hell is propecia so much costlier than proscar...and also if they both have the same effect why does anybody takes propecia instead of taking proscar.

  6. Hey guys was just thinking about the donor scar and an idea came in my mind...well as the donor scar is like a big curve why not we take it as a smile and also take some hairs out by FUE and make them look like eyes so we can make it our style statement ie having a big smile on the back of our head....what say guys ..won't it look cool ...just some of my weird thoughts icon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif

  7. Hello guys,

    Hope ur hairs are doing good icon_smile.gif.


    I wanted to know that if propecia and proscar work the same way and propecia is way costly than proscar than why does anybody uses propecia since proscar is cheap and same as propecia who not use proscar.


    Is there something in propecia that is more good than proscar.

  8. mjbb

    yeah u are right man,this is indeed a great forum,i have'nt tried any of the propecia or rogaine stuff so wanted to discuss with the senior members about its pros and like some docs have told me the over hyped side effects,but man as u said just 5 days and u felt the side effects that just scares me to start it ,i guess i will give rogaine a try first and then move to propecia if evrything is ok.

    So if rogaine a mess to use or its ok,which form do u use, and man don't get upset because of hair loss,m telling u it's just not worth it.

    What i have decided is that i will give a shot in stopping hair loss if it stops then well and good and if it does'nt then f*** hair loss,just shave it man life is too short ,u never know whats coming next so stay cool and njoy every moment.


    Just my thought i understand that ur condition and circumstances might be completely different but just wanted to cheer u up.



  9. InkQ isi'nt the recommended dose for fiansteride is 1 mg and if u were taking it for the first time than was'nt that a very high dose,not sure though of what i am saying is right or wrong maybe some senior members can tell exactly.


    Are you using the foam or the liquid thing,do u have any side effects of roagine,was thinking starting it so wanted to know is it easy to use without any problems.



  10. Hello guys,


    Hope you all doing good ,started posting on this forum 2 days ago and just loved the way i got response from senior members.

    I have'nt taken any medication for hair loss till date but wanna start on something now because now i have started receiving compliments that man u r going bald icon_smile.gif.I mailed my pics to couple of docs and they told me to start on propecia.

    But i have a mixed feeling since i have read both positive and negative comments about propecia.Guys plz can you all confirm that it is really over hyped ,i really need help and also i saw rogaine both topical solution and foam,can someone plz tell me which one is more good and easy to use.


    And also i came across the site pharmacy and they are selling generic propecia finpecia 1 mg 90 pills for 36$ ,is it alright if i order from this site and what dose should i start from.


    All the help is greatly appreciated .And thank you Pat and Bill and other senior members for making this forum so rocking.I started loosing hairs 3 4 years ago but did'nt knew that there was something called MPB,well thanks to internet we all can be so educated and help each other.



  11. Hello all,


    Just discovered this forum yesterday and it's awesome to talk to some gud real people.


    I wanted to know how the price per graft has evolved over the period of time so if any senior member can tell what was the prices before or just give a good idea of what one can expect in the future.I am asking this because right now i can't afford a hair transplant (Just out of college) and wanted to know what future HT can give me.



  12. Hey guys,


    was just curious to know that do u think the side effects of propecia are over hyped,i mean that all the docs recommend it and i got a reply from Dr, Pathuri Madhu that propecia side effetcs are over hyped but there are sites like propecia help which if one goes through then i guess one can never start on propecia.


    So just wanted the advice of some senior members and also people in the 20's that is it ok to take propecia.



  13. All that u said Labrat was very true and thanks for that moral supporting argentina story ,maybe if get complete bald i will have a place for finding beautiful gals icon_smile.gif lolz.Man i understood what u said and u are senior so i know that ur experience will definitely help me in easing the tension.


    Also can you tell me that my mother always say that i had a very large forehead and when i see my old pics then my hairline is so uneven but during past 3 4 years it has become more like nw2 ,so just wanted to know that for sure is it the MPB or it can be what i read like hairline maturation also.Also tell me that those finpecia drugs from india are they safe and just like propecia as i see they are a lot cheaper.



  14. Leeson thank you so much for ur advice,i saw your pictures now you look great man,i also liked labrat advice stating the positive side and freedom from the trappings of the materialistic life and many a times since i had hairs also i usually thought about life and thinking about god and what is life all about and many a times i usually detach myself from people sitting and smiling with no reason .I have seen many pics of many old people having hair transplant for i don't know what,The people in 20's ,30's if they have hair transplant one could understand that early stages of life and all but what about the old people ,maybe this thing shows clearly that the battle will never end ,no matter how good we look or anything we still will want more.


    I know that now everyone will say that if i am so not materialistic then what the heck am i doing on this forum showing my worriedness for my hair loss,well i too am a human and sometimes a get worried thinking about what will happen in future icon_frown.gif.


    And since this is the very first time i have posted on this forum please forgive me for any childish or idiotic talks icon_smile.gif. I also would love to hear from some senior people who have done their hair transplant ,wanna know that inspite of age still what forces them to get transplants because i had read in this forum young patients saying that it would had been ok if they had hair loss in later stages but see the later stages people also go for hair transplant so the story never ends.


    sorry for such long post just wanted to share my thoughts icon_smile.gif

  15. And also can u tell me that am i nw2 or nw3 .Also plz tell me that is it that the hair loss progresses at a certain rate or it can be instant also.I don't have any family history of balding neither from mother side nor from father side.I don't understand why the hell it is happening to me icon_frown.gif

  16. Guys can you tell me that is it necessary that if i start on propecia i will be having those side effects or is it just the stated 2% of all that have the side effects.Man i am really worried about my hairs now.How many grafts do u guys think will restore my hair line or give me a look that does'nt seem a balding one.

  17. Hello all,


    This is my very first post.I have been reading the forum for past couple months but today thought of sharing my worries .


    I have been loosing hairs since 3 4 years and today i am nw2 i guess.I don't want to take any medication as i fear the side effects.So many times a day i think that why is it that i had to loose hairs ,i was a handsome guy and usually got compliments every now and then,I was thinking of shaving my head and the get a hair transplant after 2 3 yrs,maybe some miracle cure will be discovered.This hair loss sucks man icon_frown.gif


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