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Posts posted by raybones007

  1. I think there are two things of note here.. one is that the youtube link I provided was one year later.. the link that was provided from PLEASE GROW was AFTER his 2nd surgery..


    Rassman probably knew it wasn't going to turn out good but you couldn't buy that kind of publicity.. if the show turned out to be a huge hit, it would've definitely been worth giving him a band result..


    NW6 on a 22yr old with band characteristics should probably never happen.. it actually goes against alot of what i read rassman speak about on his blog..

  2. if you're going to change the tread title, why not change his accusations? so it reads "my experience".. but when you open up the thread he says dr. rassman threw out his scalp.. isn't that just as bad if not worse? it's fine if you're going to change it, but just put some indication up there that you changed it.. just dont explain it on the 165th comment. You ever see anything on ebay? when someone changes the decription there is a link saying that it was altered. Same thing could be done here. Also there are PLENTY of threads on HLH bashing bosely and other docs that dont advertise with farrel. Alot of them without proof.

  3. this thread just came to my attention. I'm the "friend" he refers to when he asks me to listen to him.. he also apparently things I'm a fake "poster" because I asked for transparency. All I was asking for was this..


    OLD TITLE: How I got screwed by Dr. Rassman


    NEW TITLE: My Experience with dr. Rassman (edited by moderator)

  4. After being a loyal poster to HLH for 4 yrs, I have joined the elite group of individuals who have been banned for life. I brought up my concern with them for not offering proper disclosure. The moderator changing the thread's title to protect a doctor that is an advertiser on the site was a little weird to me. I spoke up and now I'm banned. anyway, I look forward to spending my time here.

  5. After being a loyal poster to HLH for 4 yrs, I have joined the elite group of individuals who have been banned for life. I brought up my concern with them for not offering proper disclosure. The moderator changing the thread's title to protect a doctor that is an advertiser on the site was a little weird to me. I spoke up and now I'm banned. anyway, I look forward to spending my time here.

  6. one thing I have to say.. is that if he wants to live in the moment, then by all means.. After all there are a billion people out there with tats all over the place that will have the old "tramp stamp" when they're grandparents.. Or earrings you could put your finger through.. He has hair.. could be worse!

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