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Posts posted by c$

  1. I just got my second x-plant. I had an amazing result from the first, and my post-op instructions were to shampoo 2x daily starting Post op day 1 (day 2)- including gently rubbing of the scabs in the shower and wearng a hat the day after surgery (it was loose, but not that lose). I didn't pick scabs off until day 14.


    Just got my density procedure and the literature is all over the place on scabs. I'm a doctor, but everyone gives different info. My advice- after a week, your grafts are probably set. Searching the internet for info everytime you put on a hat, scratch your head by mistake, or read something different, will just make you crazy, paranoid, and you still won't have an answer.


    I'll admit, I scratched a bit on post-op day 7 this time, lost a few scabs, and decided to just try my best to not touch for a few more days. If you bump 10 or 20 follicular units off your head out of a couple thousand, it won't make a damn differrence.


    Listen to your doc, but don't drive yourself crazy. This isn't silicone on a girlfriend, they're a couple hairs on your head.


    Although I'm an MD, this is not meant to be professional advice (obviously)

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