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carl kolchak

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Posts posted by carl kolchak

  1. I have been looking into this as well.


    I know i won't be satisfied with the number

    of grafts extracted from the donor region.


    I'm still waiting for a larger sample of

    Bht results,before making an assessment

    of Bht. Would help if a few more doctors

    gave it a try.



  2. Wow,that's a closeup.So much so i can't get

    a feel for your degree of baldness.


    thinning those grafts seems recommended.

    Not an expert on that though.


    Is that picture a 3D photo?If i stare at it

    from an inch away with unfocused eyes will

    i see a landscape painting???


    you do seem to have good hair characteristics

    so i think HT could produce some impressive


    Post another pic that would let me see the

    forest for the trees.

    just my random thoughts.

  3. is this a dermatologist with Ht experience???

    If not, i'm not sure you will get much in

    terms of useful that you haven't already read

    on the various forums.


    the main characteristic of the drugs you are taking

    is prevention not regrowth.So although they are not

    giving you the results you want,i wouldn't throw out

    the baby with bathwater.That is unless you have ascertained

    you are still losing hair while taking them.


    have you looked into fue or Bht???


    How bald are you at this time???


    How fast are you losing your hair????

  4. Yeah i have corresponded with a number of

    people with similar gripes about being misled

    in terms of the results one can expect from

    2-3,000 grafts.I'm not sure the term Lowballing

    would be an accurate description,but more

    like a lack of communication on just what

    one can expect from 2-3k grafts.One guy

    initially thought that most of his grafts had

    failed to grow,but when he looked closer realised that it was just his expectations were way too high for the number of grafts moved.


    regards, Carl

  5. Be careful when reading on HLH.


    The shill volume is cranked to 11 over there.



    That being said,I really think it comes down

    to sheer quantity of grafts once you have

    located a quality ht surgeon.Unfortunately

    quality Ht surgeons are in very short supply,

    so that is why sites specialising in ht are

    so frequented compared to say dentistry sites where there is at least a certain standard of care.


    So,your interest in Body Hair Transplants

    is well placed,as i think the more grafts you

    receive, the better your result will be.

    I'm still awaiting more developments in

    the Body Hair trans field myself.I'm concerned

    about yield and such.But i have come to the

    realisation that 6,000 or so grafts from

    my donor area will not give me the look/result

    i want.Not even close.


    regards carl

  6. I would agree that one must be careful with

    dense packing and squandering grafts early in

    the process.I'm starting to see an attitude

    amongst patients that they can get dense packing

    because they believe Fue and Body Hair Trans

    will cover up any areas they can't cover when

    they are "stripped out".Seems a bit premature

    for people to believe that.

    Otoh,i think the term "appearance of fullness"

    is ht marketing hype.So I believe one should come to the realization that Ht Density isn't full head of hair density in appearance.Not

    by a longshot.Your bound to be awfully disappointed with your procedure if that is

    your expectation.

  7. First the thread is dead,and then you bring it back from the grave.


    anyway,about the show.it's based on a real life sportswriter named

    tony kornheiser(sp?)If you see pictures of tony he has very little

    hair himself which he use to style with a silly combover that

    he has since abandoned for the most part,not enough hair left.

    You can see Tony Kornheiser on that Espn show with Tony Wilbon.I can't

    recall the name of it now,although i have seen it plenty of times.

    i'm not sure if i mentioned this previously,but Jason was on the

    Howard Stern show last month to promote his show.He referenced his

    hair a bit and said he was wearing make-up for character reasons

    and to reduce the shine coming off his head.Maybe he was joking

    about the latter.the pictures on that link page are from very recent

    charity events,did you see the dates???

  8. yes this board is for inquiries and i did take the time

    to answer your query, replete with an excellent link providing extensive

    photographic evidence.Now i did offer a few sardonic

    replies,when for some reason you didn't want to see the

    evidence before you.I was curious not offended.


    yes,people are entitled to their opinions.But some

    opinions have more grounding in facts than others.

    If someone claims to me that Mini-Me is taller than

    Shaquille Oneal,i could say that they are entitled

    to their opinion.I have to admit that a few other

    descriptions would come to mind,but hey whatever.

    Now if i'm an optometrist and i ask someone to

    read the three letters on the eye chart which

    i Know are JKL,and that person replies that

    they are CDE,and i tell him no, the letters are JKL,

    and the patient keeps insisting that they are CDE,

    then i would start considering whether that person

    has a visual disorder of some sort.

    Just for kicks,i sent those pics of jason to 3 other

    people who cannot find a a hide or hair of ht evidence

    on Jason.

    If this makes me a prick,so be it

  9. you mean he had some hair transplanted into

    his costanza bar but neglected the hairline

    and the crown??? that would be incredible

    in and of itself,and there is no visual evidence

    of it either.

    this isn't a matter of opinion.what your claiming is the equivalent of stating that

    Mini-Me is as tall as Shaquille O'Neal.

    Forget the Opthamologist,I strongly

    suggest you seek therapy

  10. You need to post some pics before the fellas

    can give some specific advice.

    Norwood 2 means different things to different


    try to have pics from different angles especially back,top,sides.the front view(driver licence/ passport style)can be quite misleading.

    Regards, carl

  11. it is a bit too early to worry about the grafts

    not growing, like the gents above mentioned.

    I think the bigger concern may be that when

    they do grow in you might be disappointed with

    the results if your expectations are too high.

    I believe this is a quite common yet little

    discussed psychological facet of hair t's.

    regards, carl

  12. I haven't seen him recently,but you are probably

    looking at the remains of his Costanza bar.(that

    ridge he had that was like a bridge connecting

    the two sides". Maybe Bering Strait land bridge

    would be a more appropriate refernce given

    its slow descent into the sea of baldness.

    Anyway,i think its just makeup he uses to

    reduce the shine coming off of his noggin under

    the tv lights. I heard him refer to this when

    interviewed on Howard Stern a month or so ago.

    He doesn't appear to me as a guy in too much

    angst over the loss of his hair.

  13. I'm one who thinks the claim that 50% of

    original density gives the "appearance of

    fullness" is mostly rubbish.Just compare

    someone with ht to someone with a full head

    of hair to see what i mean.

    Terms like "appearance of fullness" "extensive

    coverage" are marketing/sales terms that the

    ht industry uses to advertise and lull in those

    with visions of restoring a full head of hair.

    they can't honestly/legally claim to give you

    back a full head of hair,but they like to use

    such phrases to lead you into thinking they


    Obviously if you densely pack a small area,

    this will leave you with less in storage to

    cover the remaining balding areas.one of the

    biggest oversights i think prospective patients

    make is to not fully understand how much hair

    one can lose in the crown area.rather depressing

    to consider but one should have a plan for it.

  14. looks like a transplant from what i remember.

    he should try putting a small hair piece

    in the crown region.would look much better.

    Although he might be worried that the NY Post

    will goof on him.

  15. are you using propecia already?? i couldn't

    quite tell from your post.If not, at least

    visit a dermatologist,and see if they will

    prescribe you propecia.If you are in an area

    with a reputable ht surgeon they can have

    a close look at your head,and give you a better

    diagnosis.NO reputable surgeon will consider you a candidate for HT.

    Once you get the prescription for propecia,

    instead of taking one pill a day as indicated,

    take a 1/2 pill every day.There are numerous

    studies showing that one's benefit from a 0.5

    dose per day is pretty near the same as a 1.0

    dose per day.i have even seen studies where

    patients have derived benefit from 0.33 pill

    per day.

    As for topicals,stay away from them for

    now.see how effective the propecia is for

    at least a year.

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