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Posts posted by annsview

  1. Hi Nan, Glad to hear your doing better. I know first hand how scary necrosis can be. I Had a face lift 3 years ago and the skin behind both of my ears died. It was awful. The dead skin was removed and the open wounds healed from the inside out. The wounds were not allowed to dry or scab. The process took months. 3 years later, the scars left from the wounds look like those of a burn victim. They pull in all directions and ache when I am tired.


    The one consultation I had with a HT surgeon, I asked the risks of this happening and she told me zero as the blood flow will not be compromised. Hmmmm... I now know differently.


    Nan, Please email me if you'd like to chat with somebody that's been there and knows exactly your fears, concerns and pain.



  2. Thanks for the reply and great information HK500


    I see roaming the different web sites on HT, many offices look like chains or as you call them "mills" How do you weed out a good from a bad? Even a Dr. practicing in Vegas that is on the coalition site, Joseph Williams, appears to have multiple offices.


    I have a digital camera but it's apparent I need to get proficient in it's use and will get back soon with pictures. Thanks again.

  3. Hi, I'm a 52 yr. old female, always had a high forehead made worse by a brow lift 3 years ago. A company, Ziering Medical, has a consultation office in the town I live in which is 200 miles from Las Vegas. I liked the Dr. and felt she knew her business. She feels I need 1500 grafts, which is about what I felt. Has anybody here had experience with this firm or other offices in the Las Vegas Area? Also (and I know this is personal) but what is the going price per F.U.? I read on different web sites and it's all over the board. I know you get what you pay for but even in the office I visited with there is a $3.00 per FU difference depending on the Dr. and I know you can pay top dollar for bad work also. YIKES!!!


    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

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