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Posts posted by DaveOH

  1. While I said my hair loss isn't bad, it is quite noticeable. This may not seem like a big deal to you older guys but it bothers me now while I'm young. My point was that now is the time when I would want to have all of my hair. I don't want to wait until I'm in really bad shape. It's not a matter of future hair loss. I do appreciate the opnions though and I believe me I am in no way going to go diving in.


    Oh, one question: Why would it be the biggest mistake of my life if I have a good doctor? It would be FUE, so no strip scar, and most people seem to think it is a good decision. Just wondering. Thanks.

  2. I need advice on getting a hair transplant. I'm only 22 and I have noticeable hair loss at the hair line and when my head gets wet I can tell I've thinned a lot all over. I've been on propecia for 10 months now and it has greatly slowed my hair loss, although I'm not sure if it's completely stopped it. I'm genetically destined to lose all of my hair. I think the question is just when.


    Anyway, here's my situation. I've done all the research and have snooped around on here for a long time and even visited a good doctor. The doctor was hesitant and said since I was so young I might end up changing my mind (because if you get a ht and keep losing your hair you have to stick with it). The thing is that I'm very willing to stick with it down the road, but I'm unsure about doing it now.


    My hair loss is noticeable but not extreme. The thinning is not all that noticeable on top and the hairline isn't that bad because I wear my hair down. I not sure about doing the ht because of this. I don't mind having a receding hairline at 32 but I don't want one at 22. I'm in college and it just bothers me. I think about it a lot (esp during wind and water conditions) and I think it would be better to just go for it, but everyone is concerned about my age.


    My doc said I would only need a couple hundred hairs at each temple, maybe more. He agreed that it was more noticeable in my case though because I have a larger forehead. At the end of the consultation he told me he would be willing to do the surgery (since it is a cosmetic surgery after all) but said I should finish my year on propecia to see the results. My year on prop is almost up. I'm I dumb to go plunging into this so early or should I enjoy having hair while I'm young? Thanks guys.

  3. I need advice on getting a hair transplant. I'm only 22 and I have noticeable hair loss at the hair line and when my head gets wet I can tell I've thinned a lot all over. I've been on propecia for 10 months now and it has greatly slowed my hair loss, although I'm not sure if it's completely stopped it. I'm genetically destined to lose all of my hair. I think the question is just when.


    Anyway, here's my situation. I've done all the research and have snooped around on here for a long time and even visited a good doctor. The doctor was hesitant and said since I was so young I might end up changing my mind (because if you get a ht and keep losing your hair you have to stick with it). The thing is that I'm very willing to stick with it down the road, but I'm unsure about doing it now.


    My hair loss is noticeable but not extreme. The thinning is not all that noticeable on top and the hairline isn't that bad because I wear my hair down. I not sure about doing the ht because of this. I don't mind having a receding hairline at 32 but I don't want one at 22. I'm in college and it just bothers me. I think about it a lot (esp during wind and water conditions) and I think it would be better to just go for it, but everyone is concerned about my age.


    My doc said I would only need a couple hundred hairs at each temple, maybe more. He agreed that it was more noticeable in my case though because I have a larger forehead. At the end of the consultation he told me he would be willing to do the surgery (since it is a cosmetic surgery after all) but said I should finish my year on propecia to see the results. My year on prop is almost up. I'm I dumb to go plunging into this so early or should I enjoy having hair while I'm young? Thanks guys.

  4. This was a question I was also wanting answered because I heard that increasing the dosage made little difference in the amount of DHT in the body. It seems to me that more finasteride would help, but Merck said 2.5 and 5mg yielded nearly identical results. I've been taking the 1mg like everyone else and seeing results. I guess if it wasn't working I'd try upping the dosage. Does it help?

  5. I went for a consultation about hair transplants at MHR in Columbus. I met with a consultant first. He'd had like a 500 graft done and probably didn't even need it. He was helpful though. We didn't talk price but everything I read from them showed them at around market price. I was told I could meet with the doctor for free and was dissappointed when the sent me to the consultant. He eventually, however, asked if I wanted to meet with the doc. I met with the ht doctor and he seemed like a good guy. He actually told me that he didn't think I should get a ht because of my age (wasn't really wanting one at the time, just curious) and that I should get on propecia. He wrote me a subscription and I was charged $75 for the visit (since I didn't want a procedure). I was naive about everything then and didn't know much about hair loss yet. He could have taken advantage of the situation but didn't. I don't think I'd get a ht there, however. I just didn't like the feel of the place.

  6. I think this is the name of the drug we've all been listening for. It blocks most of the DHT from forming. Let's just cross our fingers and hope this gets approved for hair loss one of these days. There is too much money in it for it to sit on shelves long. Anyone know how that is coming along?

  7. I'm a college student and most of the guys I know wear hats out to the bars. It's just a guy thing. You don't have to worry about your hair getting messed up I guess. Girls always told me I looked cute in a hat in high school so I have a few.

  8. That was a good point about the donor area. I think balding men assumed hats made their hair fall out because the rubbing knocks all the loose hairs out. I know that if I wear a hat all day I will have more shedding in the shower. I'm sure the same number of hairs are thinning on my head but maybe the hat just helps yank the dead ones out. Bottom line is that hats don't make your hair fall out. DHT does.

  9. I think the amount of hair propecia grows depends on the person. Some people won't even stop losing hair on it. However, there have been cases where men have grown nearly all of their hair back. It must have something to do with the degree of hairloss and the amount of time you've been bald. I'm only 21 and almost to 4 months on generic finasteride and I'm seeing tiny black hairs popping up all over my hairline in the temple region. I'm still losing hair of course, so I'll just have to see. My family has a history of crome domes so it's a tough battle.

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