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Posts posted by Griswald

  1. Here is my photos for 2 months Post-Op. Notice I still have redness on top. The good news is, my hair is coming out all over, lots of it. My new hair is mostly blonde and hard to see with this camera. I will get a better camera and get some nice close-ups...



  2. Here is my photos for 2 months Post-Op. Notice I still have redness on top. The good news is, my hair is coming out all over, lots of it. My new hair is mostly blonde and hard to see with this camera. I will get a better camera and get some nice close-ups...




  3. Hi guys...


    I've been gone for awhile. Took a couple of vacations and was also traveling for work. Bottom line, I've been really busy with my work. Anyway, I was catching up tonight and reading many of the posts, still have more catch-up to do.


    I took some pics at 2 months and will post them sometime in the next few days. I believe they show some regrowth activity in the lower crown resulting from 3 months of avodart. Took pics of my new breasts also. Very impressive! No, just kidding on that one...


    I do have exciting news though... My transplant results... At about 3-4 weeks post HT, all of my 'little lemmings' marched in an orderly fashion off my head and left me with just a few brave soldiers at their posts.


    However, between 5 and 8 weeks my hair has been coming in everywhere. Most of it is very fine and the color has went back to blonde from my teenage years. Some of it is already normal and has grown in just like my normal hair. My hairline has hair also, but you can tell it has a lot to still come...


    I need a better camera to show you the upclose detail, but in the pics I took you will see the fine hair everywhere in the front all the way into the hairline.


    Anyway, I am finally back to a normal schedule and will be checking in again in a day or so...



  4. Hi guys...


    I've been gone for awhile. Took a couple of vacations and was also traveling for work. Bottom line, I've been really busy with my work. Anyway, I was catching up tonight and reading many of the posts, still have more catch-up to do.


    I took some pics at 2 months and will post them sometime in the next few days. I believe they show some regrowth activity in the lower crown resulting from 3 months of avodart. Took pics of my new breasts also. Very impressive! No, just kidding on that one...


    I do have exciting news though... My transplant results... At about 3-4 weeks post HT, all of my 'little lemmings' marched in an orderly fashion off my head and left me with just a few brave soldiers at their posts.


    However, between 5 and 8 weeks my hair has been coming in everywhere. Most of it is very fine and the color has went back to blonde from my teenage years. Some of it is already normal and has grown in just like my normal hair. My hairline has hair also, but you can tell it has a lot to still come...


    I need a better camera to show you the upclose detail, but in the pics I took you will see the fine hair everywhere in the front all the way into the hairline.


    Anyway, I am finally back to a normal schedule and will be checking in again in a day or so...



  5. I believe it costs 2.50 per pill. I take .5mg.


    I got my script from medicalwellness.com and had it filled at rxusa.com. It was for a 30 day supply with 5 refills. With shipping cost me around $75. When I refilled they offered me all 5 months if I wanted it. So I took it. I think the script cost around $50, but not sure I remember.


    I will let everyone know later if it works.



  6. SouthCarolina,


    Congratulations on selecting an excellent Doctor. Dr. Shapiro was on my short list also and I know does great work. I am a systems wearer also, or was until tonight. I am also a nw6-7. I will post pics later for you to see. I know in your situation, you will continue your system until everything looks greeat. Maybe when that happens, you can post your end results....



    Congrats again...



  7. theofani


    In europe, Saw Palmetto is used to treat Prostate enlargement(BPH). Proscar inhibits 5-alpha-reductase levels, thereby suppressing the formaytion of DHT. Saw Palmetto extract suppresses some DHT in the prostate gland, but it's effectiveness is in blocking alpha-adrenergic receptor sites and it's inhibition of estrogen binding to prostate cells (like Nettle extract) and it's inhibition of the enzyme 3-ketosteriod which allows the binding of DHT. The short of it, yes Saw Palmetto is a natural alternative to Proscar and has been around a long time for that purpose. It stands to reason that it would also grow hair or stop hair loss. There are lots of articles and studies on this. For me, I do know what caused my hair loss to be stopped.




    Yes... Talking the Amino Acid Stack I mentioned will definetly cause your Hypothalamus Gland to cause your Pituitary Gland to release it's daily supply of HGH and unless your Pituitary Gland is malfunctioning, you still have enough daily supply to bring you back to levels when you were young. The problem with all of us who are aging and out of shape, it does'nt want to release the daily supply without help. This has to do with hormone levels slowing lowering as we age.


    Yes it works your like HGH injections, but naturally. It can also be measured with a blood test for IGF-1. I have been using these Amino Acids since July of 2002 with amazing results. My energy levels have been restored, I am not sick anymore, people and family have told me I look much younger and ask what I'm doing and yes, my hair started growing. I do not know why. It could be this stack, it could be lysine by itself, it could be the Saw Palmetto and Nettle extract. I do not know. But my crown area and back of my head have definitely started growing hair. I even have several wild hairs in the very front (approx 20) that I have not seen for twenty years. Go figure.


    Is it enough to think I will grow my hair back? No. but it looks like it has stopped my hair loss.


    Many good books and Doctors doing studies on anti-aging. Two really good books are:


    "Grow Young with HGH" by Dr Ronald Klatz

    "Ulitimate Anti-Aging Program" by Gary Null, Ph.D.


    Also, I use the Life Extentions Site to get my Amino Acids www.lef.org, something I did not discover until I was already taking my amino stacks. Interesting enough, this site also totally agrees with most of the mainstream thinking around anti-aging. This is where I also ordered by Blood tests to check my results...


    This is not for everyone, but for me I really believe it has given me new life... If you are interested in my full regiment and amounts I take, I would be happy to give those to you.



  8. I started out with Hair Club for Men when my younger girlfriend had said she would like me to have more hair. Personally, hindsight is 20x20, I should not of listened. I ended up going the HCM for her, not me. In all honesty, I did like the change in my looks. But, it also trapped me...


    I quit HCM after 1 year and started ordering on the web and doing my own system. I loved the look but I have hated the process. You constantly worry about your look and what others might think.


    Because I have this, going to a HT is also a hard transition. It would have been much easier to go from balding to HT then from a full head of hair to HT. Looking back, I wish I would have stayed with my old look and then went to an HT.


    I believe everyone should do what they are comfortable with and make there own decisions. I did not and I wish I had.


    Dude, you will look good with a system, the question is do you want everything else that goes with it...



  9. HGH supps will not cause hair loss. Actually, you could try an Anmino Acid Stack of:







    All of these together can cause you to release Growth Hormones naturally by taking on an empty stomach at bedtime. I have tried this, but I also take DHEA. To counter the extra testosterone I take Saw Palmetto to prevent the DHT conversion. I also take Indole 3-Carbinol and Miraforte to convert the bad estrogen to weak estrogen, (this prevents the man breasts) for the extra estrogen that will get through...


    An unfortunate problem with taking anything causing extra testosterone in men, is we will also get the DHT conversion and estrogen...


    My point??? My hair did start filling in the crown area and top and I do not take propecia. However, because I take the Saw Palmetto, which is the same as propecia, that could have caused the hair growth...


    I would recommend HGH releasers in the form of amino acids for anyone wanting to benefit from them...



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