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Posts posted by Antonfarat

  1. 7 hours ago, Bej520 said:

    Thanks bro! The scarring is pretty much non existent and I can only tell when I get a skin fade. 

    I think they’re still maybe a little way off the skill level of Zarev/Pitella and the likes. Hair direction seems abit crazy haha, but their use of alternative donor areas is what truly separates them. Combining scalp, beard, and chest in one in one session with PRP included in their quote is a great option for high Norwood clients.

    I’m glad you feel it’s too early to tell  if this will be a success, l take that as there’s still potential for more growth. I was thinking of a follow up session next year, to bolster the frontal third and vortex. 


    Give it time mate, some people’s crowns take 18 months to really be full blown. I waould say wait at least a full year before you really consider your options, and try growing it out past like month 6/7 to see what it looks like with a bit of length. You might never look back from that point, as the length might give you the density you re after. I know it’s tough, because it looks good very short, then not so good in between and then you get a couple cm on there and it starts to really look like a full head of hair. Or it should, if all goes well. Hang tight pal, I think it’ll turn out good 🤞🏻

  2. This is looking very good mate. Minimal scarring, even with the poor donor. Lots of coverage and little to no initial shedding, decent density. 

    Not sure why people aren’t raving about this more (perhaps doc. doesn’t sponsor this as I am sure the others do), we may have another high NW slayer doc. here. Like this is Zarev/Pitella graft levels in one session, with good management of everything else (at probably a fraction of the price). I will be following closely (it is still early to say how this’ll turn out), but if this turns out good, you may have uncovered a little diamond in the rough here with this doc.

    Good luck and please keep us posted. 

  3. On 11/7/2023 at 6:01 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    It’s actually not standard, only hair mills operate this way. There are hair mills in the US, but legitimate doctors are involved in every step of the procedure and perform 1-2 surgeries a day at most. 

    Just read this a it popped up, people asking for updates. Feel like I need to say something here. 

    Coming in pretty hard here Melvin. It is actually pretty standard for docs to do slits and hairline design and oversee everything else. Most places have extractions/inplantations done by techs, including Eugenix - a forum favourite. Won’t be dr. Sethi or dr. Bansal doing extractions even for the higher end packages. The exceptions are Zarev and Pittella who do it all themselves, at least in the high NW world. 

    I think the low cost element and the marketing is concerning, but having said that with the doctor stating he does max. 1-2 surgeries a day, it’s pretty clear it does not fall under the hair mill banner, so I think all that immediate pigeonholing was a little unfair. 

    This forum does a lot for people looking at HTs and getting advice, so it needs to remain fair and open minded to keep its credibility. We are all human, and make mistakes at times, but when we do that it should be acknowledged and owned up to. Just my 2 cents. 

    looking forward to the update mate, let’s see what the results as saying. 


  4. That crown is a piece of absolute beauty mate. Density and swirl absolutely spot on. Rest looks pretty good too, agreed donor is a little thin and the left hand side of your hairline has a tiny gap, but I think that makes it more natural than anything, doesn’t bother me. Only noticeable point to me, HT hawk central, is the donor, but I bet no one out there would ever pick up on it. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Stewie said:

    Yeah the strip annoys me and I still don't get why they left it, but let's see how it pans out when a bit longer? If you are considering Eugenix then I would just do what most say, get your own plan clear in your head and make sure they stick to it, obviously listen to what they have to say, but make sure what ever you get it something you want and are comfortable with, they are a great team, and I can't fault their work, just the communication is lacking and even though I have been twice, that point is a hard one to deal with as you need to make sure you have your ducks in a row and then its all good :) 

    Yeah I hear you mate and I think that s no small point. I think any high NW restoration is a bit of a process, and having a clear plan is key to achieving aesthetically pleasing results. We have to rely on their advice, they are the experts, but I think at times we should be allowed to chime in and express preference for this and that. At the end of the day no HT is perfect, we all try to get to a point where you are happy looking in the mirror. If we can achieve that, with less work than perhaps a doc. may think (I m thinking temple points here), or by uniforming some area that is bothering us (like your little denser bit), then why not? 

    I have a clear plan in my head for what I want and should I go with Eugenix I hope they will stick to it, if feasible. It would be very important to me, so I definitely apreciate your feedback about the communication. 

    • Like 1
  6. I would say 90%, just because scar tissue can sometimes lead to fading, but with a fresh treatment I think 100% - of course considering you’ll choose someone who knows what they are doing. Not sure who the big players are in this anymore, I got mine at HisHair in the UK 10+ years ago. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, davidn said:

    yeah now i have 1mm and I think they are already less noticable. Problem is, I will be screwed if I lose more hair. Will be disfigured. Also not sure if SMP actually 

    1) works in fue scars

    2) works long-term

    SMP defo works mate, not sure why people think it’s not permanent. I have had mine for 10y and looks slightly more faded (maybe 10% compared to day 1), but that is it. 

    I do know it may need more treatments in scars, but it defo works. Plus you can easily get a top up here and there, it’s not expensive and downtime is literally 3-5 days at the very most. 

  8. Just read through your whole story mate, results are unreal. Cool to see someone buzz it down and get a real good look at that density, when short.

    Like I said I think it looks spot on, only objection, or rather noticable point to me, that I saw you mention too (but can’t notice with longer hair) is that little strip of native hair at full density they left. Aesthetically, when buzzed I think there would be a lot of benefit in that being lower density and blending with the top and sides better. Don’t understand why they left it behind, with your history. If they’re not happy using those hairs on top, they could just leave them out? At the end of the day it’s all about the aesthetic look right.

    Dunno, just my two cents (I am also in a similar boat to you and considering Eugenix, so that s why I am so pationate about this lol). In any case, could only hope to get anywhere close to what you got, it really does look sublime. All the best mate! 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, davidn said:

    5 years, hlc

    Yeah you should be beyond fully healed, so would expect those to be much smaller and less noticeable. HLC are meant to be decent, so not sure what happened there. 

    Or are my expectations higher for how negligible fue scarring is? Seen some shaved donors from Eugenix where I could honestly not see a thing, but may just have been lighting. 

  10. Anybody out there has wetshaved since or having regular wetshaves after an FUE procedure? Everybody knows there will be some scarring after the surgery, but does it totally rule out wet shaving? 

    How about a no grade buzz? Is it the growth that makes the scars pop out (lack of hair) or can you see them in the skin quite clearly? 

    Finally, anyone out there whose scarring is entirely negligible? Is that even possible? 

  11. 3 hours ago, Bandit90 said:

    Cheers mate!

    Yes, I noticed my implanted beard hairs change texture. Like any hair when the growth first starts, there is a very wiry appearance to it, this is even more so with the beard.

    I’d say around months 14/15 months after my first sitting, I noticed that the implanted beard hair in my mid-scalp started to slacken off and behave like scalp hair. For the crown, I'd say the beard hair took a full 18 months to begin to slacken. If you look at my progress pictures you can see it was very obvious which was the beard in my crown, but if you look at my pre-op pics from my last sitting, the beard hair has become much slacker and blends in with the scalp hair.

    In the mid-scalp, it's almost impossible to distinguish between scalp/beard.  In the crown area, you would probably have a better chance of distinguishing, but it's getting harder to tell as the months go on.

    When I crunch the numbers I’m on about 2/3 Scalp and 1/3 Beard implanted on the scalp, when you subtract the temple work. Zoomester is a very good example of someone who has had a lot of beard hair implanted in the crown and retains a natural result.

    Hope that helps & good luck with your journey.

    Right, that answers it. Good to know. Preparing myself, as I believe I have a pretty sht donor but solid beard, so expect when the big day comes that a lot of it will be from there. Good to know it does blend eventually, as I have a similar thing to you, where scalp hair is lighter than beard. 

    Yeah Zoomster looks sick, lucky man, another one of Dr. Sethi s homeruns. Probably will be him, Pittella or Zarev for me. Gonna have to compare availability/pricing as I am certain any one of those chaps is capable of sorting me out. 

    • Like 1
  12. Beard looking sublime after 5.5k grafts. Solid donor management there. Back of the head looks good too, so soon after surgery and with a super short buzz. The only slight noticeable bit is the tiny denser patch untouched right under your horseshoe. No one would ever notice, but obv here I know what to look for.  Did you discuss that with the Dr.? Was it left out because it wasn’t in the “safe zone”? It’s not an issue, I am sure with grown hair you can’t notice it even to the most keen HT hawk eyes. Just wondering tho, as I have seen that in a few case studies. 

    Finally, did you discuss the crown with the Dr. before the procedure. Did you get the famous swirl, as I can’t quite tell from your pics? Or not something you were too bothered with? 

    Anyways, congrats on the choice, the write up and your results. Looks banging, no doubt. Hope it’s alright asking the questions, I am considering the good doc. myself. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Buffaloboy said:

    Yes they did. Dr Das explained to me that it’s often easier to do implantation the next day. Also - I was very tired (and jet lagged), so did request to end a bit earlier than they were planning for the first day.

    I also oozed quite a bit, which slowed them down.

    They have a great team at Eugenix and I trust them.

    Right, just from my uninformed perspective using a bit of common sense, would think open wounds that get tinkered with after could open you up to a higher risk of infection, probably slow down recovery, maybe more bleeding, etc. That is why I asked, but I am sure those guys know what they are doing. Good luck fella! 

  14. On 12/11/2023 at 12:44 PM, tanner1987 said:

    I got it 7 years ago. At first I loved it; it helped my insecurities around my hair loss. I was in my late 20s at the time and I wasn’t ready to be bald. Then my scalp started suffering from razor burn from the constant shaving; I had a particularly bad case, and this was really unpleasant. I switched to an electric razor, which helped a lot, but it doesn’t keep the hair short enough for as long. The constant keeping it short thing became a hassle over time, and the anxiety of having to shave it every single day to avoid any contrast. Fast forward to now, I’m in my mid-30s and more than happy/ready to embrace my total baldness, so I am letting my SMP fade away - and fading away it is. I’m in a slightly awkward stage now where I have a visible horseshoe because I’m letting it fade away, but I need to keep my hair really really short because any contrast is more obvious. I am now considering laser, but I will probably just persist as it is for the time being.

    Having tried Rogaine, with bad side effects, and seriously considered HT, and having tried SMP, I would encourage anyone just to embrace their baldness and to spend the money on a personal trainer and good wardrobe instead. In my opinion it’s not worth the stress.

    Similar experience here. Got it early 20s and really helped me put behind me baldness. I was already buzzing it before so shaving down wasn’t huge, and I did it so early that most people didn’t notice it when my hair completely went. 

    10 years later, and let me echo the thoughts of Tanner, shaving every day becomes massively burdensome. You get older, a little more confident in your own skin and also a little lazier, and having to shave every single day (not a choice mind you - but a must if you want to keep it undetectable) becomes beyond burdensome. Mine has barely faded in 10y in all honesty, so I doubt it ever will, or at least completely. 

    I am now contemplating a HT to add at least some 3D ness so give me at least a few days break from shaving daily, before it becomes noticeable. Nowadays, I get about 24h.

    If that doesn’t work probably gonna go the laser away one day, problem with that is people in my life don’t really know I had anything done. Having had it done so long ago, most people I know today met me after and just see a guy with a shaved head. Showing up one day with a full blown nw7 might be a little bizarre. 

    Just my 2 cents. 

  15. Quick one for you Bandit.

    Firstly, what an truly jaw dropping result, very very very impressive work by Dr. Sethi indeed. 

    There seem to be a few fairly wiry black hairs in your crown, I assume those are beard hairs. Has Dr. Sethi explained if those will ever fully change texture and become more similar to native scalp hair? I read in one of your comments that you said they are starting to blend in, so figured you had some knowledge on this? 

    Congrats again on your result, hoping to see something similar on my noggin one day tbh. If I could only be so lucky. 

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