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Posts posted by Piotr94

  1. I also have poor density in the similar area (front left side - you can check my thread) and I’m 7 months after my HT. I was suggested to use minoxidil two weeks ago and started to use it. I’ve already lost small amount of hair as it’s common effect of minoxidil. Hopefully there will grow something. 
    What are you going to do if there will be no hair in this gap? 

  2. 2 hours ago, StillAlive said:

    Dude, you have to relax :)

    I also had an HT with Yaman, for the same amount of grafts as you. Was slightly balder than you, similar hair type.

    First of all, can you please post some normal photos, at normal distance, instead of extreme closeups and spread-apart hair? There is this common misconception that HT's restore 'natural density' but remember, it is only an illusion and you need the right length and hair style to maximize the cosmetic effect.

    Also you just jumped on minoxidil which means that you will have triggered a massive shed in your hair before some additional regrowth/boost. I think that you are a late grower like myself. Only slightly worrying sign I saw in your pre-op photos is the thin hair above your ears. If that wasn't due to the hairstyle, you may have retrograde alopecia which does not bode well. 

    Anyhow, it's too early to call it and I personally think you are going to turn out just fine. Check my thread for some late-grower inspiration.

    All my best!

    Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate that. Regarding photos and closeups, actually most of them are taken from normal distance, especially those in day light. I just cut them to smaller their size and collapse them as most as possible. I’ve also checked your thread and I really like that you’re happy about your effect. However, I had specific expectations before my HT and so far they’re not even close to that. As I mentioned in my first post, I’ve seen many HT effects after 6-7 months which I wish to have at the end of my HT journey. Hopefully you’re right and I’m slow-grower and I’ll see some better results in few months.

  3. Hello Community,

    I wanted to share with you my HT experience and ask some questions (especially people who are experienced in that matter).


    HT procedure details.

    I had surgery 12th October 2023, I had transplanted 4550 grafts (950 single / 2150 double / 1450 multiple) and surgery last around 9 hours. The extraction and implantation were done by technicans. Drawing the hairline and openning channels were done by Dr Yaman. Overall the procedure was pretty good, I was satisfied.


    Clinic selecion

    Before I've chosen Dr Yaman clinic, I was decided to go to one of 'mills' or whatever it calls in HT slang. I wanted to go to Clinicana as they are quite popular in Poland - they are cooperating with agancy (some kind of medical tourism). Then I found two other 'mills' - one of them was Jack Strong Hair, second one I can't remember. And later I started to read some facebook groups and polish forums, where I found out that 'mills' might be bad choice, because my donor can be spoiled. I've seen many examples of spoiled donor. So, I started to read more and more forums and finally I found that one. Here I need to mention that I still think Clinicana make good job, especially looking at some patients effects, I mean at least in recepient area. But after some time spent here on this forum, I decided to contact with Dr Yaman and Dr Turan (Fue Capilar). As Doga (Dr Yaman point of contact) was quick and specific in his responses, I decided to choose Dr Yaman, becasue I wanted to have HT in specific time period and Fue Capilar was responding quite long time - big spaces between my messages, questions, etc and their answers.


    Treatment, medication, supplements

    Few words about my supplements and treatment. I take Saw Palmetto (1080 mg/day), Biotine (7500units/day), I had 4 PRP so far (one before HT made by clinic and 3 after HT - 45, 90 and 180 days). Almost 2 weeks ago I was asked to use minoxidil 5%, so I started to use that ~1mg - 2 times / day.


    Photos with dates

    Above attached photos is short description - time period and shortcut describing the light (DL as Day light, AL as Artificial light)


    Before consultation, DL



    Right before HT, DL



    Right after HT, AL



    One day after HT, DL



    Two days after HT, AL



    11 days after HT (before removing scabs), AL



    12 days after HT (day after removing scabs), AL



    13-17 days after HT, AL



    4,5 months after HT, AL



    6-7 (almost) months after HT, most photos in DL, some AL





    Questions (finally, I hope most of you reached here 🙂 )

    1. How does it look so far in your opinion? I'm asking as I've seen maaaany of similar HTs with same area to cover, same or similar amount of grafts and even similar hair strucure. Honestly, most of them look much better than mine, some of them are so great after 6 months I wish to have the same effect after 12-18 months.

    2. What do you think about less density in the front left side (my left, on the photos it's right side)? I was told it needs time, but I've noticed that at the beginning after removig scabs and it's still not even close to my right side.

    3. Should I be worried about effect so far? Honestly, I'm and I know it doesn't help to growth, but it's hard to be calm being aware that big part of my donor was transplanted and seems to be 'wasted' (as I don't see satisfied effects after almost 7 months). 

    4. Is there any possibility to have much better effects (besides thicknessing hair) in density? Could new hair grow? I was told that I need to wait, but it's a bit frustraiting to wait and see minor changes.

    5. If nothing change until 12 month, what should I do next? Actually, I have guarantee if I lose 10% or more grafts then 2nd HT cost will be covered by clinic, but honestly I don't know if I would like to use that. Don't get me wrong, currently I think the number of grafts is around 2000-2500 (correct me if I'm wrong), not 4500 as declared, so why should I decide to have 2nd HT in the same clinic?

    6. Refering to the part of the previous question (amount of grafts), how much do you think are there 'survived'(?) grafts in reality?


    Thank you in advance for all responses. Hope you are not tired after reading my post 🙂.

    Keep finger crossed for as best as possible effects of my HT.



  4. 22 minutes ago, Ajamilo said:

    Can you make your own thread @Piotr94

    @Melvin- Admin should this be the standard for a recommended doctor? This happening to often to just let it slip away 

    I will consider making own thread in the future. Actually, I just wanted to ask one question (with high-level detailed explanaition of the problem), but I was asked to add some photos and I did that. Sorry for making confusion.

    Just one more thing related to @Melvin- Admin post, left picture is not mine, I just joined to the thread. So, there are two different people. All my photos are few posts above. However, if I incorrectly understood your post, then ingore that.

  5. I had HT one month later in October and see the same issues with density as xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx. So far I found a lot of videos/pictures of men with similar amount of transplanted grafts (~4500) after 6-7 months and they have perfect effect for me, I mean I would be happy to have such effects after entire healing period (~18 months). Unfortunately, my hair look similar to xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx, bad density, lot of empty spaces and I don't believe that somehow magically there will appear strong and thick hair. My question is: does it possible to expect fully/partially refund of money instead of using guarantee and having free HT if +10% of grafts will fall out. In my opinion I lost at least 40% (could be more I'm not an expert) of grafts and honestly I wouldn't like to go for next HT there. I'm disappointed of current results, feel that donor area is wasted (around 2000 grafts are not re-growth), so I don't want to risk next waste of donor. This is very frustrating that I see in the mirror/photos that the only difference between before and after HT is partially covered receding front hairline. Also, I have a big claims to myself that I decided to read all that kind of forums and groups. I found there a lot of advises to not go to hair mill clinics, because I will regret over harvested donor, but now even if it's not over harvested there are a lot of grafts wasted. And it turns out in lot of them (Clinicana, etc) people have pretty good effects - at least in recipient area. Honestly, in current situation I'd rather to have over harvested donor and fully cover recipient area instead of having maximum half of expected effect and wasted a lot of grafts from donor. I would shave donor for '0' or '1' and make micro pigmentation, then I would have good looking hair.

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