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Posts posted by manjodabanjo

  1. I posted on Reddit and didn’t get any traction, figured I would ask the experts:

    2800 at HMR Tijuana (31 y/o)

    Day 1 post procedure, wanted to share a couple thoughts.

    I was choosing between Dr Cortez in Tijuana (HMR) and Luis Nader. Unfortunately, Dr. Nader was unresponsive (phone calls, emails, website form) and when I finally heard back, it was a 14 month wait.

    HMR was super-responsive and had a ~3 month wait, though it did feel a bit more commercial. I sent photos, they recommended 2,800 grafts and the price was $6.4K. Accommodations and Transportation from San Diego airport were included in the price.

    Based on my research, this is the good and bad I read about:

    - Linear hairlines that don’t look natural
    - Uneven donor extraction 
    - Lower graft survival rate (I believe low 90s)
    + Good density
    + Professional 

    I figured I could show pictures of what I wanted, specific that I want a window’s peak, irregular/natural looking hairline. I also specified that I want more donor hair taken from the sides of my scalp bd back. I want to be able to easily get low fades and my head shape, already makes my hair look extra puffy on the sides.

    Procedure itself went very well- I stayed awake and practiced my Spanish the team. I had a good time, outside of some shoulder pain (I was given add’l pain meds).

    The neighborhood was nice, felt very safe, good food. It was a bit more expensive than I expected.

    Couple other facts:
    - I’ve been taking fin for 3 years- has helped stop hairloss
    - Tried minoxidil- gave me acne
    - Nizoral- I’ve been using daily for ~15 years

    Couple questions for you all:
    1. Opinion on the hairline design
    2. Does it actually look like 2,800 grafts?
    3. Does donor extraction look generally symmetrical? Any additional thoughts on donor management 






    Day 1:





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