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Posts posted by VakeelSaab

  1. 6 hours ago, jjsrader said:

    Dr. Soni is very experienced and will transfer alot of hair for you in one go so you'll get nice coverage.

    Do you think I really need 4000 grafts? I don’t want my donor area to look bad post surgery. 

    Medispa also has a FUE package which is at a higher cost so I think FUE is certainly better than FUT, rest I have taken an appointment with Dr. Soni for discussing further.


    I am also sharing the hairline design drawn on my by Eugenix on which they suggested 2800 grafts would be sufficient. What do you say, should I get my hairline a bit lower or it’s fine?







  2. So I am 27 residing in New Delhi, India. I have now decided to get on the hair restoration journey. I have been searching for different clinics. I’ve visited one of them and have shared the photos with others for consultation.

    The one which I visited quoted me 2000 grafts required after looking at the pictures. When I visited them for in person consultation, they quoted me 2600-2800 grafts with FUE+DHT technique and put me in the Norwood Grade 2-3.

    I sent the same pictures to other clinic also, but they quoted me 4000(+500) grafts requirement after looking at the pictures for an FUT+FUE transplant method or an Advanced FUE method. I requested them for an in personal consultation in case they change their mind.

    Can any expert here assess the pictures and tell me how much I actually require.


    Also, which clinic should I consider. The one which is doing FUE+DHT method or the one using FUE+FUT technique.

    I know that I’ve limited number of grafts available. And I don’t want to ruin my donor area by letting them take more grafts than required.


    The price is similar for both the clinics if I choose the base pricing of one which quoted me 2800 grafts with the other one which quoted me 4000(+500) grafts.

    So there is no difference in the cost of both the clinics.


    Also both the clinics are highly reviewed on this forum.

    I am in a state of dilemma whom to go with.








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