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Posts posted by aalexander

  1. How did your corrective surgery turn out? I'm considering it with Dr. Bernstein. Did you have any follow up transplantation?


    Follicle & John B.


    Sorry for not responding sooner.


    Last Thursday I had a repair session

    with Dr. Bernstein. He removed

    20 instead of the 30 originally planned.

    His staff said it's common for him to

    change his mind mid repair.


    It's too early to tell if it was worth

    it. I still see cobblestones elsewhere.

    I realize he can't remove all the "bumps"

    Most of the grafts were removed from

    the hairline. I thought he would maybe

    dermabrade the others. He does not do that.

    I thought he mentioned that he uses that technique as well. I was wrong.

    After I heal, he recommends a HT session of

    1200 grafts to finish me off.


    I will get the opinion of Dr. Jack fisher.

    He is in Nashville, Tenn. before I

    do another HT. He deals with repair work.

    I want to elimante most of the cobblestones

    prior to more work.


    I have to stay positive but it's

    easier said than done.


    Be safe!

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