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Posts posted by thedominator

  1. I'm 32 years old and have been on TRT for the past 9 months. I have naturally receding temples, but super thick hair and my hairline hasn't moved for the past 10 years. 


    But being on TRT and knowing the dangers that come with elevated DHT levels, I am wary (if not a tad paranoid) about losing my hair. 


    That being said I haven't noticed any massive hair loss thus far, but I'd still like an opinion of people that have an eye for when it actually is balding.


    I shed quite a few hairs, but I always have and they are always long hairs. When I run my hand through all of my hair then I'll have anywhere from 0-5 hairs on my hand.


    I have a pronounced cowlick, but again I've had this all my life. 


    Below are my pictures. Would love some feedback from the community.


    Hairline: https://imgur.com/a/tAx0buc

    Dry Hair: https://imgur.com/a/EFMWPCv

    Wet Hair: https://imgur.com/a/uFua07c

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