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Posts posted by Drummerlar20

  1. I was watching the local news last night and they had a little 10 second clip about a cure for baldness. They said it had to do with stem cells, apperntly they implanted new hair follicle stem cells in mice and it regrew all the hair they had lost. Anyone else heard about this yet? And if so is it for real and how soon will it be availble? was happy and pissed when i heard this because i just got a HT last year and i think i wasted 4 thousand dollars now. Thanks

  2. I was watching the local news last night and they had a little 10 second clip about a cure for baldness. They said it had to do with stem cells, apperntly they implanted new hair follicle stem cells in mice and it regrew all the hair they had lost. Anyone else heard about this yet? And if so is it for real and how soon will it be availble? was happy and pissed when i heard this because i just got a HT last year and i think i wasted 4 thousand dollars now. Thanks

  3. I've been on proscar for a little over a year now, it seemed to be working good for a while. Recently though i've noticed my hair loss picking up, like it was before the proscar. The hairs falling out seem to be relatively smaller hairs though. I had a hair transplant about 7 months ago and im just wondering if maybe these hairs falling out are the first batch of graft hairs falling out because the more dense grafts are pushing their way up. I've heard that alot of times the follicle will grow a thinner hair first then those will fall out when the more dense ones come up. Any adice or comments on this situation will help because i am really worried about it.

  4. I've been on proscar for a little over a year now, it seemed to be working good for a while. Recently though i've noticed my hair loss picking up, like it was before the proscar. The hairs falling out seem to be relatively smaller hairs though. I had a hair transplant about 7 months ago and im just wondering if maybe these hairs falling out are the first batch of graft hairs falling out because the more dense grafts are pushing their way up. I've heard that alot of times the follicle will grow a thinner hair first then those will fall out when the more dense ones come up. Any adice or comments on this situation will help because i am really worried about it.

  5. Im in month 7 of my hair transplant. I've been on propecia for a little over a year now. I haven't had any hair loss in a long time. In the last few weeks i've been noticing quite a few hairs have been falling out, they all seem to be short little hairs though. Im wondering if these hairs are the first batch of transplanted hairs falling out as the more dense hairs push their way out? I've heard this happens quite a bit. Is this normal?

  6. Im in month 7 of my hair transplant. I've been on propecia for a little over a year now. I haven't had any hair loss in a long time. In the last few weeks i've been noticing quite a few hairs have been falling out, they all seem to be short little hairs though. Im wondering if these hairs are the first batch of transplanted hairs falling out as the more dense hairs push their way out? I've heard this happens quite a bit. Is this normal?

  7. I've been taking propecia for about a year now. I never really thought about that contributing to the peach fuzz. I just figured and am hoping that it is the new follicles because i've heard they grow in very fine at first and then thicken up over time. But i don't understand why some would grow in thick right away while others would start out fine and then get thick. It is hard to tell though because im not really totally bald anywhere, just thin.

  8. Im at the 4.5 month mark and its hard for me too tell whats really going on due to my existing hair. I think i see a bunch of little peach fuzz hairs coming up, but im not sure if they are just the remnants of the old dead hairs. Some of them are growing in thick and normal looking though. Will some of the follicles start out as peach fuzz? If so how long before they start to become more dense. Why do some grow in thick right away and others start as peach fuzz? Any comments are appreciated.

  9. I had a HT 3.5 months ago and im not really seeing as much growth as i thought i would. I see a few poking up here and there, but nothing substantial. I had 1200 grafts distributed evenly over the top of my head, because i still had hair, it was just very very thin all over.Is this normal? When can i expect alot of new growth? Im wondering if its more difficult to see the new ones grow in with existing hair?


    [This message was edited by Drummerlar20 on June 10, 2003 at 06:59 PM.]

  10. I had a HT 3.5 months ago and im not really seeing as much growth as i thought i would. I see a few poking up here and there, but nothing substantial. I had 1200 grafts distributed evenly over the top of my head, because i still had hair, it was just very very thin all over.Is this normal? When can i expect alot of new growth? Im wondering if its more difficult to see the new ones grow in with existing hair?


    [This message was edited by Drummerlar20 on June 10, 2003 at 06:59 PM.]

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