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Posts posted by theanswerof

  1. Heya everyone, I did a research about LASIK thing since im planning to compact to the procedure next month ( im a little nervous about it) that is why i decided to rummage around facts as I can in regards to its advantages and disadvantages outcome. And I found out that the disadvantages of it like the healing of the eye thing involves a careful regimen by the patient and close monitoring by your surgeon for several months following the procedure. Also, depending on the size of the patient's pupil, "night glare" may occur in low light, especially in the days immediately following your procedure. Furthermore, each patient has individual healing characteristics so it means that not all people done this had or have the same effects after or same healing experience after but in the long run I also found the advantages of it, the entire procedure is painless and very fast - less than ten minutes, during which use of the laser beam lasts about 15 - 40 seconds, 98% of typical patients achieve 20/40 or better vision, which enables the patient to drive and participate in sports without the need for glasses or contact lenses, corneal strength is preserved and vision remains stable years after LASIK, it corrects myopia with or without astigmatism, and hyperopia with or without Astigmatism . So I do believe that this will serve as I guide to everyone who plan to have it. BTW wish me luck for my surgery next month im 102 % sure that I will go for it. I want to see and do things without those glasses and contacts. Wish me luck. Ohh BTW here's a link my2020 in case you want to have a wide understanding about LASIK.

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