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Posts posted by jwaves

  1. thanks for checking it out. I only too out 200 graft nd focused more on the revision. I have been trying really careful to not stretch it. However, 2 weeks ago (7 weeks after the op) I was sleeping on an inclined pillow and slipped down when I fell asleep which had caused my head to tilt. Not sure if this has caused the stretching?


    Before the op I had a pretty bad scar. Not sure what size but maybe 5mm or more. (I not quite comfortable with sharing the doc's name at this stage yet...) How long do you think I need to wait before going for another revision?

  2. ok so its 5 week since my hair transplant and I have been super careful with lifting anything heavy, any form of exercise or placing my chin to chest. I had a donor scar revision...hence the extra concern. However today I had my laptop in my backpack and decided to go shopping. I ended up with a handful of bags and started to feel a slight sensation on the left side of my head. I may be paranoid but I started to get worried. You know how when you think you are feeling something and it starts manifesting.


    My question is how careful should I be now...at five weeks? Would be good to know as I am traveling next weeks and may have to deal with luggage.

    darn it really testing my patience...

  3. Has anyone used a laser comb from neolight (you can get it at folica)...seems pretty cheap at 195?


    Is there a standard to making laser comb? There seems to be quite a few out there. Guess if it doesn't work...it would make a good bike or disco lights...

  4. Thank you everyone for your insight...I really appreciate this. I have mentally memorized all the advice. The doctor is leaving the non dissolve sutures in for a few weeks and I am not lifting heavy anything for the next month!


    One other question, when is safe to start using Mederma after the operation?

  5. I noticed there has been some good reviews on here regarding Revita but when I do a search there seem to be two brands with the same name. Should I be looking at Revita by DS laboratories or by loreal?


    Also, any good results with Tricomin or is this a waste of time?

  6. Hello all,


    I've just spent an hour going thru all the post related to post op regiment, especially for the donor site. However, I feel a bit confused as the opinions seem varied. I'm having a scar revision on the donor site and would like to do what I can to ensure that it heals well. Does anyone recommend using:


    Merderma, Neosprin or Iamin.


    When should I use this? Some are saying to use it at 5 days and others, to avoid it for a month?


    Also do you spray Graftcyte on the donor area too?


    And what else can I do to make sure it heals well?


    Thanks for your help,


  7. Hello all,


    I've just spent an hour going thru all the post related to post op regiment, especially for the donor site. However, I feel a bit confused as the opinions seem varied. I'm having a scar revision on the donor site and would like to do what I can to ensure that it heals well. Does anyone recommend using:


    Merderma, Neosprin or Iamin.


    When should I use this? Some are saying to use it at 5 days and others, to avoid it for a month?


    Also do you spray Graftcyte on the donor area too?


    And what else can I do to make sure it heals well?


    Thanks for your help,


  8. Hi Pat,


    Thanks for your feedback. I saw the surgeon today and he said the same thing..due to shock loss (the skin pulling quite tight). So hopefully it should come back. I guess I was worried because it seem to be in one area only and I didn't get any donor hair lost previously. Also, A few people had commented on the irregular path of the scar...I guess this might be from having a few surgery (i've had 2 prior 500 graft sessions)?


    (ps. may need to erase this post as I have duplicated it in 'hair transplant experieces)

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