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Posts posted by Constantinos00

  1. 25 minutes ago, gillenator said:

    At this point you owe it to yourself to get your scalp, especially your donor microscopically examined to see if your donor hair is suitable for transplantation.

    Yes, measurements would be helpful… Although, I have some microscope pictures of my donor because I have bought a digital microscope to check my scalp. But of course no comparison from a properly clinic measurement examination..

  2. 34 minutes ago, Rawkerboi said:

    At 23 years of age no ethical doctor will ever perform Hair Transplant.

    Have you considered trying dutasteride?

    Tried Dutasteride as well for about 3 months. Avodart 0.5mg. I didn’t drop Finasteride at that time and all the other treatments. I just added Dutasteride. I was taking Dut in the morning and Finasteride at night. My hair were getting worse on it. Miniaturization, hair diameter, etc. Then, I performed a DHT blood test in the same lab I had my previous result before adding Dutasteride, and my DHT increased! So, after the results I dropped Dutasteride.

    I have tried RU58841 as well for 7 whole months, and even from 3 different vendors but no results! Not even a change to my hair quality. Tried Pyrilutamide too for 5 months, but nothing! Like pure water on my scalp.

    Nothing works and nothing works like Finasteride and Minoxidil worked in my peak results….

    This curse has affected a lot my life and especially my mental health! Literally, destroyed my life…I know it’s a big risk going for HT at that age, but I am so exhausted with my life…

  3. Age: 23, but soon 24 in May


    Finasteride 1mg (Propecia)-4+ years.

    Topical Minoxidil-6+ years.

    Topical Finasteride-5+ years.

    Topical 17a-Estradiol-2 years.

    Topical Cetirizine-2 years.

    Very aggressive hairloss started from 17. Almost NW4! With a mix of DUPA and Retrograde. Minoxidil and Finasteride give me a miracle back in 2020, in my peak results, but since then, despite trying other treatments along the way, I have lost a lot of ground, especially at front. My hair loss is still on going. 

    I was just wondering by experienced members here, how many grafts approximately I would need to fix the hairline adequately, if say I would proceed to transplantation.




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