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Posts posted by Tarasilk

  1. Hi! To answer your questions...YES, Spironolactone can have a number of side effects, and you have to be monitored carefully if you are on it, particularly on the higher doses (100-200mg day). Bill has listed the most common ones, and it really isn't a drug to be taken lightly.


    I have a ongoing prescription for it, and it is covered by my insurance, so I just pay $10 a month. I really don't know what it would cost if I didn't have the prescription coverage. I do have an underlying medical condition though (apart from just the hairloss) for which my Dr. feels the prescription is warranted.


    I don't think that the Spiro alone slowed down my hairloss, but it may have decreased the rate of loss I might otherwise have had, if that makes any sense.


    Things are progressing OK with me...I will be 5 months post-HT this week. Most of my shockloss has already grown back, and I have noticeable improvement in certain spots. My hairloss also has aspects of a male pattern, with receded temples and a very weak front hairline. But, I also have some diffuse thinning on top as well.


    PM me anytime you want to chat....and I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer you sooner. icon_smile.gif



  2. Ty's Mom...I'm a female also (just turned 43), and I recently (late April) had a procedure with Dr. Epstein. He has a lot of experience with female patients, and is probably someone you should consider.


    As Bill said, welcome to this community...I've found it to be a very supportive place and I am sure that you will too.



  3. Fuzzywuzzy--


    I just saw your posts...and I really hope you will reconsider, and perhaps stay a bit longer.


    I'm also female, but a few years older than you are (42). I also recently had a HT...and I'm now almost 10 weeks post op. I had just over 2300 grafts, and have also experienced shockloss, with some areas worse than others. Believe me, I know it's no picnic.


    I've found that the extra wide headbands that are so popular now are a WONDERFUL thing, and fabulous at hiding the front and mid-scalp areas. The ones that are headbands with a scarf attached at both ends are especially great because they are not as snug fitting as a traditional headband. I just tie the two ends together in a double knot at the back of my neck and kind of flip the ends so that they hang down over one shoulder. I've been wearing them a lot lately, and have even received compliments on how cute my hair looks (go figure!!!!).


    Also, if you haven't tried Toppik, you really ought to give it a try. It is great at giving the illusion of added density, and though I've been using it sporadically for years, I'm finding that it even more valuable to have it on hand now.


    Feel free to PM me anytime if you want to chat...I totally understand what you are going through.



  4. Angel...I think you have put things in persepctive incredibly well. And I am so sorrty about your friends....it does make our little problems seem so trivial by comparison.


    Just as an aside...I think that short hair is great. I have worn mine short for a long time. I am several years older than you (early 40's), and I think that longer hair draws attention to itself, but shorter hair allows other features (such as nice skin or pretty eyes) to shine through, and often even enhances them.


    By the way, I think that more women wear wigs/hairpieces/use other options than we realize!! There's a woman I know, a few years older than me, that I have always envied for her impeccably styled, full and glossy dark hair. She confided to me after I told her about my HT that she has used Toppik for YEARS, and would never leave the house without it. I had NO idea.


    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever you decide!!!! icon_smile.gif

  5. Bill...thank so much!


    I have experienced some shock loss of my existing hair, which I know was to be expected. But actually, what I was a bit concerned about was the length of the transplanted hairs which are falling out now....I was under the impression (perhaps mistaken) that they the majority should have grown a bit in length after being transplanted. But, the tranplanted hairs I am shedding now all seem to be exactly the same length as the transplanted hairs which I shed weeks ago. That's my concern.


    Hope this makes sense...and thanks again!!!

  6. I am probably worrying about nothing, but I am now just under 5 weeks post-HT, and I am noticing that around my temples and hairline, a few of the grafted hairs are growing. While that is great, I am also noticing that the the hairs I am shedding at this point are exactly the same length as the ones which came out at around week 2. Shouldn't they be a bit longer as well?


    Any thoughts or insight would really be appreciated. Thanks!! icon_smile.gif

  7. I am probably worrying about nothing, but I am now just under 5 weeks post-HT, and I am noticing that around my temples and hairline, a few of the grafted hairs are growing. While that is great, I am also noticing that the the hairs I am shedding at this point are exactly the same length as the ones which came out at around week 2. Shouldn't they be a bit longer as well?


    Any thoughts or insight would really be appreciated. Thanks!! icon_smile.gif

  8. Hi Shelly!


    As I understand it, it's common for some people to notice some increased shedding after beginning use of rogaine--usually within the first couple of months. It's supposed to abate after a while though.



  9. I think that some hairloss after childbirth is extremely common...I experienced it myself with both my children. I think it has something to do with shifting hormone levels. My hair looked great and grew incredibly quickly while I was pregnant, but unfortunately I noticed substantial thinning a few months postpartum.

  10. Hi--


    I'm a woman also (really!), and I have to say, that the guys have given you excellent advice.


    I would only add that I feel that finding a HT doctor who is experienced in working with women is extremly important. All the doctors I researched, spoke with and consulted with are in the coalition, and not all of them have the same experience (or frankly...interest) in female patients as they do in male patients.


    And again, don't let location be your prime concern...find the best doctor that you possibly can for your particular situation.


    Wishing you the best of luck!!! icon_smile.gif

  11. Middleson--I agree that her comment could very well have been playful banter, as Bill suggested.


    It's just my opinion, but from what I've seen, there are many women who simply have no idea that this issue is a point of sensitivity with many men, and that it can affect their self-esteem very deeply. Now, of course I do, as I've been hanging around here long enough to know, but many women...even some women dealing with hairloss themselves...have the mistaken perception that for a guy, MPB is probably not that big a deal.


    I'm not entirely sure why that is...but it is an area where some women can blunder into what we would consider an insult without even being fully aware of how hurtful their words might be. Obviously, I think that some of my fellow ladies could benefit from being better educated on the subject...but I'm not sure how that could come about.


    Um... is this a dating site or hairloss site?


    Ahhhh..... Love at first hairtransplant..... that is beautiful folks icon_wink.gif




    B Spot--actually that is an awesome idea!


    Think of the romantic possibilities....sharing the same bottle of Nizoral, comparing graft counts, and perhaps best of all, doing scalp stretching exercises together by candlelight. icon_smile.gif


    Make sure Pat adds some extra pay into your weekly shill envelope for coming up with that. It's definitely a winner. icon_smile.gif



  13. Okay, Tara........Whereas the HairTransplantNetwork exists soley to profit its owner (prime directive).........Whereas it's posters hereby pledge full support of the Prime Directive........a proclamation is issued this day that Tarasilk, hereafter called Tarashillk, is now a member of the Order of the Shills of HTN!!!!



    Really???? WOOHOO!!!! This is even BETTER than the spa package I got for Mother's Day!!


    And Bill...sorry dude. If your amazing clone-o-meter is incapabale of producing a female clone on its own....then I gotta say:


    Step aside brother...I thought of it first. icon_smile.gif



  14. You guys are missing part of the picture here. I see a vast untapped market for a female shill (or would that be "shillette"?). Accordingly, I nominate myself.


    I'll step aside though if Bill wants to claim that he's capable of generating a female clone too...otherwise, that niche is mine.



  15. Pat....I know that I am still a "newbie" here, but since you are asking for input, I want to add this.


    Whatever this person wants to think of you or this community, I have found it to be a really supportive and caring place. Obviously, the very nature of this type of issue is going to be predominantly male, but I can't think of many "men's" forums where I could have joined and been as welcomed as I have here.


    Some of the people whom Perfect Few has called "shills" have gone out of their way to be kind to me, both on the board and in PM's. I posted for the first time after I had already selected my Doctor, so if this place was such a haven for shills I suppose there would have been no point in commenting to me at all, or answering any of my posts. Obvisously, that was not the case at all.


    This person has been insulting to individual board members, and keeps spamming the board with essentially the SAME post over and OVER again. It's like a child asking his Mom for someting again and again in the hopes of finally getting the answer he wants to hear.


    Since this person has shown he has nothing positive to contribute, and is only here to create negativity and disruption, I am in favor of you banning him from this site.



  16. Hi!!!


    I also noticed some increase in facial hair growth when I was using the 5% minoxidil...it was fairly mild though, and pretty much just my eyebrows. But a tweeze here, and a pluck there, and it really wasn't a problem. My problem was the 5% was just too greasy, and I wasn't noticing a whole lot of difference where I really wanted to...namely, the hair on my head! So, I've been using the 2% ever since (though I'm now on a bit of a hiatus because I had a HT a little over two weeks ago). But, even though I didn't get the hair growth I was looking for from either formulation, it's very possible it could have slowed down the rate of loss from where I would have been if I hadn't used the product. And when I switched to the 2%, the issue with my eyebrows seemed to gradually go away entirely.


    I've never used Vaniqua, so I can't address your concerns there. But (and this is just a guess, of course), it might stand to reason that since you are noticing such a pronouced response to Rogaine in terms of facial hair growth, that you may very well be a good responder for the hair on your scalp as well!!! But, I know the dilemna you are feeling....deciding between thin hair or facial hair (for us women) is like deciding between two poisons.


    I also haven't used Propecia...I'm 42, and I'm not planning on having any more children, but because I still can, no doctor will write me a prescription (I've asked).


    Hope this helps in some way, and feel free to post or PM me anytime!!!

  17. Thanks BeHappy! Yes, I have to wonder about that too. I know Just For Men contains less product than the typical women's hair color, but it seems like a much better formulation.


    Revlon used to make a product called "High Dimension" which was a 10 minute color, but unlike Just For Men it did contain ammonia (I'm fairly sure). Anyway, it was discontinued, so that one isn't an option anyway.

  18. Folica...some days I don't feel that way...but thanks!!! icon_smile.gif And I appreciate your opinion of the product...that's just what I needed to know.


    Tisab...I'll probably still wear my hair short for the forseeable future (I'm only 11 days post HT now). But hey....if later on I end up having to buy TWO boxes in order to fully color my dense, thick hair on top, it won't bother me one bit!! icon_wink.gif

  19. I was just wondering if any of you use the "Just For Men" line of hair color. Someone mentioned to me that I might want to try it when I'm able to color my hair again, because it has no ammonia and doesn't need to be left on as long as the typical women's hair color. He also told me to try a shade lighter than I would ordinarily choose. I'm not in the target demographic for this product, but I have short hair and don't see why it couldn't work for me too.


    Any thoughts or opinions would really be appreciated. Thanks! icon_smile.gif

  20. Scarred....to respond...yes, I have had personal experince with HT. I'm 8 days out from my surgery. I'm hopeful that it will make my hair better, but I'm aware that it could make me look worse, and I'm prepared for that too.


    I'm sorry you weren't warned by your Doctor ahead of time about the possible negative effects of your surgery. I certainly was, and would have been aware of them anyway from my research, videotaped consultation or not. I can understand your anger at being misled, but your experience does not curse the entire profession.


    Best of luck to you.

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