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Posts posted by JJT

  1. I am week 4 post procedure and started taking Propecia about a week ago. Healing has gone fantastically with absolutely no issues. In fact, two weeks post procedure you would have been hard pressed to even know I had the procedure done at all.


    My concern is this; I started to notice that once I started taking the Propecia that I began shedding in the back of my head around the donor area. I can't tell but may also be a bit with my native hair on top and front and other areas. I find a few hairs in my hands when I shampoo and when I run my hands through my hair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pulling clumps out but occassional hair that seem to be more than I ever noticed before. I don't know if I am being overly concerned but I need to know if this is normal to lose native hair in the donor area and surrounding areas or if I should maybe stop taking the Propecia.


    I expected the "normal" shock loss of the transplanted hair but I am freaking a bit about losing my native hair.


    Any words of wisdom?



  2. I am week 4 post procedure and started taking Propecia about a week ago. Healing has gone fantastically with absolutely no issues. In fact, two weeks post procedure you would have been hard pressed to even know I had the procedure done at all.


    My concern is this; I started to notice that once I started taking the Propecia that I began shedding in the back of my head around the donor area. I can't tell but may also be a bit with my native hair on top and front and other areas. I find a few hairs in my hands when I shampoo and when I run my hands through my hair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pulling clumps out but occassional hair that seem to be more than I ever noticed before. I don't know if I am being overly concerned but I need to know if this is normal to lose native hair in the donor area and surrounding areas or if I should maybe stop taking the Propecia.


    I expected the "normal" shock loss of the transplanted hair but I am freaking a bit about losing my native hair.


    Any words of wisdom?



  3. dakota3...My plan was to be somewhat conservative and decided to start on the front and top and have the crown and some fill in next year. Although the graft count seems low (1684), when I look at the grafts in a mirror it looks like there are hairs planted all over the place...So, I'm hopeful that even with the low graft count the fill will be what I'm hoping for.


    Dewayne...I actually wanted the front 2/3 leaving the crown for next year. I can't believe how quickly the healing took place. I was all set to endure a drawn out process of concealing the procedure with a ball cap (RED SOX!) and some concealer makeup. To my pleasant surprise I really don't need either after only 5 days. As of today the only thing that is noticeable is the dry skin and some scabbing.


    Hopefully with my new shampoo routine that starts today the dry skin will fluff off and within a few days there won't be anything noticeable.


    I must say, today I have to do the first shampoo where I have to actually gently scrub the grafts and I'm freaking out... icon_eek.gif


    Thanks again!

  4. No worries...I understand.


    I've attached a single pic taken 4 days post op. To my amazement virtually all the redness is gone! If it weren't for the scabs I don't think anyone would know I had anything done.


    The pic is not that good because I couldn't get close enough to show the graft placement but I think It shows enough to get an idea of where I started from...


    1684 Dr. Dorin 5/8/08


  5. Dewayne, I'm not sure why you think my post is so odd... Many people just like me have used this forum to search out answers to questions regarding the procedure by reading posts from others...You don't need to register and post to have your questions answered.


    I must say that I'm a bit surprised and frankly a bit bewildered by the strange welcome you give me with your questioning (albeit indirectly) about the legitimacy of my registration.


    Just so you'll be satisfied Dewayne, I joined after my procedure because now that I've had the procedure and had a great experience, I feel compelled to share my experience with others who might want to know, just like I did, about the procedure.

  6. My first procedure ever and all I can say is that Dr. Dorin and his staff are awesome! I was scared to death arriving at the office for my procedure but Dr. Dorin quickly made me feel very comfortable and I quickly lost my nervousness (OK the valium helped a bit).


    The procedure was painless and the Dr. and his staff were extremely professional and efficient. I had 1684 grafts placed in the front and top and so far (3 days post op) the healing looks great. I can't wait to see new growth.


    I want to thank everyone on this forum that contributes because when I was doing my research the forum was a HUGE help in answering many of my questions and concerns. Thank you all!

  7. My first procedure ever and all I can say is that Dr. Dorin and his staff are awesome! I was scared to death arriving at the office for my procedure but Dr. Dorin quickly made me feel very comfortable and I quickly lost my nervousness (OK the valium helped a bit).


    The procedure was painless and the Dr. and his staff were extremely professional and efficient. I had 1684 grafts placed in the front and top and so far (3 days post op) the healing looks great. I can't wait to see new growth.


    I want to thank everyone on this forum that contributes because when I was doing my research the forum was a HUGE help in answering many of my questions and concerns. Thank you all!

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