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Posts posted by londonbased

  1. Hi all,

    I had a hair transplant 13 months ago, and a follow-up procedure two weeks ago.

    In terms of meds, I have been on oral fin 1mg daily and topical min for 2 years. Added oral duta 0.5mg (2x per week alternating with fin) about 5 months ago and oral minox 2.5mg daily about 3 weeks ago.

    Being curious, I bought a microscopic camera to look at my scalp in more detail. As per the pic, I am noticing a lot of shorter hairs that appear not too wispy.

    I am hoping they might be late blooming new hairs from first HT or due to new medication I am taking recently (oral dut and minox), or some possibly from the recent HT. That these will grow out into longer healthy hair, as I could really do with some thickening up of my scalp, especially as my remaining donor hair is apparently now very limited.

    But they might just be weak hairs that only grow a short length (nothing further) or even be hairs that are miniaturising (balding). Which would be unfortunate.

    Can I draw any conclusions based on microscopic images such as these? Maybe not.


    Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 18.43.17.png

  2. Ok. I assumed you are based in Ireland so could have been a decent local option. But makes perfect sense to travel elsewhere for the right doctor. Just be careful you don’t get a deal that is too good to be true, especially when budget is very important for you (understandably so). I’m sure some others on here have great recommendations of where to go.

    I see you are on your second HT so you are likely aware of the above. Good luck. ☺️👍🏻

  3. Thanks Gatsby. Interestingly, my surgeon also said that Nizoral is not that helpful. I might buy the caffeine scalp treatment (Inkey brand) and layer with topical minoxidil onto the scalp before bed. I am a little hesitant to increase from 2.5mg to 5mg oral minox at this point due to potential side effects -- I don't want to push my luck as I have not had any sides with finasteride or dutasteride. 

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  4. Hi, I am NW 6/7, male 46yo. Below is my current med regime. Anything you would change?

    • Oral finasteride 1mg 5x per week
    • Oral dutasteride 0.5mg 2x per week
    • Oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily
    • Topical minoxidil daily (Rogaine foam applied before bed)
    • Nizoral Ketoconazole shampoo once per week
    • Derma-roller 0.5mm once per week

    When I see it typed out, it is actually a lot of stuff. A mini pharmacy. :/

    My HT surgeon also recommended caffeine stimulating scalp treatment. I have not got this yet as I already apply topical minoxidil at night; ideally don't want to put something in the morning which could make hair greasy.


  5. Thanks SuperHans. Sure, I had the first surgery performed by Dr Ismail at the Wimpole Clinic in London. As mentioned, it was overall a good experience for me, in particular they provided great communication and were very supportive both pre and post op.

    Just curious, why would you be tempted not to go for a second surgery? Cheers.

  6. Thanks Hairwolf. I think they did 2500 grafts as here in the UK they are generally adverse to large sessions. I am making an assumption there; I could be incorrect. After the first procedure we would see the results and assess how much donor hair I have left. If I went all in with 4000 grafts in one session, they said there would be a risk of lower graft yield. Of course I could get a larger amount done in consecutive days, but at the time I was greedy and wanted to get it all done in one day.

  7. @Shadman
    The design outlined by the clinic concluded I would require approximately 2500 grafts (each containing 1-3 hairs), which would be used to establish a suitable frontal hair line, thickening back throughout the frontal two thirds of my scalp, but leaving the crown area at the back, as this would use-up grafts that would be better-used towards the front.

    I am planning to get a touch-up to refine the front and thicken up. Does it look what one might broadly expect for 2500 grafts? Realise we can’t perform miracles on a bald head (at least not on the first pass). 

  8. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am generally happy with the result. As you said it gave me a foundation to add more, and now focus on a few specific areas. Interestingly I had an appointment with Dr Reddy on a follow-up procedure (who is a very highly-regarded surgeon from what I read). He said the grafts they took might have left some donor scarring that could compromise future donor capacity. So I would likely only get 4000 grafts total. In hindsight, I wish I had gone to him for the first procedure (but I guess hindsight is 20/20). I am happy with the outcome of the first surgery. Dr Reddy is more precise than most in carefully taking out and using grafts -- of course he takes more time and has a different price point to several other clinics.

  9. Hi all,

    I have been lurking on this site for a while now. 12 months ago I had a hair transplant at a London UK based clinic.

    I had 2500 grafts FUE done in one session. Pictures below show where I started, then post surgery and then 12 months later. Sorry I don't have better pictures.

    Any thoughts on how this looks? Does it look like 2500 grafts (thereabouts)? I am on oral fin/dut daily (alternate days), topical minox daily and derma-roller (once per week). I am just starting oral minox. Just to note I have been on fin for two years and just added dut in Nov. I am 46 y/o.

    My own assessment is I have got some decent coverage compared to having very little when I started and am hoping to get a follow-up procedure to soften hairline and add density.

    Thanks in advance.




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