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Posts posted by KAIT

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm on day 10 of my transplant, and my transplanted hair has scabs and cracks forming. Can I leave Jojoba oil on my scabs for 30 minutes before showering to help me remove the scabs more easily?

    My doctor suggested Baby oil or Coconut oil, but I live in a small city, and I can't find these anywhere, and to order them online will take a few days to reach me. However, I currently have Jojoba available at home.


  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm scheduled to have a hair transplant done in the next two months, and recently I started thinking about whether these veins popping out of my forehead will be an issue when doing a hair transplant. The veins go back in quite a bit when I lay down on my back, but that still leads me to wonder if there will be an issue when the doctor is making the incision on my forehead to place the grafts in. Could the doctor accidentally puncture the vein?

    Has anyone with veins like mine on their forehead gone through a hair transplant, and if so, how did it go? 

    I tried searching the forums, but I couldn't find anything regarding this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I already asked my doctor and she said I should probably be fine which wasn't very reassuring.




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