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Posts posted by lookimrory

  1. On 3/11/2024 at 6:36 PM, lookimrory said:

    Getting my Xyon Dutasteride in the mail next week sometime. I had side effects on topical minoxidil and .01% finasteride that I applied only once every 3 days. I'm wondering if this means I have a porous scalp or just unlucky with being sensitive to both min and fin. Hoping that dutasteride with its higher molecular weight (and the xyon siloxysystem) prevents side effects.

    I plan on going slow, but I also use 2% ketoconazole a couple times a week and saw palmetto supplements twice daily. If I am potentially one of those that reacts to changes in my DHT levels, should I cut the supplements and shampoo? 

    Also, I don't like to wash my hair often, it turns into a big poofball when I do. As such, I only wash once every 3/4 days. How should I apply the Xyon? Right after a wash in the morning when my hair is clean and then wash it out at night? Is it safe to leave in for 3-4 days in between my washes? Can I apply it to a scalp that hasn't been washed in 3 days in the morning with the intention of washing it out at night?

    I have pre-treatment blood done, I am going to test again after using the Xyon. I also plan on doing once a week for the first month to see how I feel, then increasing to twice per week and so on while monitoring my DHT levels and my side effects.

    If it matters, I just started noticing my thinning on the crown last August. Still not noticeable when my hair is dry. I was on some long term antibiotics about two years ago that gave me serious stomach and digestive issues. I just started to correct that with pro-biotics and eating super healthy, but I wonder how much of this sudden thinning (my hair has always been super super thick - especially in the crown) is related to my gut issues and not scalp DHT.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, reading this thread from start to finish was very enlightening and bought me hope I've come to the right place!

    A little update on my situation with some questions:


    Been using Xyon for two months now, started the first 6 weeks using 1x per week. As mentioned, I usually wash my hair every 3-4 days, so my routine was 

    apply Wednesday morning (to a head of hair not washed in 3/4 days)

    wash Wednesday night

    I had some eye issues with finasteride. Things would get blurry, sometimes I felt like I had to rub my eye to get the blur out, it was difficult to focus sometimes. They weren't terrible, but definitely there. As a 38 year old who just started needing readers before I started my hair loss journey, it worried me that I might make things worse as my eyes were naturally digressing with age.

    The first 3-4 weeks I had no issues, but now I feel like my eye issues have returned, but with less severity. On finasteride, they were mild issues, now I believe they are minor, yet it still makes me concerned I might be making things worse in the long term. 

    In the last 2 weeks I increased the dose to 1x every 5 days. Since then, I feel so extremely tired and drowsy all day. On high dose topical finasteride from Hims I felt brain fog and lack of motivation, but this feels different. Reminds me of when I had mono in college, I just can't shake feeling super tired.

    Are both of these side effects of the Xyon? Should I change back to 1x a week, or is it even worth doing that small amount of time?

    I also ordered Lipodut from Anagenica .05%, I was thinking maybe since its a lower dose to stop Xyon and try this starting at 1x a week.


    tldr: If anyone has any insight on eye side effects, drowsy side effects, or Anagenica products, I'd love to hear them

  2. Getting my Xyon Dutasteride in the mail next week sometime. I had side effects on topical minoxidil and .01% finasteride that I applied only once every 3 days. I'm wondering if this means I have a porous scalp or just unlucky with being sensitive to both min and fin. Hoping that dutasteride with its higher molecular weight (and the xyon siloxysystem) prevents side effects.

    I plan on going slow, but I also use 2% ketoconazole a couple times a week and saw palmetto supplements twice daily. If I am potentially one of those that reacts to changes in my DHT levels, should I cut the supplements and shampoo? 

    Also, I don't like to wash my hair often, it turns into a big poofball when I do. As such, I only wash once every 3/4 days. How should I apply the Xyon? Right after a wash in the morning when my hair is clean and then wash it out at night? Is it safe to leave in for 3-4 days in between my washes? Can I apply it to a scalp that hasn't been washed in 3 days in the morning with the intention of washing it out at night?

    I have pre-treatment blood done, I am going to test again after using the Xyon. I also plan on doing once a week for the first month to see how I feel, then increasing to twice per week and so on while monitoring my DHT levels and my side effects.

    If it matters, I just started noticing my thinning on the crown last August. Still not noticeable when my hair is dry. I was on some long term antibiotics about two years ago that gave me serious stomach and digestive issues. I just started to correct that with pro-biotics and eating super healthy, but I wonder how much of this sudden thinning (my hair has always been super super thick - especially in the crown) is related to my gut issues and not scalp DHT.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, reading this thread from start to finish was very enlightening and bought me hope I've come to the right place!

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