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Posts posted by naeshair

  1. Currently five days post op. Really not sure what to think about my results so far. They set expectations with me that one procedure was not enough to cover the slight thinning of the crown area. They also said that if I wanted good density in the front they wouldn't be able to lower my hairline as much as they would like. All I asked was that my hairline be restored to what it was naturally about 15 years ago in the photos I showed as examples. I was told the # of grafts was 2500, but was confused as to why they didn't offer to do more grafts if that is what was needed?

    Overall my experience with the staff was very pleasant, they were professional and friendly. I have attached some pics of my results. On the day of procedure I arrived at 6am and was finished by about 2pm. This was with all the checkin as well as postop stuff. Actual extractions and implantation were around 2-2.5 hours each.






  2. So I had a consultation with Dr. Sastra at HMR to clear up some questions on medication treatment prior to procedure and received some confusing info. First he said that medication treatment isn't as important at my age (42) as it is for younger guys. He recommended doing the procedure and definitely taking medication after. He said I was a good candidate and agreed with the quote of 2200-2400 grafts. Said my crown is good and restoration of the hair line would be priority and that I could expect good results. 

    Then I asked the same question via Whatsapp to Dr. Custodio's people, they said to take medication a minimum of a month prior but the longer the better. This seemed quite vague. No availability in Mexico this year and 2025 at the earliest. 

    Still have heard nothing from Dr. Nader and it's been a month. I have reached out at least six times via email and multiple phone calls. This doesn't look like it's going to happen as I'm sure he's booked far in the future.

    With HMR I could get in the second week of May. But this also begs the question, if I can get in so soon are they good? Melvin said Dr. Cortez is a good surgeon. They also confirmed he would be doing extraction and implantation personally. With the feedback Dr. Sastra gave me I am confused, either medication isn't that big of a deal, or they are pushing for surgeries and don't care about what is best for the patient.

    I also contacted another clinic local in Colorado. They are more expensive at $6 / graft. He is not a hair transplant only surgeon. I sent pics and she gave me the following feedback:

    "Thank you for taking the time to send over images. I have reviewed these with Dr. McCracken and while it's difficult to identify the exact number of hair grafts required to address your areas of concern, we're suspecting that you might be looking at somewhere between 1500-2000 grafts."

    Also, I have started the minoxidil / finasteride topical treatment I posted previously, the 10/0.1%.

    Thank you for any feedback.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    @naeshair you have to realize that medication is the first port of call and surgery should be a last resort. If you are able to stabilize your hair loss then that puts you in a great position for surgery. Rarely is surgery a one off experience over the lifespan.

    At our clinic we have some patients taking a MINOXIDIL/FINASTERIDE Solution,10/0.1%. It comes in a 50ml bottle. What do you think of this option?

  4. Thank you I appreciate that feedback. I am pretty new to this. I have been hesitant to explore medications as I don't like take medications that effect my hormones specifically blocking DHT. I don't even like to take aspirin. Ironically I works at a hormone therapy clinic and have heard of bad outcomes as well as colleagues that don't advocate for using anything systemically that blocks DHT, especially as it related to sexual function. Any thoughts? Perhaps a topical compound to consider? What is a reasonable time frame to attempt to stabilize. I apologize if this is introductory.

  5. Hello friends -

    I just received a quote from HMR in Tijuana with Dr. Cortez. I was looking at a date of May 3rd for the procedure as I need a Thursday or Friday. Other top surgeons in Mexico seem to booked out for a very long time. I would like some feedback on the quote I received. I don't have an issue with the cost, but the number of grafts I am questioning and people's feedback on Dr. Cortez. It seems HMR has good reviews, but the more I look into the forums it seems questionable.

    If anyone can please provide any feedback I would really appreciate it. I have shaved my head for 5 years now. Just accepted that my hair was no longer good so preferred to let it go. Now at 42 I still can't escape my vanity of what once was ;) I didn't think these FUEs were so great.

    I have no male pattern baldness in my family, my father still has a full head of hair at 74, my maternal grandfather died at 97 with a full head of hair. I did use some testosterone and other androgens in my early 20s so I suppose that could have contributed. Below is the response from HMR:


    Thank you for reaching out to us. As a specialized company in Hair Transplant employing the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction), we've carefully assessed your case. To restore your hairline and enhance density in the front, approximately 2200 - 2400 grafts are recommended. 


    Post-procedure, a personalized medical treatment plan is advised to maintain the health of your native hair.


    It's worth noting that your donor area appears to have lower density, posing a challenge in achieving optimal coverage. We always strive for the best results and encourage you to thoroughly educate yourself about hair transplantation before proceeding.


    The cost for the recommended 2400 grafts is $5520 USD


    I have attached my images. I really appreciate any feedback you guys have.








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