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Posts posted by TravHair

  1. This post is just my thoughts out loud that I've scrambled together speaking to people and wanted to post here to learn and become even better educated from others who are entering this experience themselves or have already had a procedure done.


     - I know not to get it done in Australia, because the quality is just not up to the level it's reached elsewhere in the world. Turkey Is too far away to be feasible and heard there is many botch clinics due to the booming hair industry there. So in the end I have settled on Thailand for the combination of quality and location.


    - I've been referred by someone ive reached out to via reddit that Dr Laorwang is a respectable option or Dr ratchathorn from the same clinic 'absolute hair clinic'


    - Am i a macro hairline, or a micro? Because supposedly Dr Laorwang specialises in micro and Dr ratchathorn specialises in macro.


    - I've been told to do irregularities of both macro and micro.


    - ive been told to do a single fine hair graft first 2 rows to create a more natural look.


    - I've been told i will probably need approx 4k grafts for my procedure.


    - I've been told to focus on the hairline first and with leftover grafts put them into the crown and then re visit at a later date and do the crown separately.


    - What about the futher hair loss that is still yet to still thin and fall out around the hairline and crown? Worried about further recession and demarcation issues between transplanted and non transplanted


    - Please educate me on what beneficial extras I'm looking for included in the procedure or should pay extra to add that will positively effect the overall outcome. Like medications and pre/post precautionary treatments.




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