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Posts posted by Qwert

  1. I had an amazing procedure done with Dr Hasson 5 years ago but I am now looking for a very good FUE Dr to have some small areas filled in.


    I want to save my next strip procedure with Dr Hasson for later, just incase I need the donar area, but I was thinking that an FUE Dr can grab grafts from below the scar & the side of the head where strip cannot, so it's a good procedure for now.


    Any suggestions?

  2. Honestly guys, all this may be very very dangerous, but really, is life worth living if one is bald as a cue ball? icon_wink.gif


    But seriosuly, I'm on 3mg avodart a day with no side effects what so ever. My friend is on 10mg & he's growing hair in places on his head that he hasn't had in years. EVERYTHING is dose dependent & since the studies were done on 5mg, I think taking .5mg is too little. It's like taking propecia instead of a tab of proscar.

  3. JUst-a-guy, as I said before, you're in SEVERE need of many many quality sessions with a psychiatrist. That goes without saying. You really don't 'get it'. But then again, the mentally challenged, hardly do. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to run my fingers through my thick thick full head of hair & bask in the after glow.

  4. JUst-a-guy, you are a moron, plain & simple. Through your ignorance & lack of due diligence, you went to the wrong Dr & got burned. It's as much your fault as theirs. I did my homework, went to one of the best Drs around & have an amazing new full head of hair. My life is a lot better fo rit as well. The things that you're saying reek of severe mental problems. I doubt that even with a proper HT that you'd be happy. Obviously you're more in need of a psychiatrist than a HT Dr. Seek help immediately. I, myself, will seek some new styling gel to help control my thick thick new hair.

  5. Not to make you feel uncomfortable, but I'd be panicing right now. I'd say you definitely did some damage. Hopefully it's minor. After I got my HT, I slept sitting down for 3-4 days & babied my head for 2 weeks. After all, you spend $1000s of dollars & go through surgery, it only made sense. Hopefully you'll turn out ok, but you won't know until month 6-8 really.

  6. Hank, 1st, congratulations on your HT. However, not to rain on your parade, but the amount of graft you got with Dr Gabel were far below what you'd need to give yourself an acceptable "full" look. You'll go from being very bald in the front, to looking like you're thinning & receding. You'd have been better off taking the chance of at least listening to that awful evil high pressure salesman or taking the 30min plane ride or 5hr car drive to H&W & getting a mega session of 3000-4000+. As much as Dr Gabel is the best in NW, I doubt that he's anywhere near as good as Dr Hasson when it comes to mega sessions. You'd have to go back to Dr Gabel at least once or twice more to get the same result you'd have gotten from that nasty evil place that the high pressure salesman represented. And hey, as much as I enjoyed my HT experience, if I don't have to go under the knife more than once to get my desired results, I won't.


    FYI, I talked to 4 different HT Dr's before settling on H&W, & out of all of them, H&W were the LEAST high pressure. They almost didn't care if I booked with them or not. However, they did make VERY sure that I knew all the facts & had all of my questions answered thoroughly. Then it was left to me to decide.

  7. That posting was done by a shill with a capital "S". Being the best in your area means nothing. For something as life changing as a HT, you want to go to the BEST...period!!! Not the best in your area. Going in to H&W monthly to have progress pics taken, I see fellow HT patients from Spain, UK, all over the USA etc. These people, I'm sure, have HT Dr's in their area who were "the best", but they opted to get on a plane & fly to another country to see the best 'in the world'. I've said it many times before, you can't be lazy & cheap when it comes to hair. You will always regret it later. To me, it's like getting discount heart surgery by Dr Nick Riviera.

  8. I would suggest by passing Dr Jones. He has a bad reputation for performing HT that yield poor results. What's the use of getting 1500 grafts done, when most of them never start growing? I was originally thinking of going to him, but changed my mind after reading reviews, talking to some of his past patients & exchanging a few e-mails with him. Getting a HT is traumatic enough. Imagine having one done where most of your grafts are rendered useless & never start growing.

  9. Here are clear pics taken at H&W showing pre op & month 5. I'm beyond happy with the results right now. The patchy thin look is gone. However, Dr Hasson told me today that the 'serious' growth happens around month 5-8, so supposedly, "I ain't seen nothing yet".


    9831014332_29C364299F0CD8DD8E7372BE46AE559B.jpg.thumb 5931014332_331442E4E7592E75E40CED37924702CD.jpg.thumb 4931014332_54A7E135EB8C4FA7190A8F8FA7BFB9D9.jpg.thumb 3931014332_36606954EC3AE5E05794B3CF2490B7B2.jpg.thumb 2931014332_ECF0C7AA7DBF4720FCD23191B0A58A17.jpg.thumb 1931014332_FEB2A2861F82EFEF2C2496297B5D7D70.jpg.thumb



  10. Here are clear pics taken at H&W showing pre op & month 5. I'm beyond happy with the results right now. The patchy thin look is gone. However, Dr Hasson told me today that the 'serious' growth happens around month 5-8, so supposedly, "I ain't seen nothing yet".


    9831014332_29C364299F0CD8DD8E7372BE46AE559B.jpg.thumb 5931014332_331442E4E7592E75E40CED37924702CD.jpg.thumb 4931014332_54A7E135EB8C4FA7190A8F8FA7BFB9D9.jpg.thumb 3931014332_36606954EC3AE5E05794B3CF2490B7B2.jpg.thumb 2931014332_ECF0C7AA7DBF4720FCD23191B0A58A17.jpg.thumb 1931014332_FEB2A2861F82EFEF2C2496297B5D7D70.jpg.thumb



  11. Originally posted by hairbank:



    Are your pics going to be posted at the H&W website? It's a little tough to see with these.......................I remember your old pics just after the HT, I agree, you're not going to have any problem growing a "fro" later on. Your harvest was plentiful ;^).


    Post others if you can.


    I don't know if they will be posted on their site. For sure not right now, since my grafts haven't even begun to get going. Maybe in a year once they're all 'up & running' so to speak. I'll definitely post a 6 month time line though in the next 2 months once I get all the pics put onto 1 disc.

  12. Originally posted by kg007:

    Qwert -


    Can you post more clear pictures? it's really difficult to see before and after results.


    Sorry, these pics aren't very good since they were taken with my computer quick cam. I've been going into H&W every month for proper pics, but don't have them at hand. At month 6, I will request them & will do a time line.

  13. Not the greatest quality pics, but these show me 1 week pre op, 1 day post op & 4.5 months post op. I can pass for having a full head of hair now, but I think the growth hasn't even begun to really get going. By month 8, I should have an afro like I did in my teens. ;o)





  14. Originally posted by hairworthy:
    Originally posted by Qwert:

    With all due respect, 1mg procecia won't do anything, except be a waste of your time & money. I wouldn't even bother with propecia, but if you have your heart set on it, I'd go for 2.5 to 5mg a day. Better yet, go with Avodart at .5 to 1mg a day


    Originally posted by ifloss:


    The regimen I'm using was suggested by Dr. Cooley.


    Qwert, "with all due respect" you simply don't know what you're talking about.


    1. Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) DOES work, there's no question about it.


    2. The recommended dosage for optimum effect is 1mg per day. ALL the published studies show that increasing it does NOT improve the results. There is a chart somewhere on this forum that clearly shows it.


    3. Whatever the med, NEVER exceed the recommended dosage. If you do, especially with Finasteride, you play with your hormons, your liver (through the enzymes it creates) and ultimately your life. Think you know better? Go ahead, stuff yourself with drugs but please DON'T ADVISE others to do so, especially if you're not an MD.


    4. 1mg of Finasteride every other day has been enough to stop and regrow hair on my crown.


    5. Frankly, I am surprised that, having been to H&W, spoken at length to Dr Hasson and probably to Jotronic and heard one or two stories about Dutasteride (whose long-term effects are still unknown by the way), you write comments like that.



    ifloss, follow Dr Cooley's advice. He knows his stuff.


    Actually, with all due respect, I do know what I am talking about, based on personal experience, talking with Dr Hasson, as well as seeing this 1st hand with about a dozen other people. Sure, 1mg will work. But will it work optimally? Also, EVERYTHING is dose dependent. What if someone has higher DHT levels or converts test to DHT more readily than others? I personally saw dramatic results when I went from 1mg to 2.5 mg to 5mg proscar. Was this all in my head? I get blood work done 2x a year & even at my highest dosage of 7.5mg proscar, I had no problems what so ever & I was on proscar for 5+ years. Now that I'm on Avodart, & not just .5mg a day, the blood tests are still well within normal. For me, when it comes to hair, I won't screw around anymore. Once you lose it, the chances of having it all come back are zero. And as much as my HT experience was phenomenal, if I didn't have to get it done, I wouldn't have. I don't think someone is going to drop dead or suffer ill effects from taking 2.5mg proscar or 1mg dudasteride. I really do think 1mg eod of finasteride is a sub par dosage of an inferior drug.

  15. Just speaking for myself, if I could get 4000-6000 grafts done properly & safely in one session, I would rather do that, than go under the blade 2-3 times to get the same thing. Who wouldn't? I think that is Muddpuppy's frustration, since he could've been done & over with it all by now if he had a mega session in the 1st place. Good luck Mudpuppy!!!

  16. I used GABA years ago as a way to boost natural GH levels. It did absolutely nothing. Since then, I've learned that nothing taken orally can raise GH levels enough to make a difference. The ONLY way to boost GH levels is to take the actual 191 amino acid chain synthetic growth hormone at 2iu+ a day. All those GH realising/boosting supplements are a total scam.

  17. I was dead set on going to DHI for FUE before I found out the facts. 1st, the survival rate of the grafts are MUCH lower with FUE than strip. 2) The Dr. can't always tell if a follicle is damaged before implanting. 3) On curly hair, liek mine, it's very hard for the instrument to go deep to grab the follicle without damaging the root. Take into consideration the extra time involved since they can only do approx 500 grafts per day & the high cost, that, for me, it wasn't worth it. Hell, forget the cost. I didn't want to risk the low graft survival rate & risk of damage to the precious few hairs I had left in the donor area. I can see FUE being a good choice to fill in a scar, but for large sessions, it didn't make sense to me.

  18. Using it morning & night, 12hrs apart, seems to be a logical & convenient way to use it. I use it via a spray. I hold it close to my scalp, spray, then shampoo it into my hair so it's soaked. Then let it dry. The shorter your hair, the more that will get on your scalp right away. However, I think that even the amount that gets on your hair, eventually gets absorbed by your scalp. Short hair definitely makes like easier though. This really holds true for 12-15% minoxidil, since it's so much thicker & more syrupy than the regular 2-5% versions.

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