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Posts posted by kranthi

  1. Hi Dear memebers,


    I have been following up all the sigesstion made by MR Bill and Jeevan too, One thing I am afraid of is loosing and correct option as of now, IF i under go HT ot FUT infuture if it doesnot work out well citing Hair life cycle fails in HT areas then its hard to correct, So I think better wait to get good report form memebers who have and also some real time after effects to handel the problem in the right way. Its obvious most doctors in India are not tech freeks because all day they do is consulting manually or either by help of recptions.

  2. I have done enough reacerch, all the forum members say that the FUT method is good. Though adviced to wait for Hair Cloning by mr Ahmed , I am unable to bare the very fact why my hair line on my fore head is thinning, i regularly oil my hair now days, now thre is a considerable improvement thikness all over but can my fore head will ever have a proper hair line put in shape , waht are the methods available in India to have it done , please also suggests the costs including, ans any experiences to give me confidence .

  3. Hi Bill and Krish,


    Even i too watched the interview of Dr Madhu in TV 9 it, the talk was impressive and a quite a confidence builder for those who are looking for HT, He also said the DOc should be a real Artist to figure out Hair line according to face of the recipent. any way Krish please mail me the address of Mr madhu i would like to personally meet him to clear my doughts and have HT done if every thing goes fine

  4. Hi dear members,


    My Name is Kranthi , I developed baldness from last 3 years evn my hair line is moving up year by year , I made many attempts to quit stress, smoking , and avoiding chemical food, of no use till now, i Went to Ashok Hair Transplantation Clinic in Hyderabad , Thay Suggest Finax and Minitop solution, this only stops Hair fall.

    My questions are .

    1: Do I have to useFinax and Minitop solution for Life Long ?

    2: Do i have to better under go FUT or Hair Transplatation? Please Advice ,also please see my photo attachment of my forehead and suggest .


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