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Posts posted by Joe809

  1. 7 hours ago, translator said:

    Very good, like how donor recovered. Your curly hair type also contributes nicely.

    Has your shedding stopped?

    I've also done my procedure with dr Bek 2 weeks ago, dense packing and all - looking forward for good recovering as well :)

    It seems it stop. I inly wash my hair every other day and still Im shedding but not as much, I may skip the ugly duckling. On the other hand if you look at my cousin he literally has not shed at all lol.  Good luck and keep us updated yourself. Have you removed your scabs? After that everything gets better lol

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/26/2024 at 11:09 AM, FullHL said:

    I am looking forward to see your pictures. How is your donor doing rn? Dou you have any shock loss in your donor or with parts of your head you had hair? And I will be closely observing your updates(hopefully there will be many more). Wish you all the best!


    On 4/27/2024 at 2:11 AM, FullHL said:

    Glad to hear. May I ask what number or email you used to contact the clinic and was it an assistant or the doctor himself you talked to?

    I talk to Bekir himself I had a lot of questions so he answered all of them. This number +90 (535) 652 28 29. Also I know you didnt asked about pekiner but one of the reasons i didnt pick him as my last 2 he pick and choose who he wants to do the transplant. Meaning he can be skilled on certain types of hair(I know one of the bad review he had he was dealing with a curly hair and didn’t finish the procedure). I will be updating some pic today. I asked my cousin to send me some pictures so I will be updating his this week as well

  3. 7 hours ago, FullHL said:

    First of all thank you very much for your response. As a matter of fact I have seen your post and I have to say it look very promising and I wish you all the best. What makes me a little anxious is that the clinic is fairly new. Meaning I do not know much about the procedure, the cleanliness, how the donor is managed etc. Its the uncertainty. As I said above, I know Bek from my research before and I am also aware that he has very good work from his HLC days but does it transfer into his new clinic? I really believe that very great work could be achievable with him and at the moment for a very good price, which is also a very important point. 

    Yeah good points. For me at the end was between bruno or bekir.  The office is very very clean and I really like it. Somehow I took a picture of the building (of course the building is behind me) because I like it before the surgery I just didn’t know that was the building. He is very professional too. For me I asked him a lot of question and he answered them very good. For the end outcome we have to wait so far I suppose to be in the ugly duckling stage i think is call started prob at day 24 I will say and is not that bad at least for now. I will update some photos on the 29th a month after surgery. Again I did a lot research when he was at hlc and for me is the same person “wielding the sword” if you know what I mean. Just make sure you are comfortable with whoever you go. 

  4. On 4/23/2024 at 10:08 AM, FullHL said:

    Hey, thank you for your reply. I have already done my research regarding surgeons that I like. The surgeons I wanted are the likes of pekiner,HLC and maybe Turan. The problem I have with pekiner is the long waitinglist, with HLC I can‘t choose a surgeon. I just heard that Dr Bek who is a former HLC surgeon opened his own clinic and offers a very reasonable price for now at least. Therefore I am considering him but only due to the fact that his clinic is new I am afraid of complications. If someone that is preferably not paid could share his experiences with Dr Bek (also HLC days) I would be very thankful. 

    I was in the same situation as you. See my post i went there with my cousin recently. Let me know what concerns you may have. Not sure about the final results but so far we are looking good. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Gramatik said:

    happy growing to your cousin...the work looks great with a nice hairline design..Dr Bekir is a promising doctor..i will be following your journey!

    Thank you. I will try my best to get pic from him when I Update mine. Either today or tomorrow my scabs should be coming off completely as per Bekir. He gave us a details description on what to do everyday. My cousin is 2 days behind 

  6. Hey fellow this is a review for my cousin that we both went together for the hair transplant. This one may not have as much update as mine. But I will try to ask for pic.

    At 41 years old, with a similar Hispanic curly hair type, my cousin and I embarked on our hair transplant journey together. After thorough research and consultations, we chose Doctor Bekir for our procedures, having heard great things about his expertise and professionalism.Our stay at the Grand Mercure provided a comfortable base for our time in Turkey, despite the unreliable Wi-Fi. Doctor Bekir's office impressed us both with its professionalism, and we appreciated the focused assistance of his two skilled assistants from the HLC clinic.Originally planning for around 3800 grafts, Doctor Bekir adjusted the number for my cousin to around 3100 (my cousin decided to focus on the front and the crown later), mirroring my own experience due to the complexity of his graft extraction. Throughout the procedure, Doctor Bekir displayed meticulous attention to detail, using advanced techniques to ensure natural-looking results tailored to my cousin's specific hair characteristics.

    However, my cousin experienced significant discomfort during the anesthesia process, finding it particularly painful. Additionally, he has been struggling with uncomfortable sleeping due to post-surgery travel pillows sleeping angle and some swelling. Despite these challenges, my cousin's overall experience with Doctor Bekir was exceptional, mirroring my own positive outcome.Transportation to the clinic was provided, and we both appreciated the snacks offered during breaks ( he also provided lunch). The clinic itself, housed in a modern building, provided a comfortable setting for our procedures(is very clean too).

    In summary, my cousin's experience with Doctor Bekir was similar to mine - characterized by professionalism, expertise, and a commitment to achieving natural-looking results. We both highly recommend Doctor Bekir for anyone considering a hair transplant in Turkey.Stay tuned for my cousin's pictures, showcasing his journey from before the operation to post-surgery.










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  7. 15 hours ago, Miller1980 said:

    Happy growing. This is looking great with high density! What was the doctor involvement in your hair transplant? also how much did you pay per graft??

    Doctor Bekir did everything from extraction to implantation and hairline design. I paid 1.75. He is worth more than that not sure how long he will keep the price or if he even have the same price. You should contact him directly. For me I was not looking for pricing more quality, as you saw on my post I contacted pekiner, pinto etc. But I did a lot research on his work at hlc and spoke with folks that he did the implantation at hlc and I really like his work.

  8. Hey fellow a quick review of my journey.

    I am 35 yo. Hispanic hair type:curly

    After careful consideration and consultations with multiple doctors, including Pekiner, I narrowed down my options to two choices: Pinto and Bekir. Ultimately, I decided to undergo my hair transplant with Doctor Bekir. Accompanied by my cousin ( I will be doing another post with his review, it would be shorter and may not have often updates as this one) we embarked on this journey together. Before delving into the procedure itself, it's worth mentioning our stay at the Grand Mercure, where we found a great deal for around $100 a night. Despite having the worst Wi-Fi ever, the overall experience was pleasant, thanks to the convenient location with plenty of dining and shopping options nearby (I got a good deal at the mall for some ray-band) 

    Upon arriving at Doctor Bekir's office, I was immediately impressed by his professionalism and expertise (loved everyone was so focused, his 2 assistants which came from the same clinic hlc). Despite initially planning for 3600 grafts, Doctor Bekir adjusted the number to around 2900 due to the complexity of my graft extraction (graft were in different directions) and implantation. Throughout the procedure, he demonstrated meticulous attention to detail, using a motorized punch with a .8mm diameter, even for my curly hair. This level of precision reassured me of his commitment to achieving natural-looking results tailored to my specific hair characteristics.

    Despite my pre-surgery jitters and a higher-than-usual caffeine intake, Doctor Bekir remained calm and focused, ensuring that the implantation process went smoothly, even though taking a bit longer than usual ( during implantation some graft kept moving and he had to move it back so each day it took him like 3 hours more than my cousing). His ability to adapt to unexpected challenges further solidified my confidence in his skills as a top-tier hair transplant specialist. 

    Overall, my experience with Doctor Bekir was nothing short of exceptional. From his professionalism and expertise to the friendly and accommodating staff, every aspect of the journey contributed to a positive outcome. I wholeheartedly recommend Doctor Bekir to anyone considering a hair transplant, as he truly is a hidden gem and quite possibly the best doctor in Turkey, with the versatility to work on multiple hair styles.

    Forgot to mention he provided transportation from the hotel to the clinic. Both days were the same extraction, break, implantation, lunch, extraction, break and implantation( we were both days from 8:45 to 8:30pm, my cousing was there until 5pm as stated previously my case was more challenging)The clinic is in a very nice building looks like a nyc building. During breaks he provided some snacks which they were very good. On the first day due to the 7 hours difference I didn’t eat breakfast so he provided me enough snacks which was very helpful. Any questions feel free to ask, I will be uploading my cousing too. 

     Pictures are before operations, one for the first day, a few same day bandages were taken off and 6 days later. The last picture is from the day the bandage was taken off
























  9. On 1/23/2024 at 1:32 PM, BaldGuy said:

    12500 usd for 3000-3500 is too expensive.
    Higher price doesn’t mean you will get better result.
    you could go to absolute hair clinic in Thailand to doctors like dr laorwong or dr RATCHATHORN  for 2€/graft or In Turkey to doctors like Pekiner, HLC, bekir, bicer, Gur, Turan, Yaman and demirsoy with prices starting from 1 €/graft. 

    What do you think about bekir? I been doing a lot of research. Even though pekiner told me to wait a few more months so I can be longer on fin. Bekir works looks good from when he was at hlc. So im thunking same doctor same hand at the end is how the surgeon uses his/her skills

  10. On 2/26/2024 at 12:41 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    Why don’t you look at surgeons in Mexico or southern america? There’s great options. Dr. Camacho in Colombia is a good option and a short flight.

    Melvin just a quick update typical of pekiner lol he rejected me because I’m too young (35 years old) and I need at least 8 to 10 months with fin. He did said I dont need minoxidil since it did not really work out for me before.

  11. 40 minutes ago, BaldGuy said:

    In Turkey you could consider various good options depending on your budget such as: Dr Gur, Dr turan, Dr Yaman, Dr Demirsoy, Dr Bekir, Dr Bicer, Dr Keser, HLC, Dr Pekiner. All the options i mentioned do have the doctor involvement in all of their hair transplants and they consider as safe options. So just compare their results and select the one you like most and also fits your budget.

    Could you rank top 4. Based on my research


    2. pekiner

    3. bekir(even though still not a lot of reviews as solo but when he was at the clinic it looks solid)

    4. Hlc(because you dont know which doctor will do the procedure)

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