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Posts posted by Aintashketchum

  1. 6 hours ago, Al - formerly BeHappy said:

    I wouldn't worry about it at this stage. It looks like one side started shedding a bit earlier than the other. That's not so unusual. Growth doesn't always come in at the same speed either, so look out for that in a few months. You could be one of the very lucky ones who ends up not shedding too much especially on that one side. That could be a sign that you will start growing very early there. I had one procedure where I hardly shed any of the grafts in a certain section. They just started growing from day one and never shed. Then again you could end up shedding late on that side which may end up making that side take longer to get growth going. There's no way to tell at this stage. You just have to play the waiting game and see what happens.



    Appreciate your words man! The one side where it’s shedding so much now and also super early has been driving me crazy but i did some research and found out shedding could be uneven too so i guess i just gotta wait. Also i know there’s nothing i could do at this stage besides just wait for the result so I’m just tryna stay calm but it just gets me whenever i see my hair. The other side also started shedding now but looks like it’s going at a very slow rate compared to the left. Surprises me that I’m not even 4 weeks in and things are progressing mad quick! Hope things even out and i don’t end up having to just keep shaving my head until results come through! 

  2. 8 hours ago, Lenzman said:

    I’ve read that you need to forget about it all for the first 3-5 months until you start to see the progress come through near the half a year mark. I imagine that is easier said than done with daily reminders in the mirror though! I’m looking to have an FUE in summer and imagine I’d be looking constantly also! 

    Man you have no clue how much i look into my hair every time i come across a mirror. I know that things are kinda gonna look like this until the results show up but we still obsess over everything you know lol. And yeah man go for it you ain’t gonna regret it! 

  3. Hello guys hope you’re doing well. I got my transplant done on my front area on February 3rd from Eugenics hair sciences with 2104 grafts. Today marks the 23rd day since my surgery. The left recipient area has been looking far less dense than the right ever since the first headwash on the 7th day and it’s been a huge concerning area for me. Today the left side is looking like almost 50% or more hair had already shed there whereas the right has barely started to shed. Please take a look at my pictures and lemme know what y’all think. I’m getting a little worried at this point. 







  4. 9 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    It’s hard to judge at this stage because you may have already shed some grafts.  When I look at the graft placement photos I do not see gaps. But like Al said, you have to wait and see how it grows.

    I know it’s really hard to tell coz i’m just only 13 days in post transplant now. I was also looking at the post surgery photos to see how it looked, like if there was any gaps or anything. One thing I’m noticing now is that the growth on the right side is faster than the left and a good amount of grafts on the left are pointing up instead of pointing down like on the right. I took photos and If i look at the left area from the top it looks better and filled in than looking at it from like a straight view you know what I’m saying. Could it be because that the grafts are pointing up? So I’m less worried now but still ain’t no way I’m accepting any mistake from Eugenix. And speaking of shedding you think it’s possible to have shed any hair this early? It’s been only 13 days and the left area been looking less dense since the 7th or 8th day. I appreciate your reply man! I watch all your videos they’re very helpful and informative. Your results are crazy good and you’re one of the people that made me wanna get it done from eugenix.


  5. 2 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Shock loss occurs in the donor. The transplanted grafts will keep shedding for roughly one month. There literally is no point in focusing on your hair when you’re a coupe of weeks post op. You will only stress yourself out needlessly. It’s a 12 month journey and wishing you all the best. 👍

    Man it’s you! I’ve seen your result on Eugenix’s YouTube channel. I gotta say you got a phenomenal one! Thanks for your advice and yeah I’m trying not to think too much about how it looks on the left side now. I’m not even 2 weeks in yet so in my head i was like I can’t be experiencing any shedding this early and wasn’t able to accept the fact of one side looking like it has less hair than the other. I got it done from eugenix so I wasn’t able to accept any mistake but yeah it’s a loooong process i know so can’t help but wait. 

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  6. Thanks guys for your answers! I feel like after reading your replies i could be an early shedder and also it’s possible that i lost some good amount of hair shafts while removing the scabs. During the first few days before the scabs hardened up it looked fine on both sides but it’s after the left side got crusty and hard that it started to look patchy on the area. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Broni said:

    11th day after transplant? Shedding has started on the left side before it will take place in the right side, nothing to worry about...

    But it has been kinda looking like this since the 7th day. Even on the hairline it lacks hair. I feel like the grafts weren’t distributed evenly 

  8. Yo guys how y’all doing? I’m Ash from New York. I’m 25 and have been suffering from hair loss for the past 3/4 years. After a lotta research over the years and seeing results of hundreds of people and even Melvin I decided to fly to india to get my surgery done from Eugenix. My transplant took place on 02/03/24 and i was implanted 2104 grafts. After the first headwash on the 7th day when the hairs became clear to see it came to my notice that my left side lacks hairs dramatically than my right side and since then it’s been bothering be crazy. If things looked like this after the shedding then it would’ve made sense that maybe some hairs have fallen out due to shock loss but today is the 11th day only and ain’t no way I’m experiencing any shedding this early. Every time i look at the mirror or take pictures and compare both sides i get extremely upset. I know results take wayyy too long show up and a judgement can’t be made this early. But how would the results turn out to be anything good when there’s not much hair to support that in the first place. Please guys check my photos and share what you think! 














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