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Posts posted by GoPats

  1. After I had my first hair transplant about 8 years ago I had some ridging along the right side of my hairline. Does anyone know of any doctors that specialize in flattening the area? I have read steroid injections to the ridged area can be effective. Is anyone else familiar with this? Also while doing a search on the internet I came across a product called Kelo Cote which supposedly can flatten or reduce the appearance of hypertrophic scars. I have thought of trying this as well.

  2. After I had my first hair transplant about 8 years ago I had some ridging along the right side of my hairline. Does anyone know of any doctors that specialize in flattening the area? I have read steroid injections to the ridged area can be effective. Is anyone else familiar with this? Also while doing a search on the internet I came across a product called Kelo Cote which supposedly can flatten or reduce the appearance of hypertrophic scars. I have thought of trying this as well.

  3. I have tried every product out there to try to smooth out my hair but have not had much luck. Right now I use gel right after I wash my hair and then blow dry. It does seem to help a bit.


    My hair transplant experience overall was very positive and I do think if the texture were to return to normal I would be very pleased with the results. Right now though I think it looks a bit odd. Hopefully as you indicated I just need to give it more time.


    Thanks for the the feedback.

  4. I had a hair transplant 15 months ago and my transplanted hair is very wiry, dry, and frizzy. Before the hair transplant it was straight. I have read a number of posts indicating that this condition is quite common, but at 15 months I'm beginning to get concerned. Everything I read seems to indicate that the texture will return to normal. Has anyone ever heard of cases where the hair texture does not return to normal? Is it possible that I just need to wait longer for the texture to change back?

  5. I had a hair transplant 15 months ago and my transplanted hair is very wiry, dry, and frizzy. Before the hair transplant it was straight. I have read a number of posts indicating that this condition is quite common, but at 15 months I'm beginning to get concerned. Everything I read seems to indicate that the texture will return to normal. Has anyone ever heard of cases where the hair texture does not return to normal? Is it possible that I just need to wait longer for the texture to change back?

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