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Posts posted by Proc

  1. 21 minutes ago, gaz9318054 said:

    The vast majority of transplant patients have no major concerns and regrets and so we don't hear about them. They are out living their lives and probably not even thinking about their hair most of the time.

    Becoming one of them involves taking a risk and spending some money, but if you do enough research, the risk can be greatly minimized.

    Taking meds can slow the loss, and some people are fine shaving their heads. If these options aren't enough for you, and the thinning and/or recession is bothering you the way it bothers most who end up on this forum, then I'd say you're far more likely to regret doing nothing than taking this risk.

    Yeah I tend to expect that most people just don't ever come back here, or any other social media site for that matter, to post about their hair anymore because they've got the solution. Most people only return when it's likely they need a re-up or had a botched transplant and need to continue to vent. It's similar to how most people post complaints about businesses they go to but people don't usually continue to post when the experience is great and taken care of. I think Dr. Nader does great work and is reasonably affordable so I am not at all worried about that I'm just the worst person in the world with buyers remorse. Like I'll get it done, 5-10 years from now see it thinning more and regret it and the money/time spent. I'm probably just mostly getting nervous as the time gets closer 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Have you actually buzzed it down and rocked that look for a while? If not it's total madness to proceed with a HT without first having done that. If you have done that (you should have done if you've got a HT booked in already), then how did you like it? A good buzzcut where you still have a decent amount of hairline left provides the benefit of both framing the face nicely but also being low maintenance (and basically free of charge!).

    I have not. I intended to within the next couple weeks to give me a few months to rock it and get an idea, and so it's not the first time my head is buzzed whenever I get a transplant done. My problem is the use of fibers that I've basically mastered with mixing in with my hair. Wouldn't be able to use that on a buzzed cut and I also have a massive head haha 

  3. 10 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Have you considered changing to dutasteride? It may be more effective and help with the longevity of a transplant.

    I have actually. My doctor prescribes the finasteride yearly though and my next re-up isn't due for two more months so I planned to discuss with him at that time


  4. I'm not going to share my entire personal life story as it's pretty common to everyone else here so I'll try to keep it brief. Around 20y/o started balding(dad and brothers all have MPB and brothers went bald early 20s). Started finasteride and minox around 21. Did a good job at saving hair but now at 30 I find myself using more and more fibers. I think the finasteride has lost it's effectiveness and I stopped using Minox a few years back because my dandruff was just uncontrollable.


    Like most here I've done hours and hours of research and have it scheduled with Dr. Nader in coming months but have found myself starting to second guess it. He's estimated 1500-2000 grafts but I'm worried I'll be looking at more transplants in the future as the medicine works less and less. I've discussed it with my wife and she's supportive either way just has concerns I will regret spending so much on it. And then when(or if) I do end up shaving I will have a scar that goes with it on the back, even with FUE and a good doctor. She really doesn't care if I decide to shave it or not, which is a plus. But we all know we would all prefer to have hair whenever possible. Lol 


    I guess my question is how often do people regret the transplant(assuming it does good results and not just a random hair mill)? I mean like 5 years or 10 years later? How often do you keep pumping thousands and thousands of dollars into it? I have read many posts here and fully understand it is more an act of an illusion than thick illustrious full hair(so to speak) and am totally fine with that. Just worried about spending thousands of dollars just to end up shaving it anyways in 5-10 years since it seems like the efficacy of the Finasteride is not doing what it once was for me. I tried searching here and searching the web but it's hard to balance between biased and non-biased regrets



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