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Posts posted by Vader_1

  1. Hi guys, I’ve been a long-time follower here, but first-time poster. Thanks to everyone on this forum for the invaluable information you’ve shared!

    A brief intro – I’m 54 and have been gradually losing my hair over the last 12 years, and now I’m a NWS 4-5 (see pics). I’ve been using minoxidil foam for the last 6 years and topical finasteride for the last 2 years, which has slowed my hair loss. I have not taken any oral medications, but I am open to starting them to preserve what I have. The extent of my receding and thinning has really gotten to me mentally and emotionally. I'm feel great about all the other areas of my life, and I worked really hard on a major physique transformation recently (I might share a pic! 😃). But my hair loss is now really negatively impacting my confidence and happiness. And I'm definitely not a guy who's willing to shave it all off and go bald... So I am ready to do something about it and get my first FUE hair transplant! 👍

    I am considering doctors in Mexico to balance cost and travel convenience. Ideally, I’d go with Dr. Nader, but getting info back from his office has been impossible due to his popularity, and I understand he’s scheduled a year+ out. I consulted with two US hair doctors (Florida), and they recommended 3500-4500 FUE grafts. But at tens of thousands of dollars for their procedures, that’s just out of my  budget.

    As I have assessment calls with other docs, I have a few questions that I would appreciate your help with:

    • What are the top things I should ask the doctor about during an intro call?
    • Can donor hair follicles be harvested from areas other than your head? I’ve heard mixed feedback on this. I have plenty of healthy hair on my chest and arms that could be great donor follicles. I know I can't exclusively use those for the transplants, but can they be mixed in with head hair donor follicles, so I maintain donor regions for the future?
    • What steps should I take to best prepare for my procedure 4-6 months out? Any oral meds or other protocols I should start with now?
    • How would you recommend I think about hairline design/shape? I’m not looking to revert to my younger look and hairline from 12 years ago (see pic at 42), but I’d like to lower my hairline to a reasonable level that looks natural for my age.
    • Any recommendations on doctors and clinics in Mexico other than Dr Nader?


    Thank you kindly gents for your insight and feedback!

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