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Posts posted by avisaxena33

  1. Hey guys,

    TBH no notable updates from my end, It's only been 2 months so halfway done with the "ugly duckling" phase and to that end I've been keeping my hair shaved via my skull shaver as I did pre-op as I need to head into the office, vacations, go out with friends, etc.

    I'll probably start seriously growing it out starting mid/end of july as that'll be around 4 months since the procedure

  2. 6 hours ago, Shadman said:

    Looks good 👍

    Do you’ve any pre op photos ? And what changes did you notice when you increased your oral minoxidil dose ?

    don't think i personally have any pics of right before the procedure, but I took some pics after 35-40 days of growth in january to send the clinic which I attached

    From oral min I feel like I've definitely noticed growth at least in the area between the back of the head and the top of the head where it starts sloping downwards. I feel like there has also been some growth on the top, but we'll see over time if that is true / continues. Also feel like the growth rate of my beard has increased somewhat. Didn't notice any differences healthwise

  3. 3 hours ago, Miller1980 said:

    Happy growing. The density is good enough for the half of your head. Do you know how many grafts will you need for the rest of your scalp?

    Thanks! Yeah so I've been on oral min 5mg and oral fin 1mg for several months now and the idea was to do mid and front coverage first, due to a weaker donor area and then re-evaluate after 6 months for the back. Part of this was because we were seeing some response from the oral min, (especially after bumping up the dose from 2.5 -> 5mg), namely in the back of the head and potentially near the crown, which also would reduce the graft count needed in surgery #2. In the current state, I think the doctor had mentioned roughly 2500 grafts more or so, but it'd be interesting to see if that could be reduced further.

  4. 7 hours ago, Rawkerboi said:

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your HT Journey with us.

    The work look's good, do you have any pictures from clinic?

    Do keep us updated!

    Unfortunately I didn't take any clinic pictures, but rest assured the Gurgaon clinic, which is the one I was at, was very clean and overall the facility is well maintained. They are also expanding this clinic

  5. Hey all, wanted to share my progress after getting a (1st) hair transplant from Eugenix

    I chose to go with Eugenix and Dr Das after researching a bunch. It was advised to get coverage on the front and mid sections due to a weak(er) donor area, wait 6 months, and then reevaluate for a 2nd surgery for the back.

    Roughly 3500 grafts were implanted and ~800 were from the beard. I’ll update progress pics in the comments at some (idk yet) cadence for bookkeeping

    context: had hairloss starting at 15, was pretty severe by 16. Tried PRP, hair system in the past but wasn’t a fan of the latter and the former as a hair restoration solution did not work. Had SMP done in summer 2022 which framed my face better, that hairline is where we decided to start for the transplant as well


    attached some pre-op pictures (these are actually from january when i sent more pics to the clinic), these are roughly after growing out my hair for 35-40. Normally I shave my head down so even I had no idea what the current state really was








  6. Hey OP, how does your hair look styled nowadays? (Without fibers or anything). It’d be interesting to see any place where it looks like hair is thinning / etc. I’m in a somewhat similar boat and contemplating whether it’s worth it to get a HT (which would also be with dr das coincidentally) — https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/71434-nw-67-worth-going-for-ht/

  7. Appreciate all the responses. This is a really difficult decision for me as on one hand, I could stick with my SMP and shaved head but regret not at least trying for a HT at all down the line or on the other hand, at worst I’d waste time + a decent chunk of cash for a result that could or could not be satisfactory.

    Eugenix is guaranteeing full coverage within 2 HT (2nd one for crown), but they are saying crown area will be lower density due to using more beard grafts (1000 of which are already being used for the first surgery)

    i’m looking through their NW7 results here (https://eugenixhairsciences.com/norwood-class-7/) and im very conflicted as some of these are crazy good / satisfactory while others seem like a waste of time and money. Is my case fundamentally worse than all of these? If I could get something significantly better than my picture above at 18 it would be a success.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    @avisaxena33 you run very parallel to my case. Except I also had a very wide FUT like scar running along my hairline and I had previous work that left scars in my Norwood 7 donor depleting it even further. My biggest concern is that you are a Norwood 7 at 24. What are your goals and expectations? Would you be happy if they could not give you full coverage? I also had SMP and it gave a false illusion of a stronger donor and despite sending video's of my donor and beard my beard was weaker than expected. My advice first off would be that if you are not on finasteride then I would speak with your doctor and commence it (I'm not a doctor) and give it twelve months to see how your hair donor responds to it. You also have a good beard which is in your favour. Wishing you all the best.

    TBH I don’t really know what to expect. I’d be thrilled to have a decent head of hair. I understand it will never be the same as before, but to at least be able to look my age you know?

    i’ve been on oral fin and oral min for about 4 months now.

  9. 10 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    Judging from your donor area you are not a good candidate for hairtransplant. I dont know where they are going to find these 3500 grafts to operate on you in first place. You can try finasteride for 12 months and then reconsider. Shaving your head with a blase and letting your beard grow is always a better alternative.

    They wanted to do 2500 from the head and 1000 from the beard apparently

  10. For some background, I’m a 24M who has been losing hair since 16. Between 15-16 is when the hair loss was extremely significant, after that it’s was a slow recession and thinning for a few years.


    I kinda lost hope for getting a HT until reading about Eugenix and their work with severe hair loss cases. After a consultation with them, they assessed me as a NW7 and would want to start out with 3500 grafts (including beard grafts) to cover the front and mid area in one HT due to a weak donor area. They would then reassess the donor after a few months for a 2nd HT for the crown.


    I wanted to get some opinions from this forum to see if yall think its worth going for HT(s) at this point. I’ve had SMP done last summer on my head and shave my head every other day. I have tried a hair system in the past (not for me and it gave me constant anxiety).

    note: attached pictures are after roughly 3-4 weeks of hair growth








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