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Posts posted by LaNada

  1. I would highly recommend reading the book the Confidence Gap by Russ Harris. It's perfect for the kind of issues you're struggling with. It will help you get distance from thoughts like, "No girls will ever want me because I'm balding." Right now you're taking thoughts like that as gospel truth, when in reality it's just one of a million thoughts your mind is producing on a regular basis. It doesn't make it true because you think it. The key is to become an observer of these thoughts without getting fused to them. You notice the thought as just a thought and let it pass through your mind without getting caught up in it. Then you go back to being present in your life.

    Imagine your brain has a window on the left side and right side. Right now, thoughts like that are entering your left window but your right window is closed, so you're stewing on these thoughts and they're causing you to spiral. These techniques will allow you to open the right window so the thought just passes through as it should without distressing you. It's a skill that takes daily practice, but it's very achievable. 

  2. Personally, I was shocked how much regrowth I experienced in my first year of PRP. I fully expected it to be more snake oil, but the regrowth in my crown was significant. However, I lost most of it in the second year. I was only taking topical minoxidil at the time, so I don't know if that would've been different with dutasteride or finasteride. I've stopped doing it, but I am curious if it would have any effect on the upcoming surgery. 

  3. Hello all. I've been devouring this site for the past several months in preparation for my first transplant. I still have a lot of questions, so I can forsee myself starting a lot of threads. I apologize in advance. 

    One of the clinics I've consulted with is H&W. From what I gather they seem to advocate pretty strongly for doing temporal points. This is not something I ever envisioned and would be inclined to not do in favor of saving grafts.

    However, do people feel these are essential for aesthetics? Or are they more a matter of personal preference? If I go with H&W I want to know how hard to push back against these, or if I should accept their recommendation. Thank you so much!


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