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Posts posted by rgood25

  1. Well, I'm feeling ok about the no cost follow up procedure as it was a no shave and the down time should be

    minimal.  I am having my hair stylist count my grafts tomorrow morning.  I wan't them counted and photographed before it is

    too late to document.  I was really lured in by Dr. Harris in 2010.  He was very knowledgable, and seemed to be the current frontrunner

    in the business at the time.  I am really hoping that I've let this go to my head and perhaps I shouldn't worry about it.   The truth is, I was fairly satisfied

    with my results.  There were just a few minor issues i.e. one area of hair definitely not angled properly.  Obviously the result of too many techs working at the same time.

    Dr. Lovitt agreed with me regarding this.  The other issue is the ridiculous recreated hairline they gave me.  I don't see how anyone agrees to this and yet 

    I see over and over again that people from many different clinics get the "straight across the forehead" hairline.  Perhaps I am just too picky?  But Dr. Harris does 

    claim to be the best in the business!!!  So this is on him....My sister is a Lawyer in Denver who specializes in civil litigation.  Should I need to pursue 

    legal action, at least I am covered there.

    • Sad 1
  2. So I decided to do more thorough research after yesterdays second procedure with DR. Lovitt. 12/18/2023

    On 0ct 20, 2022 I had 3059 grafts done and honestly I really trusted the doc.  I had see Dr Harris in the past for consultation (2010) and he is very highly regarded in this field.  Somewhere in all of this, Dr Harris asked me if I would be ok with having Dr. Lovitt perform my procedure.  I asked if there was any reason I shouldn't and he assured me that she was trained by him and was very capable.  After they drew the new hairline on my head, I told them that I didn't think it looked natural to me but they reassured me that it was normal and they usually don't have good results doing custom hairlines.  I had shown them a photo of me when I was younger so they could somewhat recreate my native look.   Despite showing Dr Lovitt a photo of me just before surgery, she proceeded to do the hairline that I did not prefer.  After several months, the hairs were coming in and I was very excited!  after 12 months, I noticed that I had a lot of hairs growing in the wrong direction.  I immediately could tell why....there are several techs working simultaneously to insert 3059 grafts.  it is easy to tell now after 14 months where each section separates because of the angles.   One area has angles that are so bad that there is a space the size of two quarters that looks very bare.  

    Fast forward to yesterday.....I received and additional 800 grafts under their satisfaction guarantee.  I was assure by their beloved Tech (who's name I will not mention) that she would be inserting all of my grafts that day.   I started at about 8am.  Dr. Lovitt did all of the drawing of the areas to be grafted.  she made a last minute decision to use 200 of my grafts to fill in my crown area, this leaving only 600 to fill in the lack of density up front per the guarantee.  I had already been given my first sedative when she told me this.  Dr. Lovitt performed all of the extraction cutting (three of them pulled the follicles out).  Then Dr. Lovitt made all of the incisions herself while I was relatively unsedated.  at this point, my lunch arrived and I finished eating at 11:45 Then immediately back into the chair.  by 1:00 all 800 grafts had been placed by several techs despite being assure earlier that morning that 1 tech would be performing the entire procedure.   I was blown away by how fast this happened ( this was 11.4 grafts per minute).

    Furthermore, when it was all complete, they are very quick to usher you out the door but first showed me their work.  I was quite surprise when I saw what they did up front.  She loaded my hairline with more hair, put fewer in the center mass of the previously transplanted area (that lacked density).  She place a lot in the area that appeared thin and slightly less on the parallel side.   


    BUT!!!!!  I have such a significant improvement in my appearance, that my life has changed for the better!!!!  I no longer wear a hat to hide my bald head, I am more confident, I look younger.....I'm 51 but I have a young family and looking old always made me feel awkward..   I could always see people looking at my forehead but not anymore!!!


    I closing, I am documenting my process because I am concerned about my results, but they will not be clear for some time.  I'm mostly concerned with the rush they seemed to be in to get my procedure done, and why they used several techs when I was told only one would be on the job.  I'm a very fair person, so I will not be hasty in complaining. I know that results will vary, not all grafts will survive, human error is always a risk, and so far they've stood behind their work giving me the follow up procedure very quickly and not charging me a penny.  Also got a round of PRP for no charge.   I'm guessing the density up front will be satisfactory compared to being bald.


    I hope this helps some of you and if you are considering Restore Hair in Denver Tech Center, make sure the you grille the dr. in your consultation!!!  



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