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Posts posted by yalla123

  1. Hello Everyone.
    My story begins almost 20 years ago, around the age of 23, my first year in university. That's when I noticed I was starting to lose hair. Until then, I had a full head of hair, styled with gel and mousse, just like in the movies.

    During that period, I started reading about the issue on the internet and participating in various forums. I tried some treatments, but I immediately stopped due to the side effects. I read quite a bit about hair transplantation, but I knew it was too early for that... And so, time passed.

    By the age of 30, my hair had become really thin, and I started using hair fibers. As time went on, I used them more and more... And what can I say... It worked like magic, giving a perfect look, even when I had almost no hair left. It still gave the appearance of a full head of hair.

    We've now reached the beginning of 2024, and I'm at an advanced nw5, some would say 6... And in recent months, I realized I couldn't continue using hair fibers forever... So I returned to this forum to look into transplantation again. Of all the names I remembered from before, the only one still mentioned today is Hasson and Wong. Regarding the treatment method, I knew I'd prefer FUE since I like my hair short and dislike scars. So, when I learned that a high number of grafts were possible with FUE, I had no doubts.

    I did a lot of research, asked for recommendations, and compiled a list of the best. I left the financial question out of the equation... I decided here to choose strictly based on quality. For geographical reasons, I preferred clinics from North America/Europe... In the end, after many conversations, I was left with Hasson and Wong and Hattingen. 

    In the end, I went with Hattingen. Why?
    Dr. Murrasno
    From the first moment, he spoke to me himself directly, in an open, honest, and sincere manner... And gave a friendly vibe. We spoke on Skype in mid-December, and by the end of the conversation, we arranged for me to come for a face-to-face consultation in early January. I was at his clinic... He examined and measured, impressed by my hair characteristics.
    He calculated there was about 160-170 square cm to cover (I still had some hair in the front...) And estimated there were about 4000 grafts that could be taken from the donor area.

    We concluded the meeting with me being available at short notice, and if a spot opened up, I'd be happy to undergo the procedure as soon as possible. A few days later, I received an email that there was an opening in mid-February... I confirmed it was possible, transferred a deposit, and prepared myself.

    I flew to Switzerland the day before the procedure, landed in the morning, and went from the airport to the hotel in Schaffhausen. I dropped off my things and immediately took a taxi to the clinic for the pre-day meeting.
    The drive from the town to the clinic in the village takes about 10 minutes. I sat with Dr. Laura Muresanu & Dr. Sever Muresanu, and together we discussed the details... We measured, talked, and agreed on the direction we were aiming for.
    I told them I wanted to aim for more than 4000, they said they'd see if it was possible...
    The next day I arrived at 07:00 in the morning, had a light prep, washing, and markings, and by 8 we had started. Both the first and the second day were similar, the first half of the day focused on taking from the donor area, and the second half on placing the grafts in the new area. On the first day, the grafts were taken from the back and mainly placed in the front, and on the second day, they were taken from the sides and mainly placed in the mid and the crown.
    In the end, we reached 5070 follicles in two days.
    I stayed in Schaffhausen until Friday, then moved to Zurich,  making sure to arrive at the clinic each morning for washing and check-up.
    Monday evening, about a week after I arrived, I flew home.

    I want to thank all the people on the forum who gave good advice and confidence in the process.
    And of course, to Dr. Laura Muresanu & Dr. Sever Muresanu, and to Carmen and the dedicated clinic team who provided a good, pleasant, and professional feeling.

    Attached are pictures...
    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the photos.


    Pre-op :



    After first day of operation :



    after second day of operation :



    Day 1 after :



    Day 2after :


    Day 3 :



    Day 4:



    Day 5 :



    • Like 2
    • Well Done 2
  2. Hello friends,
    I'm about to undergo a major hair transplant at one of the leading clinics, involving a large number of grafts.
    I'm looking for your opinions on the scarring associated with the FUT method.
    How noticeable is it?
    What hairstyles are effective in concealing it?
    How does it evolve over the years?

    Any detail that can help understand what we're left with in terms of scarring post-procedure would be greatly appreciated.


  3. Hello everyone, I am 40 years old, at a Norwood scale of 5/6.
    I would like your recommendations for the best place to undergo hair transplantation.
    I'm not looking for the cheapest option, but rather the best one that can offer maximum results and a natural appearance.
    Geographically, I prefer the USA/Canada, but Europe is also an option.
    I have looked at the websites of :
    1. Dr. Scott Alexander
    2. Anderson Center for Hair
    3. Hasson & Wong.

    What do you think? And which other excellent clinics would you suggest I check out?

  4. Hello everyone,
    I am 40 years old, at a Norwood scale of 5/6.
    I would like your recommendations for the best place to undergo hair transplantation.
    I'm not looking for the cheapest option, but rather the best one that can offer maximum results and a natural appearance.
    Geographically, I prefer the USA/Canada, but Europe is also an option.
    I have looked at the websites of :
    Dr. Scott Alexander
    2. Anderson Center for Hair
    3. Hasson & Wong.

    What do you think? And which other excellent clinics would you suggest I check out?

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