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Posts posted by HablaBar

  1. Hi. Thank you guys so much for your help and input! I've contacted the clinic and done some research. Unfortunately their price range is just too ludicrous for one of the founding doctors. They quoted me 2600 grafts for nearly 9700€ + tax for a treatment with Dr. Sethi. For a Norwood II case this feels ridiculous. There is also some reports of Sethi's limited involvement even in his package. For a cost this high, I might as well pick Feriduni with his excessive premium pricing. He is much closer to my location after all.


    I have the slightly cheaper option of Dr. Das at Eugenix which was presented to me, but a recent botch that is still currently being discussed on this forum makes me want to avoid the idea. 


    I think I need to expand my pool of potential candidates. Does anyone know of for example Bicer, Turan/Gür or Pekiner's work on temple points?

  2. 12 minutes ago, Shadman said:


    I would say Dr. Sethi. His temple works are outstanding.

    Oh I've actually reached out to that exact clinic! There is an administrator on this site called Melvin who has once shown his temple point results and they were AMAZING and exactly what I wanted. Since I saw his results, I have contacted them. Thanks so much for the tip! It's good to know it was Dr. Sethi in particular that specializes in this rather than Dr. Bansal.

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  3. Thank you so much for your suggestions!

    I'm a bit shy regarding posting pictures. There is a good reason I've been hiding my temple points my entire life. Putting them out in the open is something I'm very uncomfortable with.


    I've checked resutls of both doctors and they indeed seem to be insanely good and most importantly willing to actually apply aggressive temple points. Though unfortunately Konior would be way out of my price range (even though his results seem to be even more impressive from the few examples that I have seen, including one that actually precisely represented my exact situation and desired outcome).


    Are there more budget friendly recommendations of additional doctors to consider as well that you can think of? Any tip would be really really appreciated.

  4. Hi,


    I've suffered from temple points with a receeding appearance since I was a baby. I never actually had hair loss in my temple points but they naturaly have a very receeding appearance to the point where my entire life I could only wear hair styles that allowed me to comb over them.

    I'm 28 now and don't want to live with them anymore. I've visited the Kö-Klinik in Düsseldorf who were allegedly very good, but they said they generally don't transplant the temple points. The best they could offer me was a slight hairline restoration and lowering with 1600 grafts (I have slight hair loss at the crown as well but as I've seen massive results of growth thanks to finasteride, minoxidyl, rosemary oil and barley grass to the point where the crown density has severely increased and the clinic told me it is not necessary to perform any transplant in the crown area at this rate).

    Are there any clinics generally recommended for temple points specifically? Preferably also a clinic specializing in hairlines, as it needs to be well harmonized. I've read Pekiner is a hairline expert, but I find very little on his expertise regarding temple points.

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