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Posts posted by Cro40

  1. 9 hours ago, Shadman said:

    Usually after a HT, shedding phase can occur till month three. Once this phase is over gradually you'll see new hair popping up. For some people there can be minimal shedding and early growth. On the other hand, it can be exactly opposite. 

    So, even if shedding continues into month three, there could still be growth in month four? 

  2. HT surgeon always warn patients that a HT is a hair restoration and distribution and its essence is to create an illusion of density which can be better achieved with longer hair as it creates layering effect and shadows. 

    I am curious, what's the optimal hair length in the recipient area that everyone has had success with in creating that post HT illusion of density? Thanks! 



  3. If there is sufficient time (more than 12 months) between the two transplants and the second HT is done to add density in the same area, can the second HT cause a permanent shock loss of previously transplanted hairs? Does anyone know of cases reported on this forum? 

    I mean, HT surgeons always say that this is not a great risk and many people do indeed need more than one procedure, but I just wondered if and how often permanent shock loss after a second HT can ruin the results of the first one. Because aren't transplanted hairs somewhat weaker simply because they had already been transplanted and, therefore, would succumb to shock more easily? 

  4. On 12/30/2023 at 12:41 AM, splitting hairs said:

    The transplanted hairs are not actually growing in the weeks following surgery.  They have shed from the follicle and are being pushed out, so they appear to be getting longer.  Hair will shed at different times.  Dr Lorenzo explained this to me.  

    Thank you for your response. Great explanation. 

  5. 18 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    Yeh that's normal and most of your transplanted hairs will shed off within 3 months post op...usually the shedding is at its peak in 2nd month 

    Thank you! 
    But I am curious about the hairs that are not growing because some of the transplanted hair gained in length before it feel off and some are still the same length as when first transplanted. I assume they will follow off too but just curious why they never grew in length. 

  6. I did my transplant at a top clinic in Europe and the team put bandages, saline solution to keep the grafts moist, and a bandana before I left the clinic. They did the same the following day after the first hair wash. Thats how they always do it. 

    A friend of mine did his in Turkey and had to fly home with no head covering as they told him at the clinic not to cover his head for 2-3 days. 

  7. Hi all!

    What does everyone think of the following: how can it be that some surgeons/clinics tell their patients not to put anything on their head in the days following the surgery (some even say up to ten days), and some give their patients non-adhesive bandages and bandanas to wear immediately after the procedure and advise them to wear a bandana for a few days to protect new grafts. Please don't ask me which surgeons said what, it's just my general impression and understanding (and confusion) from reading forums and various clinics' website/blogs.

    How can different surgeons differ so much on the topic because we are all made from the same stuff. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 




  8. Hi everyone! 

    Eight days ago I had a FUE transplant (writing on a detailed report). Everything is going well. I was at the clinic yesterday for a wash to get rid of the last few remaining scabs.

    But, as I am sure many people are, I am plagued with questions about what can and cannot damage the newly implanted grafts. So, here is one questions, but it could be a funny one. 

    Earlier today I put a new winter windshield washer fluid in my car. When I used it today to wash the windshield whilst driving, I noticed it had a very strong, potent smell. Even though my car windows were closed, I could smell it quite strong inside the car. It had that sort of antifreeze, alcohol, disinfection smell. So, suddenly I got a fright, and I wondered if the smell particles from it could somehow damage the new hair grafts by interfering with hair shafts, skin, etc. Has anyone read/heard anything about this? 

    Thanks a lot! 




  9. 3 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    It’s possible a graft popped out, it probably won’t make a difference either way in the end. 

    Hi Melvin, 
    Thanks a lot for your response. What might these other red like scabs be? Is that also the case of a graft popping up earlier on and then the red scab forming when blood dried out, or is that simply from grafts being implanted? 

    I read a lot about scabs but no idea what they look like. Are they red, dark red, black-ish or white(ish)?

    I am heading to the clinic tomorrow to have my head washed again. Will ask them, but I thought I hear from the community here too. 




  10. Hi everyone! 

    I had a FUE HT (1400) 48 hours ago at a one of the top European clinics. I can see that it is quite often mentioned here as one of the best ones in Europe.

    I am still sorting out my impressions, all seem to have went well, and I will write a more comprehensive overview of what/when/how when I get pics from the clinic in the coming days and when I am more relaxed. 

    In the meantime, I have two questions if anyone would like to chip in with their experience. 

    I noticed this afternoon (48 hours after) some bleeding from one of the graft sites (pic one) when I removed the non adhesive pads given to me by the clinic. I applied light pressure on it with a cotton tab and the bleeding stopped. It was very light, the blood wasn't running, it just kind of accumulated slowly in a tiny bubble. Could it mean that a graft came out. I did not see it on the white pad. Now it looks like a tiny dark spot (is this a scab?).  

    I noticed a few of these around the recipient site (pic two zoomed in). In some of them, if I look close, I think I can see a tiny hair popping out. Are these what everyone calls scabs or is this bleeding due to grafts being dislodged/coming out (meaning losing the graft)? 


    Pic one HT.jpg

    pic 2.jpg

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