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Posts posted by thirdrock

  1. Thanks for the replies

    Yea like I said, those last few images I hadn't taken a shower and my hair gets greasy and looks more thin up top.  I'm sure that's still not the best but right now I'm only worried about the very front. I am on finasteride for 2 years and was on minoxidil but stopped for about a year and now I'm back on it so I'm not too worried about the top right now. Especially since I plan to grow my hair out.  I'm 29.


    Is there a such thing as 'overdoing' it within reason? Like obviously not putting 5k in just the front but lets say in theory I needed 3k and got 3.5, would that look too unnatural? 

  2. I was hoping people could weigh in on how many grafts they think would be good for me. The last 4 pictures I hadn't showered so my hair is more greasy and looks more thin but I figured they might help.

    I went to one a year ago and they suggested 3000-3500, but another one recently suggested 1600-2000.  Would 1600-2000 be enough? Is 3000 overkill? Does this number change on how they extract the hair? I was told there can be more than 1 hair extracted/implanted at a time and thus you can still get a lot of hair with not as many grafts.

    My donor area is very good and they said I have at least 8000 donor hairs. I'm also only worried about my hairline and nothing else. Also which hairline would look more natural, the straight line or the line that curves up?

    Thank you in advance, I can provide more pictures if needed








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