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Posts posted by curiou

  1. @mister_25, I feel your pain. Considering everything, including your mental problems. I am sorry.

    I'll be strictforward: IMO your result isn't worth the price. I'm sorry for that. There is an improvement, but it is slight. 3872 grafts should have covered your spots perfectly. IMO Hasson should offer you a free touch up if you're dissatisfied in month twelve.

    I would like to come across as a friend and try to give some words of advice, if you look for this kind of support. I've been there: self-hate and self-contempt due to hair problems is one common that we share. My HT wasn't perfect either. It was enough to make "terrible" go to "will do", but if I get in a wrong light, I still feel myself like an ugly. 


    1. Try to style your hair another way. You have that "slicked back" look and it shows thin hairs in the front line. Maybe you could try side part. Should cover the spots. Should mask front: side-parted hair looks fuller.

    2. Do not try Duta in desperate attempt to improve your situation. I suspect you have severe depression due to failed expectations (and it is not your fault, man. It was the clinic that failed to deliver in your case) AND finasteride. Changing to Dutasteride might worsen your mental condition.

    And I should say one thing that might you may not like, but I ask you to give it a thought: your social life worsened not only because you're feeling bad about your hair, but also due to your depression. Depression part what does it most. It is not your fault: people love you when you're up, but no one gives a flying f*** if you're down. If your "friends" left you in the dark - they're not your friends. F*** THEM. If someone have the audacity to publically discuss your hair when you're not proposing that topic - they're rude and obnoxious people. F*** THEM. You deserve better.

    3. Try to reduce your Fin dosage to 0.5-0.2 mg daily. Or exclude Saw Palmetto. When someone advices to use DHT blockers, it is rarely mentioned that by blocking 5-a-reductase it blocks the synthesis of neurosteroid Allopregnanolone(ALLO). When ALLO is deficient in your brain, it may cause depression.

    4. With slightly reduced Fin dose, add palmitoylethanolamide(PEA).  It should increase ALLO level in your brain.  There is one problem though: when you're on Fin, ALLO synthesis is very, very low and PEA impact will also be mitigated. But I think it is still worth to try. Here is some links to read. 



    To close mental part: it won't be easy, it requires many factors for you to start getting out of this. To me it was combination of p.1,2,3,4 and therapist.

    5. I read that you're fixed your diet. It is very good to hear. Maybe you could visit a gastroenterologist: your stomach affects your hair and skin more than you think. If there is some chronic problems, make appropriate changes to your meal plan. Skin/hair will improve.

    6. Ketokonazole works in combination with p.5 as a prophylactic. Use it a 2-3 times a week. Wash your hair each 2-3 days.

    7. Consider other doctors who could fix your problem. Save your money little by little for a good option. I could recommend Konior, Pekiner, Couto, De Freitas, Ferreira. Maybe it is Hasson who should fix it, but if you don't trust him anymore, it is up to you. 

    8. If p.1 doesn't work and it looks terrible to you, you could shave your head to 0.6-1cm and rock some rugged shaven-bearded lumberjack look as well. It'll help when you're waiting for you second surgery.

    9. I was addicted to fibers some time, but it is like a drug. If you use them, use them deliberately for special occasions. Not everyday.

    10. Trust your feelings. If you feel that your result doesn't satisfy you - don't settle and don't listen to cope from the others. Fight. Every age is worth it: 20's, 30's, 40's. You deserve to be happy about your looks. But remember: a beatiful box is just a box, if it is empty. Try not to forget about more meaningful things that fill your life. Remember yourself.

    As you see, I vouch for a complex take on the problem. You have a very different journey ahead of you, but I believe in you. Why? Because you took the chance to improve when you got your 1st HT. There is fight in you. Don't give up. I wish you all the best.

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