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Posts posted by Diamon

  1. Bayer


    HT is good but you can never get your hair back as it was once, I have seen people that regrets that they did a ht. So Ht are not the best option.


    And now about the hair system, Some are not good and some are good.

  2. Hello kartyyy. Of course you can have sex with it man. And It will never pull off. I have been in all kind of weathers with it. STRONG wind Rainy weather, I drive a cab and its no problem. And I go to gym and its also no problem. I do everything a man with full head of hair can do.


    And lets say you get your self into a fight..

    If a guy pull your hair very very very hard maybe it can be pulled of but so will your skin also. Thats how strong its glued on your head. Dont worry everything will be fine.


    I am planning on having mine untill hair cloning comes out. And I will send you a picture to your email adress as soon as I get home, I am at work right now..


    I will also send roy_sam a picture. Talk soon guys.

  3. it sits very very hard on your scalp, Not possible for it to fall off. Well maybe if you pull your hardest with 2 hands then yes maybe.


    But who the hell are going to try pull your hair?

  4. I would say that hair system is better then hair translpant because you can get the full head of hear you once had. And there are some good once out there that are undetectable.


    that is just my opinion.

  5. Hair clinics says that he have done a hair system. But I guess we will never know for sure.


    But it sure looks great on Ben, But something is just not right when you look at it. It feels too perfect, Now dont get me wrong I am not saying that people cant have that good looking natural hair something just isent right when you take a real close look at him.


    Anyway if he have done this then its good for him, And if he have not done this then people are wrong about him.

  6. Today I finaly went to the clinic. The night before I could not sleep I slept for 2 hours only, I was thinking alot and was very nervous.


    Anyway, I went and when i steped in, I had a very bad feeling but some guy came to me and started to talk to me. It was the guy who owns the place.


    We sat and talkt for a while, Maybe 3 hours or so. He explained everything to me and he felt very honest.He even did offer me to try the system for 6 weeks. He said If I did not like it he will give me my money back. I said what tha hell I have nothing to lose, So i signed the pappers and in thoose pappers there were also written that if I dont like it I will get money back so that is a possitive thing.


    And he even said he will make it very natural looking, I said to him its not about talking, Show me and if I like it then I do and if not then I dont. (Just like you people said before, Hair system aint for all)


    Maybe it can look good and natural on some people and maybe it can look unnatural on other people. I think it is definitely worth a try.


    Thx again for your supporticon_smile.gif

  7. Hello all.

    I have been reading on what have been said in here. I like that people are being honest.


    I just wannet to say that my brother did a hair replacement and it looks very very good. Even his own friends dont know that he have a hair replacement. But they asks him all the time about how great his hair look and how great his new hair-cut looks.


    He is very happy with it. He has been wearing it now for 7 month and all he keeps saying to me is that its perfect.


    He goes 1 time to them each month just so they can remove the system or what ever it is called (wig) and just so they can do a hair-cut on him.

    Once it done they put it back and off he goes.


    Next month he goes back. (each month 1 time)


    And of course I am going to try it myself.I have been losing my hair since I was 18 years old. Now I am 23 and I gotta tell you it really SUCKS.


    I feel very bad about my look and I have no confidence left.

    I sometimes dont want to go out. Sitting home all the time hiding is very depressing.


    So now I have decided to do something about it. And I hope that I will also like the system as much as my brother likes it.


    And for thoose who dont know how the system works I can try telling you.


    The system or the WIG sits 1 month at your head.

    After 1 month you need to get your ass back to them so they can remove it,wash it, and do a haircut on you. When that is completed then they put it back with very strong glue and its done.


    I have even tried pulling someones hair once when I was at the compay with my brother, The guy asked me and I did it. And belive me I pulled hard and nothing happend, So that is always a positive thing. My brother goes swimming and he even goes to the gym and all he says is thoose guys saved my life.


    Anyway I am really happy that this website exists and I am sorry if my english is bad but I hope you did understand what i wrote.

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