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Posts posted by CJ89

  1. Day 21 Post Op Update

    3 weeks in and I’ve been able to go to work / see friends and other than a couple of comments on my ‘different’ hair cut, no one has noticed I’ve had a transplant. 

    I still have a little itching now and then but otherwise feel great. 

    I have returned to using 1 pillow to sleep, have got back to the gym & started wearing tshirts again - so pretty much back to life as normal pre-op!



  2. Day 14 Post Op Update

    I’ve reached the 2 week mark! I haven’t used the travel pillow during sleep since op +10, and most of the itching has subsided (still a little here & there).

    The grafts should now firmly be in place & I can return to my pre op routines, as per the advice from the clinic. I’m looking forward to getting back to the gym, and today washed my hair with my regular shampoo rather than baby shampoo. 

    Just a waiting game now for my back & sides to grow back enough to get a decent haircut, and await the shedding phase!



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  3. Day 10 Post Op Update

    Since yesterday afternoon I’ve had the scabs on my grafted area start to come away, and was able to remove at least 50% by gently massaging with my finger tip. I’ve felt more come off during my morning hair wash and would say I’ve now had about 75-80% of the grafted area scabs come off.

    The itching during the last few days was difficult, but has massively subsided now the scabs are coming off!

    I slept without the travel pillow for the first time last night (still using 2 normal pillows) which felt great.




  4. Day 7 Post Op Update

    Still have some itching on the grafted area, and have noticed some scabs starting to fall off from my donor area the last 24 hrs. 
    But still managing to sleep fine, using the saline spray every 2 hours & taking it easy!

    I had my 2nd check in call from the clinic post op, and all sounds fine! I can start to wash my hair without the flannel covering from tomorrow & hopefully the scabs on the grafted area will start to come away over the next week. I cannot stress enough how incredible the team at Farjo have been up to this point. 



  5. Day 5 Post Op Update

    Itchy! Starting from evening 3 post op, I’ve had itching from both my donor area & grafted area. It comes & goes, but I’ve successfully resisted the urge to scratch so far!

    Still using the saline spray every 2 hours on both areas, and I’ve been washing my hair as per my instructions each morning. 

    I haven’t needed any pain meds, and am still sleeping using 2 pillows + a travel neck pillow. 



  6. So after following this site & a number of threads for a while, I finally decided to ‘go for it’ and have this month had my 1500 graft FUE hair transplant at the Farjo Hair Institute in Manchester. 

    This community was a huge help for me when I was researching clinics & increasing my understanding of the process in general, so figured I’d start to document my own journey to help others!

    1st couple of pictures; my starting hairline, and then a couple from post-op!




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