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Posts posted by Dylan94

  1. G'day all! 

    I have recently been combing my hair post shower morning and night with a wooden widespread comb, and it got me thinking should I be combing my hair if my hair is thinning? I've read some things saying that combing your hair is a must, and then I've read things saying reducing the amount of combing is better for hair growth.. 

    I'm also looking at some recommendations for the best shampoo/conditioner to use. I'm currently using Bondi Boost, which I'm not too sure about. Let me know what you guys use down below!

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Hey all,

    This is my first time posting to HRN, and I am a bit of a noob in the hair transplant world, so please bear with me. 

    I am a 29-year-old (soon to be 30) male from Australia and basically, I started to notice my hair thinning since I was about 22 years old. It wasn't actually too bad until I hit 27. The last 2 years I have been trying different shampoos and conditioners, I tried minoxidil and finasteride, I even started putting coconut, peppermint and rosemary oil on my scalp (not all at the same time), along with masking my hair with egg, but nothing seems to be slowing down my thinning hair. 

    A bit of a background on my family. On my mum's side, my grandpa was completely bald, on my dad's side, my pop and my dad are completely bald. So basically, I was doomed from the start.

    At this point I still have a decent amount of hair on my head, although I feel like I have maybe 2-3 years before I have a bigger more noticeable bald patch (Please see attached photos). I can't really show you how bad it is by camera because I have been growing my hair as long as possible to hide my baldness, although I took some photos when I was masking my hair so you can see it a bit clearer. If I go by the NW levels, I think eventually I will be at a NW6? I'm honestly not 100% sure where exactly I sit. 

    So, my first question is, how long do I wait before looking at getting a hair transplant? Am I better off getting one earlier while my hair is still somewhat in the early stages of balding, or do I wait until its far more noticeable? The next question is, what surgeon should I look at going through? I looked at Dr Loarwong because he seems to have a good reputation on this forum, although I'm not sure he will be able to cover my whole scalp as I haven't seen him do a huge number of grafts from the posts I have seen. He seems to be pretty affordable, as I am looking between the margin of 20-30k AUD. He's located in Thailand which also makes it easier and cheaper to travel to. I also looked at Dr Pittella which seems to be the most reliable and have the most experience when it comes to the bigger end of grafts, but he seems to be a lot more expensive than Dr Loarwong according to most of the posts I have read in this forum. He's also located in Brazil, which would be quite expensive for travel. Is there anyone else I should consider?

    Once again, sorry for my lack of knowledge, and thanks for reading. I hope I can get someone can point me in the right direction.









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