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Posts posted by nick_au

  1. Is there anyone who has quit for the first time with success? I'm on week 3, and now feeling discouraged icon_frown.gif


    I assume chantix are some form of nicotine patch or something, like nicobate? Can anyone shed any light on how the cravings are once you've finished the course of patches/gum etc? While i rarely crave a smoke since i've been on the patches, my biggest fear is resisting temptation when i don't have a patch on to ease me through.



  2. hairthere,


    Cheers for your thoughts. Although i have been extremely satisfied with my experiences with Dr Martinick so far, i do believe in shopping around and doing adequate research before deciding on a surgeon (i have also heard good things about Dr Knudsen in oz). I don't mind paying if the job is going to be done well. I'll keep your thoughts in mind...thanks

  3. Dear CharlieB,


    Congrats on your transplant. It is good to hear you had such a positive experience. I have been to the same clinic a number of times myself for consultations with Dr Martinick and her consultant. I found them both to be extremely professional. You can tell instantly that she is extremely passionate and dedicated to her work, she made me feel totally at ease the moment i stepped in the door.


    I am considering a transplant soon myself. May i ask what the standard of follow up care is like at the clinic? Do you have any recent after pics of your procedure?



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