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Posts posted by chavtastic

  1. London - I think you've missed the point I'm trying to make.


    I have absolutely no doubt that Dr.Feller is a top class surgeon - the results you see on here are testament to that. He also seems like quite a decent sort of person aswell.


    What I'm saying is that if there is a hint of dissatisfaction then that needs to be addressed first and foremost. It has taken 7 pages of posts to bring this to a suitable conclusion whereby you have been offered a discounted surgery.


    From what I have seen on this forum (and I'm more of a lurker than a poster) is that sometimes more onus is placed of defending one's reputation than there is on presenting a solution. Look back at the first few post's from Spex and tell me what you think? We have to remember that you are a patient and a paying customer.


    I don't have any agenda whatsover, so I'm just calling it how I see it. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me slightly cautious about having surgery with Dr.Feller. If things didn't go well would I have to come on here with photo's etc before my concerns were addressed? Or would I be treated like a customer and get the after care that should be part and parcel of this experience? I don't know the answer to that but, as I said, this kind of thread throws up doubts.

  2. The problem with this thread is that the patient's welfare seems to be a side issue.


    On the one hand you have corvette attempting to diminish this particular doctor's reputation in quite an underhand way (which I've noticed is not for the first time). Having said that, some of this issues he has raised, are real enough. And most of them have not been addressed.


    And on the other hand you have Spex who defends the clinics reputation no matter what. Customer service and patient satisfaction are treated as secondary issues in order to sustain the reputation of Dr.Feller on this forum. That is completely and totally out of balance with how it should be. Let's remember that the patient is the most important thing here.


    I don't see this as a proper and fair assessment of the situation that London has brought up. Granted, a fair and reasonable conclusion has been reached, but the way it's reached doesn't fill me with confidence, and I'm sure the neutral posters are quite the same. In reality I think you are damaging your reputation more than protecting it - by defending yourself so strongly I wonder myself if I would be treated in the same way should I become a patient of yours?

  3. Just the recession at the temples that I'm looking to address.


    The birthmark has, well, always been there! I've learned to live with it so it would not be something I'd look to have work done to.


    Do you think 2000 grafts to the temple areas would be too much? And do you think at 29 I'd be foolish to do this given my pattern and degree of loss are not fully established? Or would you say that I'd be less likely to go to say a NW 4 or 5 given the state of play and my age?

  4. Hello again everyone,


    Well it has been almost 3 years since I posted that message and I'm pleased to say little has changed in my hairline / head. No further loss has occurred. I haven't been on any medication although I'm considering propecia perhaps in a year or so.


    Anyway, I'm almost 29 and considering my pattern of loss, my question is: do you think I'm at a point where my pattern of loss could be considered relatively mild? I ask because I would like to visit Dr.Rahal and have my temples restored at some stage in the not too distant future (he has suggested 2,000 grafts which seems a little excessive but I'd like some decent density so can accept that). Any comments on the above? How has others' loss progressed from mid-late 20's and on into their 30's?


    Thanks for your help guys.



  5. Who takes the photo's both pre-op and post-op at this clinic?


    To me it looks like some very crafty photography which is making the result look considerably better than it is?


    Look at the difference in angles between the pre-op and post-op photo's. I'd be inclined to ask why there is a lack of consistency here. Personally it looks like the result is not as good as it appears in the clinic shots - which is quite concerning.

  6. Hello again guys,


    I have been lurking with intent again for some time!


    Anyway, it has been over a year since those photo's and I'm pleased to say that things have not gotten worse. I have not used meds but my hairloss would, for now, appear to be stable.


    My question is, based on the photo's and the rate of loss - would you reccomend I go and get some work done on the temples? I'm 27 (nearly 28) now, or do you think I should wait until I'm 30 to see where I really am?


    I have the money and the inclination to do it, but I'm stopping myself primarily because I dont want to shoot myself in the foot and have the work done and then have a rapid recession!


    So, basically what I'm asking is: Given my state of hairloss, and my age, is it too early to predict what kind of pattern I will experience?

  7. Well I sent the pics to my doc today - now he's come back and said that based on the pictures (which are the same as the ones on this thread) I'll need around 2,000 grafts plus or minus.


    What do you think of that? Personally I think thats too much, there isnt much to be restored from what I can see and some here seem to agree.


    I'm starting to have doubts about whether or not to proceed to be honest - are there any docs out there that care to comment?

  8. Thanks for the replies so far.


    Forrest - what was your hairline like when you were my age (26)? My hairline has been like this now since I was 23/24 and does not seem to be changing? So for that reason I'm considering having a HT now rather than later - I also dont have any baldness of my paternal side although my maternal grandfather did experinence some hairloss although it was not particularly bad.


    What about my crown? I really cant tell whether its thinning or not - it doesnt seem to be but what do others think?


    If anyone has had a similar level of recession at my age maybe they could give me an idea of how theirs progressed so I have some idea of how mine might go? This will help me plan and make an informed choice at my consultation.


    Thanks in advance.

  9. Im a 26 year old guy.


    I'd just written a massive message but the file size was too big!


    Anyway, if you could take a look at my pics at let me know where I am on the norwood scale? I'm due to see Dr.Pathomvanich in Thailand in October for my HT - what should I be asking him?


    I obviously need to protect againts future loss but how far do you think I can go with the temples in terms of filling the in?


    Just some general comments/suggestions/advice is something I could really do with! Be nice to hear a different perspective and maybe I will change my mind on certain things.



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