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Posts posted by Phillyhair

  1. Great to hear your news.

    I am glad youare doing well and happy with your results.

    So far for me, things look great...The hairline is amazing.With the 3000 FU I got, I have a good density. Not even one person could tell that i had a HT. Scar, is unnoticeable..I cannot evn locate it myself. Anyway, I will post some pictures soon as well.

  2. Hi,

    I am 7 months past my hair transplant and things have been great so far with a total change in appearance...posted lots of pics before....However, I just wanted to know the timeline of growth....as I said, I am 7 months...should I expect more density beyond that point...until when wil growth keep going?

  3. Hi,

    I am 7 months past my hair transplant and things have been great so far with a total change in appearance...posted lots of pics before....However, I just wanted to know the timeline of growth....as I said, I am 7 months...should I expect more density beyond that point...until when wil growth keep going?

  4. Miami305,

    The short answer to your question is YES, the scar will show for a period of time......if your hair is shorter than 1" long....So with you sayingthat you cut your hair, pretty short...you run the risk of it showing at least in the first month...

    I had my hair about 1-2" long alklk over, and teh scar was not noticable...as my hair covered it. Not later on, a good scar is around 1-2 mm in width, so potentially you can buzz down to a number 2-3 without it showing...BUT YOU KNOW< this is a plastic suregery so results might vary...NEil Nelson had some good pictures of his scar...(But take into consideration that his was a repair surgery, so he already had several scars before his operation with Dr. Epstein....he also had long hair to cover it up...But as you can, scar is undetectable when he cut it shorter after 5.5 moinths from surgery..........

    If in the future, you would like to keep cutting you hair very very short...than you probably should go wth a FUE not a stip surgery.....there are positive and limitations with each type of surgery and you have to consult a doctor and weigh in the positives and negatives...in YOUR situation....

    As far as tranplanted area and donot scar in my cae...I couldn't have been happier.....it looks very naturalll...totally undetectable....after a week off after the surgery........... (Noit even the people I work with on a daily basis detected I had a HT done....and I was a NW5.......

  5. DonorForHire,

    Sorry to hear about your experience. Did Dr. Epstein (Or his office) PRESSURE you into getting the transplant the dayof your consultation or JUST offer...

    The reason I am asking is the following...I had my HT with Dr. Epstein in Dec 04...after about 6 years of research....I just did not want to make a decision that I regret later...

    I have had 11 online consultations with the 11 doctors most recommended on this site (Regardless of Geographic Location----the RIGHT way, in my opinion) and I felt most comfortable with Dr. Epstein as he answered ALL my questions, Set my expectations right....and Never called, sent me any advertisement or email to try to persuadee me into the surgery---In fact, Roxy told me after my consultation, that whenever I am ready, I should call to schedule...BUT SINCE I WAS AN OUT OF TOWNER....THEY TOLD ME THAT IF I GO FOR A ONE_ON_ONE CONSULTATION, AND I CHOOSE to do the surgery at the same time, THEY CAN ARRANGE FOR THAT........

    ONE thing to remmember, HAIR transplant is an ART, not Brain surgery with major diagnosis etc.......in that symptoms are known, procedure is very mainstream now...The only variable being...DONOR DENSITY.......So from pictures....you can have 95% of the situations resolved....

    That being said....YOU SHOULD NEVER BE RUSHED into such a procedure....you should do it at your own pace...and when you're ready....I am not sure about FUE, as Dr. Epstein performed a Strip of 3000 FU since I was a NW5...and with the strip, NOt even me, can locate the scar...(which I was freaky about the horror stories I read about Scar stretching and showing (And I owe that to Dr. Epstein).

    To end, Please do not consider this a promotion of Dr. Epstein (Ultimately, YOU have to decide on the BEST surgeon you feel most comfortable with....)

    but the best advice i can give you is to never limit yourself to location

  6. Hey mekerus,

    I can attest to Dr. Epstein's abilities. I went through my operation with him on Dec. 17 04 and now, couldn't be happier....I as hesitant about the procedure, but after everything is said and done, I am so glad I went ahead....a HT is the best thing to happen to an individual (If and only IF they choose the right Doctor). Do not limit yourself to geography and go with the Dr. that you feel most at ease with after getting positive feedback from people on this forum...

  7. Pat,

    What you guys are doing there is great and very helpful.

    I benefited greatly, knowledge wise, and experience wise from visiting, contributing and learning from the site. It really helped me avoid making mistakes and choose the dr. that I felt as right for me, my situation, and the one I felt most comfortable with. Very Happy with my choice.

    I very much appreciate your efforts in narrowing down your list so that people avoid making wrong choices, and narrow down their choices.

    I know your intention of generating such list is purely innocent in your efforts to highlight the cream of the crop doctors (and that is very much needed. However, I believe, the list and approach seemed somehow promotional (I agree with you that some of the doctors mentioned are outstanding doctors...but there are others, that I consulted with and in the course of my research, and evaluating other's experience---would probably be safe to recommend---that are not on the list.


    To make a story short...my concern is that this list becomes commercial and then it looses its value(On it there are doctors we never heard of and excluded from it are doctors that are very highly regarded and recommended on this site from personal experiences).

    My personal suggestion is the following....Establish a clear criteria for doctors...(like, a doctor cannot be recommended unless 10-15 members provide CLEAR, untouched, and most importantly NOT PROVIDED by the doctor himself ...pictures of his/her work...right after HT, and then follow up throughout the growth process and then YOU GUYS (The Experts in HT)evaluate these pictures collect feedback from current doctors on the list (NO outstanding professional and honest doctor will speak badly of a colleague at his own level--in my opinion) and then based on these 15 or so experiences per doctor, it would be somehow safe to recommend that doctor...and that list will not be published until it is complete--at least with the ones that WE ALL know should be on that list....and believe me I know that other upcoming doctors will join in as their skills are proven (I am just throwing in an idea----

    BUT PLEASE, do not make that list, lose its purpose and be turned into a commercial list or a list of those who contributed, for the sake of the integrity of the site.

    Continued support---and wish you all the best...

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