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Posts posted by nowthereshairthere

  1. 6 and a half month update! Hair just keeps getting better and better. If I'm using Rogaine foam 2x a day (as I was in the below photos), then I can't even see a bald spot anymore! That's so huge!

    Other big piece of news is that I got so comfortable with my hair that I went without a hat for the duration of a two week trip to the East Coast. It's crazy how paranoid I was about going outside with a hat so often (because I couldn't get what remained of my hair "just right"); after a few days on vacation, I no longer thought about needing hats at all, and haven't since.

    I'm about 95% satisfied with my hair at this point. It's crazy that I don't have to worry about a bald spot anymore or ever having my head covered outside again. Only problem areas are that the front of the hairline still isn't too think (I can't wear my hair slicked back until that fills in). The left side of my temple is also a lot thinner than my right side. Not to worried about that (within my first two months after the surgery it was the opposite; I had full hairs on the left where I had none on the right), so I know it'll self-correct. 

    Honestly though, even if the above didn't happen, I'd still be thrilled with the results. Feeling much more confident in all areas of my life and I'm going outside without a hat on a consistent basis for the first time in 20 years.

    Sorry for the poor pic quality, need to start taking these after a shower.






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  2. Five Month (+ 1 Week) Progress

    Big milestone this month; went outside for the first time without a hat since the surgery! While the hair still has more to grow, I felt that the hairline looked strong enough to venture back out into the world. Got a compliment from a friend and my parents on how good it already looks too. They were surprised when I told them that my new hair was only about 50% or so finished. Crown now looks about 66% filled in which is great; can't wait till it hits 100%.

    I now have hair care/product options to consider which is wild to me. I rarely bothered combing my hair before because, at best, it took my hair from looking bad to looking slightly not as bad. Now though I have to be cognizant of combing my hair when I get out of the shower each morning and when I wake up. Haven't had to do something like this since my 20s! In addition, I'm now using/experimenting with hair care products that I had no use for before, and experimenting with hairstyles I couldn't pull off before. Haven't found my go-to style or regimen yet (likely will need to wait until more thickness comes in), but seriously loving that I now have options.

    I'll also mention that my hair may look a bit thicker before due to switching from finasteride to dutasteride last month. I feel like I notice a slight bit of thickness difference, though that could just be the new hair growth. Can't say for sure that the medication switch is a positive, but Duastride isn't making things worse for me (the same side effects are occurring as they were on Finastride). Hopefully, over time, the switch will make an even bigger difference.

    Now for some photos! I took these right out of the shower to provide the best possible view of my progress. Weirdly, there is a divide at the middle of my hairline. The area to the right is almost all filled in with thick hair. The left is getting better but isn't there yet. It has been this way since the beginning so I'm not worried or anything, but it does limit what I can do with my hair at the moment. You might see some redness there as well; it still happens after I get out of a hot shower, even after applying aloe vera after any exposure to hot water. Not worried though since it doesn't appear to be impeding the hair's progress.

    Also included a front face photo to compare to my original photo. Feels like I'm in the chia pet growth phase now, can't wait to see further improvement!








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  3. 4 month update! Hair regrowth is coming quickly. It's enough that I'm starting to be able to tell what the end result will look like. I'm also able to go outside without a hat on anymore as long as I keep my hair swept to one side. Starting to feel great at this point; the anxiety from the last 4 months was tough, but here's where it all pays off. I also just got a haircut this morning so the progress will shine through even better.

    Nothing changed elsewhere; still doing Finastride + rogaine + biotin shampoo. I did attempt to try dutasteride, but my doctor won't prescribe it to me yet as she wasn't aware of it being used for hair regrowth purposes, and when she searched her system, it didn't show as a possible off-label use either. She did just attend a conference late last year which spoke about the side effects of Finastride, so she's on board with prescribing, she just needs to get verification of its off-label potential. I'm guessing I'll have a prescription for it by the next month.







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  4. austx - It was 1751 grafts for the front and 1914 for the crown.

    3 months and 1 week update! I posted an update on 11/5 but the post just says the comment is hidden and has to be approved. Not sure what happened, hoping the same doesn't happen with this one.

    The good news is that the regrowth is starting! In the last update I had with Dr. Nader (end of November), he said that things looked good overall but he was slightly concerned that my hairline still looked red. He recommended that I apply aloe vera nightly to clear that up. After about three weeks of doing that, the redness went away (except when I immediately got out of the shower). Once that dissipated, then the hair growth began!

    The crown of the head is seeing better growth than the front. The picture doesn't do it justice for two reasons: it's a bad angle/photo (that was the best out of about 10 attempts), and I need my hair cleaned up. I have my first haircut scheduled for later this month; after that, I will post some better photos.

    I am starting to see hair growth on the hairline which I'm really excited about. There isn't much yet; the hairs growing there are fine and there isn't enough growing yet to go out without a hat, but it's definitely a start. Based on all the examples I saw here, it looks like this is right on schedule as well. Thinking by the end of March I'll be able to go out without a hat!

    I'll update this in about a month. Good luck to everyone going through the journey!

    Hair #1.jpg

    Hair #2.jpg

    Hair #3.jpg


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  5. One Month Update!

    The shedding continues, though I wish it were going faster. I get a few hairs a day, but at this pace, it feels like it'll be another month or two before most of the transplanted hair is gone. I guess some people don't shed all their hair though, so really I just need to be patient and see what happens.

    There are some red dots on my hairline and side of my head; per the doc, these are ingrown hairs. It's so weird to see something like that and take it as a positive sign (if something's ingrown, at least it's growing!)

    Sticking with my trifecta of Biotin shampoo, Minoxidil, and Finastride. My regular hair is starting to come in and it's coming in thick, I'm guessing due to the aforementioned routine. I can already tell there will be some unevenness to my hair though, so I've started strategizing when to shave my head again to make everything even. My scalp is still red as well which is a bummer; I'm okay going hatless once my hair is back to at least where it was pre-surgery, but not if my scalp is still red. I'm using Aloe Vera every other day; it's causing my scalp to take longer to turn red each day, but it always does. Again, not too worried, just annoyed.

    Really the hardest part at this point is demonstrating patience. I know everything is going well and it's all on schedule, but I can't help but feel anxious about it. I realize that it's less that I actually think something is wrong, and more that the ugly duckling phase is taking a toll on my confidence. There's nothing I can do though but wait (even if I wanted to), so that's my plan right now. I hope that the anxiety will lessen once the shedding phase is over and I can see new hairs growing in.

    1 Month - Right Side.jpg

    1 Month - Left Side.jpg

    1 Month - Crown.jpg

    1 Month - Top.jpg

  6. Day 18 Update!

    All the scabs are gone, though some redness persists. I've been under the weather the past week, so I only today got around to getting some Aloe Vera to help with that. There is a small red mark on the right side of my hairline; per Dr. Nader, that's an ingrown hair that will resolve itself. 

    Now I'm on shedding watch. Never thought there would be a point in my life where I was hoping I'd lose some hair 🤣. Dr. Nader's instructions said it should happen after two weeks, but other hair transplant providers say anywhere from two to eight weeks, so I'm trying not to freak out just yet that I'm not seeing anything. 

    There is still some itching in my donor areas but it has fallen off significantly. I found that sort of lightly pressing my fingers to my scalp and running them through my donor area calmed things down enough that it wasn't an issue. Otherwise, no other issues to note.

    I'm back on my full hair care regimen as well (Minoxidil + Finastride + Biotin shampoo). I'm going to start incorporating Bition in pill form as well (as suggested by Dr. Nader). Hoping this will boost growth and hair volume.

    Here are some photos:


    Day 18 #1.jpg

    Day 18 #2.jpg

    Day 18 #3.jpg

  7. Hey everyone,

    Wanted to share my hair transplant experience. Reading the success stories on here gave me the courage to go forward with the procedure; hoping my story gives others the courage to do the same. I'll spoil it right up front; it already feels like a great decision, and I'm not even 2 weeks in!


    After doing a good deal of research on hair transplants in general, I decided to do the FUE procedure, and I determined that I wanted both my crown filled in, and my hairline moved down. After researching doctors on this forum (amongst other places) I narrowed it down to three choices: Dr. Gabel in Tigard Oregon (local to me), Dr. Fallon in Tigard Oregon (local to me), and Dr. Nader (Reynosa, Mexico).

    For Nader and Gabel, I didn't do any in-person visits. I instead sent them photos of my head and asked what they could do. They each had the same basic recommendation: 3500 to 4000 grafts to cover everything I wanted. Oddly, Dr. Gabel wanted to split the procedures in two; hairline first, then the crown a few months later. Nader was willing to do everything in one go-around as long as I booked two days instead of one. 

    I actually met Dr. Fallon in person. He seemed like a nice person; we chatted for 30 minutes about miscellaneous stuff, then we started talking about the actual procedure. He seemed very.....disinterested in helping from that point onward. He gave me the info I needed, but he just kept repeating how booked up he was without offering to schedule me. I mentioned a few times wanted to schedule and each time he would respond with some variation of "I'm so booked" then steer the conversation to something else. Even at the end when I asked one final time, he said he'd have his secretary call with some dates. She never did.

    The above experience helped narrow it down to Gabel and Nader. While I liked that Gabel was so close, and I was able to afford him (he was about 3x what Nader was charging), I didn't want to have two separate procedures when it could be done in a single day. So on 3/4/23, I booked the earliest two-day appointment they had (1/3/24).

    I got an e-mail on 6/6 stating there was a cancellation in August I could take. I wasn't available at that time (I had just gotten laid off and was still processing things). I then got an e-mail on 8/15 stating 9/25 and 9/26 were available. Since my employment situation was a lot clearer, I was able to accept the dates. 


    I flew United from Oregon to the McAllen airport, then stayed at the SpringHill Suites. Decent stay; it was within walking distance from a few restaurants which made me feel better about the recovery process (that I could easily walk to get food). I arrived a few days before the procedure to check out the town. It was 103 degrees though with humidity that weekend, so I ended up staying in my hotel for most of it. I did make it out to South Padre Island to see the Gulf Coast. I wouldn't recommend it; just about everything there is to do on the island involves being outdoors; great if the weather is nice, but not worth it if it isn't.

    I didn't end up eating anything worth mentioning or going anywhere else worth mentioning. 

    The Procedure

    The morning of the procedure, Mr. Santos picked me up at the hotel primptly at 7:20. It took about :40 minutes to get to Dr. Nader's office from the hotel (about 10 minutes from the border to his office). Mr. Santos was great; English was a little broken but he spoke enough that we were able to have some fun conversations. He said he's been driving for Dr. Nader for 13 years now too which I think speaks to who he is. 

    We arrived at a completely non-descript medical building. Didn't take note of much across the border other than the large number of stray dogs, and the fact that the street vendors sometimes were literally in the middle of the street. I was worried at first until I realized that this was par for the course and Mr. Santos knew how to navigate through it all.

    We were buzzed in through a large metal gate, from where we walked up to the office. Again, completely non-descript, with bare white walls and minimal furniture. It's not off-putting or anything, just had me surprised at first. I was given a tour of the facilities then instructed to remove my shows + shirt, put on a medical top, then meet Dr. Nader in his office.

    Dr. Nader and I spoke for somewhere between half an hour and an hour. Most of it was just getting to know each other; I gave him my reasons for doing the transplant and what I hoped to gain from it. He shared his hair loss journey (including showing some photos), his personal research into hair loss, why he does what he does, etc. He really came across as a genuine person and he seems legitimately passionate about the field of hair loss. 

    He asked what my priorities were; I said hairline first, crown last. He then started mapping out what was possible. I told him I was satisfied with what we but together (his estimate was about 3500 grafts), and we were off!

    I went into what I call the "TV" room (it's just a big chair in front of a TV). From there, they shaved my head, and I got to see myself bald for the first and last time. Then I went into what I call the "Massage Table" room. From there I laid down on a massage table, and placed my head in the hole. Honestly, this was the hardest part of the procedure for me. Not because the procedure itself is painful, but because my face would frequently get uncomfortable. Not blaming Dr. Nader for this; it's an expected part of the procedure. I brought some headphones as well to listen to music which helped pass the time. All told, I believe I was in this phase for 3 or 4 hours.

    Next was lunch; the famous tacos! They were really fantastic....maybe I'm saying that because I've admittedly never had good Mexican food before, but I was a big fan of these. Ample time was given here to readjust. I answered some texts, used the restroom, and decided what I wanted to watch. Soon enough, the team was back in and we were ready for round 2.

    Round 2 was about 4 hours of them placing the grafts. Again, minimal pain here, and whenever there was pain Dr. Nader was quick to take care of it. Honestly, this part was a breeze. I decided right then and there to start an Arrested Development rewatch, and pretty much got lost in the show until the end of the day.

    Mr. Santos took me back to my hotel. It took a good deal longer this time, mainly because of the line at the border. I would say I got home in 1:15. I wasn't in much pain....really the worst part at this point was the anxiety that I was going to do something to screw things up. Dr. Nader did an excellent job at the beginning of explaining how few people had any complications from his procedures, and the ones that did only lost a graft or two (he even showed me pics others had texted him of their lost grafts so I could see what it looks like so I'd know if it happens). 

    Ended up that I had nothing to fear. Being extra precautious paid off; no issues the first night. I made sure to sleep on the couch in my room with my head elevated and wearing a neck pillow (so my head didn't come into contact with anything). I put a body pillow by my side as well so I wouldn't roll over. It worked!

    I woke up the next day feeling fine with no issues. Mr. Santos was there again at 7:20 sharp, and we were off. Second day got right down to business as I went back into the Massage Table room for more extractions. It was a bit easier dealing with it that day since I knew it was coming. A few more grafts were taken the 2nd day than the 1st, so I was in here longer than the day before.

    After lunch was the implementation part. Again, no issues here as I got lost in Netflix. For unknown reasons, this part went a lot quicker than the day before, so I ended up finishing about two hours earlier than the prior day! I gave a heartfelt thanks to Dr. Nader for such a positive and streamlined experience. He explained that he ended up taking a few more grafts than originally planned, but he didn't charge me for them (I promise I insisted that he should!). 

    Mr. Santos was waiting in the lobby to grab me, and he promptly took me back to my hotel.

    No issues with pain or sleep the 2nd evening, though I did forgot to spray my head on a number of occasions (Dr. Nader gives you a spray which is a saline/water mix and says you should use it on your scalp every :15 that you're awake). It wasn't the end of the world though. I also took my medication as instructed by Dr. Nader which seemed to eliminate any pain or itching.

    The next day was an early flight back to Oregon. No issues here other than a flight delay. When I got back I took a well-deserved nap, then started the next phase.


    Per Dr. Nader's instructions, my next 10 days were spent on scab patrol. I was to use the saline/water spray as instructed for 3 to 5 days. I was to shower each day and use his 5-5-5 method: 5 minutes of putting water in my hair via gravity (I filled a Tupperware bowl with shower water and then slowly released it on my head), 5 minutes of performing circular motions on scabs to try to release them (not too hard for the first few days, but I got more aggressive towards the end at the stubborn ones), then 5 more minutes of washing via gravity. 

    He explained in the office that I likely wouldn't see any fall out for the first two days, then a few the third, then accelerating each day till the last 10% or so. I would say that reality matched his estimates 100%. First three days I thought I was doing something wrong because nothing was coming off. Fourth day saw a bit, fifth a bit more, then on the sixth day so many were coming off that I didn't even try to massage them, I just focused on washing my hair. All told the last scabs came off on the 10th day.

    Initial Reaction

    I gotta say, it's already wild looking at myself in a mirror. I'm not shedding as of yet, so I can get a rough idea of what I'm going to look like once the hair is grown, and I'm already happy with the results. My brother said the new hairline alone makes me look five years younger.

    I have no complaints about the design. There are a few imperfections, but Dr. Nader told me before the procedure that he purposely puts a few in to make the hairline look more natural. The funny thing is that that's exactly what it looks like; it doesn't look perfect, but it doesn't look unnatural either. Mission accomplished!

    I know that the journey isn't over yet. I'm mentally preparing for the shedding which I know will happen at any time. Dr. Nader also explained that hair grows on the front faster than in the back, so I have to prepare for that too. I know it'll be worth it though!

    Huge thanks to Dr. Nader, his staff, and Mr. Santos for such a pleasant experience. Would highly recommend them if you want both quality and price. I never felt afraid in Mexico either (I didn't bring cash with me though which helped). 


    I'll include some photos below, starting with my last photo with hair, up through photos at day 5. I'll try to get some more tomorrow since Tues will make 2 weeks since the procedure. 

    If anyone wants any more info, I'm happy to share. Feel free to reply to this post or send me a message. Thanks again for everyone else for sharing their stories!!

    Last Photo with Hair.jpg

    Pre-Shave #1.jpg

    Pre-Shave #2.jpg

    Post Shave #1.jpg

    Post Shave #2.jpg

    Initial Gafts - Top of Head.jpg

    Initial Grafts - Crown.jpg

    Initial Grafts - Left Donor Area.jpg

    Initial Grafts - Right Donor Area.jpg

    Day 5 - Forehead.jpg

    Day 5 - Left Temple.jpg

    Day 5 - Right Temple.jpg

    Day 5 - Crown.jpg

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