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Posts posted by youngsuccess

  1. Mike,


    Congratulations on your recent procedure with Dr. Mohmand and thanks for posting in detail about your experience. It sounds like you had quite an adventure.


    Perfecting the hairline is the key component to a successful restoration in many ways, so it sounds like these grafts were used wisely. I'm looking forward to your pictures.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  2. Chris in Seattle,


    Welcome to our community.


    Congratulations on your recent hair transplant with an outstanding physician. Once you're prepared to upload pictures, consider putting together your own patient website which can be updated as you progress. Thanks for sharing your experience with Dr. Gabel in detail, and happy growing!




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  3. ninjathen,


    Sometimes applying minoxidil in the recipient area is recommended to patients who wish to speed up the growth rate of transplanted hair, but I would check with Dr. Dorin about the specifics. Misuse of Rogaine can be irritating to a healing scalp immediately following a hair transplant.

  4. tremblant,


    Dr. Cohen performs quality follicular unit hair transplant surgery and is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. Dr. Cohen normally performs smaller-sized surgeries. Coalition member Dr. True has the staff and experience to perform larger densely packed sessions when appropriate. However, megasessions are not always appropriate for every patient.


    Since Dr. Cohen and Dr. True both recommend the same number of grafts for your first procedure, consider which strategy best suits your initial goals: more coverage throughout, or greater density in the front. I would base the rest of my decision on reviewing patients' results and how well I connect with each physician during the consultations.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  5. tremblant,


    I think it's possible to create an illusion of better coverage this way. By building a conservative hairline and reconnecting the sides in a NW 6 patient, he then will have the option to throw it back over the rest of the balding area.


    This could result in a potentially backwards-looking "comb over" style if not enough hair is transplanted mid-scalp, though.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  6. worseramirez,


    Welcome to our community.


    Minoxidil has only been FDA approved for treatment of the vertex/crown area. However, many users believe that applying Rogaine anywhere you still have hair could work to some degree. If you're prepared for the daily commitment and possible frontal shedding, it might be worth a shot.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  7. Megatron,


    I see what you're saying. I think this would depend on the aggressiveness of the individual's hair loss.


    If someone is predestined to become a full-blown Norwood 6 by the age of 40, even 10 years of committed Rogaine/Propecia use probably won't be enough to stave off all of the effects of MPB. He will still likely progress somewhat over the treatment period, and abruptly stopping could then exacerbate things even further during the next few years.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  8. Zerosum,


    Uploading pictures would definitely help, and providing other relevant information such as your age, family background, and personal hair loss history would be useful. What are your long-term goals?


    Ultimately, speaking with a recommended hair restoration physician will be your best bet, but I'm sure the members here would be happy to offer you some initial feedback. Let me know if you need any help posting photos.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  9. Urizen,


    The first thing you need to do is get an evaluation to determine the cause of your hair loss. If you're suffering from thyroid disease, the thinning will most likely stop once hormone levels have been stabilized.


    It sounds like you also may be suffering from male pattern baldness, but I would not attempt to treat genetic alopecia without first ruling out any other potentially health-related issues.


    Have you spoken with your doctor at all about these symptoms?


    Best wishes,


    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  10. Megatron,


    That's an interesting analogy. However, users invariably report losing any regrown hair after discontinuing finasteride or minoxidil treatment. That's conclusive evidence, in my opinion. I've honestly never heard anyone suffering from male pattern baldness claim otherwise.


    Do you think you've maintained Propecia or Rogaine-dependent hair growth after stopping?




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  11. ammo,


    There's no need to continue making blanket statements about growth timelines. You have two posts in the same thread advising (now insisting) that LittleWolf either request his money back or demand a free procedure at the halfway mark. You're more impatient than the person who had the hair transplant.


    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  12. Thoughtsbecomethings,


    Congratulations on your recent hair transplant with Dr. Feller. Great review! When you're ready to upload photos, you might also want to consider creating your own patient website which can be updated as you progress. It sounds like Spex is already on top of things, as usual.


    Thanks for taking the time to post about your experience in detail. We're glad to have you here. icon_smile.gif




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  13. GuyInDC,


    Welcome and congratulations on your recent hair transplant.


    Dr. Lindsey is a regular contributor to the forum, so it's no surprise to hear that he remained extremely accessible over the internet before and after your procedure. Thanks for sharing your experience and kudos to you for selecting an outstanding physician. icon_smile.gif





    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  14. GTZ101,


    From Bernstein Medical:




    The follicular unit not only consists of a small group of hair follicles, but it also contains nerves, blood vessels and a tiny muscle called the erector pilorum (this is the same muscle that makes a cat's hairs stand on end when it wants to look threatening). The whole unit is packaged in collagen that surrounds it and makes the follicular unit a distinct structure.


    Because follicular units are a complete anatomic and physiologic structures, keeping them intact during the hair transplant will ensure their maximum survival and growth.



    The grafts are surgically transplanted into the scalp, and as the recipient incision sites heal the follicular units are permanently secured.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  15. windjc,


    From Rogaine.com's FAQ section:


    Can I blow-dry my hair after applying ROGAINE?® Extra Strength Solution?


    Yes. It's fine to blow-dry your hair; however, we recommend using your dryer at a lower setting.



    I still tend to agree with Maxxy, though. Give it a few minutes just to make sure it's being absorbed into the scalp and not evaporated by the blow-drying. In the past, users were advised to let the original formula dry naturally.


    It's also still recommended to at least towel dry your hair before applying it.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  16. Wibelz,


    It sounds like you've been dealing with a multitude of issues and this recent run-in with your ex-girlfriend may have been the spark that finally ignited the powder keg.


    However, I'm a bit confused by this part:


    Originally posted by WIBELZ:

    The big smile on her face just slowly goes away. She tells me I'm stupid for thinking that its not that big of deal. I know deep down she is just trying to make me feel better.

    Do you mean she told you not to worry about it, or that she thinks it is a big deal? Also, did you broach the subject of wanting to restore your hair? Have you talked to her since the hot tub conversation?




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  17. default,


    Honestly, your posts seem laden with sarcasm and condescension recently.


    I realize that comments don't always translate the way they were intended over virtual discussion forums, but not everyone finds this stuff "lol" funny. I think you're capable of making your points without resorting to potentially insulting remarks.




    Anthony (youngsuccess)

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