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Posts posted by rob

  1. Price,

    this is rob, in yuma az. i got 2000 F/U's transplanted in sept of 2001 with dr. keene. she did a graet job. i don't hesitate in recommending her to you. per her 2001 fee schedule, i paid $7,200. sounds like alot, until you stop to think it is probably to only real big thing you have given to yourself in a long long time. it is worth the money in what it does for you mentally. its like the " toyota feeling", where the guy jumps in the air. i advise you to get the most f/u's you can. after the procedure follow her instructions to the T, then be patient, very patient. just about them time i had stopped thinking about mine, they started coming up all over.

    take care, rob

  2. hi rich,

    this is rob from yuma,az. i am 7.5 mos. post op with dr. keene also. i had 2000 f/u's transplanted. she is all they say. Very good! the 2000 she did for me have really improved my looks. all i have to do is think back to how i was before last sept., and then i realize just how much it changed me positively. i really enjoy shampooing my hair now because i can feel all that new hair under my fingertips. if i can save up, i may go back and get alittle more just to fine tune the front, but i am very happy. just do waht she says, and be prepared for the infamous "long wait". then you will see them popping up like crazy. i am a very fussy, nit-picky, semi-perfectionist, drive my wife crazy kind of guy, and i say dr. keene is the key to your goal! you can stay at the motel one block from her office too, its a handy location, and they gave me a medical discount per her. you won't go wrong here.i wish i could have done this years earlier, but i finally dove in, and i'm happy i did. if you have any specific questions i'm at: robztoy@webtv.net

    i will answer truthfully.

    this is one of those rare things, that really change your life.

    take care, rob

  3. arfy,


    i spoke to my doctor today. she says it is common for the hair to come out wavy until each site gets more maturity. she said at about one year it should begin going away. that was a relief to hear. i'm happy with my h/t, and would like about 500-800 more grafts to fill it out and finish it off.for me the scalp numbness ( which went away mostly) was the worst part of it. well, one thing is for sure, i am a lot better off than i was (hair wise) 7.5 mos. ago!

  4. i am 7.5 mos post h/t surgery. i used a recommended doctor from this site. i was pretty happy, until i began experiencing two new things. first, the new hair coming up in front is too wavy. it is very difficult to comb. when it gets humid, it will even be harder. i never had wavy hair in front, i think my donor area must have had a wave in it. anyway it is a pain. i don't have long in the morning to get ready for work, and it is driving me bananas. second, my hairline is disappointing, it lacks definition. i think it may not have taken right. the doctor told me it would have single and double hairs in front, with the f/u's spread out behind it for a natural look. that did not happen. i thought it would come in much denser than this. i had 2000 f/u's in a single session. i don't know if i expect too much, i told the doctor i only wanted to do this once, and possibly the grafts were spread as widely as possible to accomplish that. i wish my hairline looked denser. can i do anything about waviness? i would appreciate any feedback. thank you. i am not mentioning the doctor here in all fairness because i have not yet been able to travel back to the city of the h/t.

  5. i am 7.5 mos post h/t surgery. i used a recommended doctor from this site. i was pretty happy, until i began experiencing two new things. first, the new hair coming up in front is too wavy. it is very difficult to comb. when it gets humid, it will even be harder. i never had wavy hair in front, i think my donor area must have had a wave in it. anyway it is a pain. i don't have long in the morning to get ready for work, and it is driving me bananas. second, my hairline is disappointing, it lacks definition. i think it may not have taken right. the doctor told me it would have single and double hairs in front, with the f/u's spread out behind it for a natural look. that did not happen. i thought it would come in much denser than this. i had 2000 f/u's in a single session. i don't know if i expect too much, i told the doctor i only wanted to do this once, and possibly the grafts were spread as widely as possible to accomplish that. i wish my hairline looked denser. can i do anything about waviness? i would appreciate any feedback. thank you. i am not mentioning the doctor here in all fairness because i have not yet been able to travel back to the city of the h/t.

  6. figsy.


    i went through exactly what you are going through. it was the longest few months of my life. i wore a ball cap for the first 4 mos. i hate wearing ball caps. i looked in the mirror all the time. then,.....i just decided to forget about it......and low and behold one morning i was getting ready for work , and i noticed lots of fine little hairs popping up.

    from then on it just got better and better. don't fight it......just live your life and follow your docs instructions.


    YOU WILL get there!



  7. i had 2000 grafts done in tucson by dr. sharon keene. i am now 5 mos. post surgery. i am very happy. she does excellent work with very natural results. it has made a very positive impact in my life. i saved a whole year's overtime pay to get it done, and it was worth it. i look alot better! if anyone wants me to answer any questions email me at (rle1875@webtv.net) , i will answer you honestly. one of her nurse's told me dr. keene was the "mercedes benz" of local surgeons, and she was right. i trust her. she knows her stuff. the thing with a transplant is just getting through that darn long wait after the first grafts fall out, and when the new hair starts growing out, if you can be patient, you will be really happy. just remember this is surgery, and all surgery means you must go through a healing process. well, email me if you are looking for an arizona dr,



  8. i had 2000 grafts done in tucson by dr. sharon keene. i am now 5 mos. post surgery. i am very happy. she does excellent work with very natural results. it has made a very positive impact in my life. i saved a whole year's overtime pay to get it done, and it was worth it. i look alot better! if anyone wants me to answer any questions email me at (rle1875@webtv.net) , i will answer you honestly. one of her nurse's told me dr. keene was the "mercedes benz" of local surgeons, and she was right. i trust her. she knows her stuff. the thing with a transplant is just getting through that darn long wait after the first grafts fall out, and when the new hair starts growing out, if you can be patient, you will be really happy. just remember this is surgery, and all surgery means you must go through a healing process. well, email me if you are looking for an arizona dr,



  9. i went to dr. keene in tucson arizona. i am 4.5 months post operation. i think she did an excellent job. it turned out very natural. she is quite talented in skill and artistic ability. she is very professional, and i believe she has the patient's best interest as her main concern. my only concern is some numbness in my vertex, which seems to be getting less and less. her staff is very professional as well. what i also liked was getting it done in tucson, it is a big town with a small town atmosphere, and i stayed at a motel within walking distance to her office. i think her skill is as good as you could want. i am a bit picky about things, and she gave me little to grip about. as to now, i am undecided if i want to get more grafts. i just want to get to the 6 month mark, and think it over. she is an excellent surgeon i my opinion, and will be realistic with you, that is very important. rob

  10. i went to dr. keene in tucson arizona. i am 4.5 months post operation. i think she did an excellent job. it turned out very natural. she is quite talented in skill and artistic ability. she is very professional, and i believe she has the patient's best interest as her main concern. my only concern is some numbness in my vertex, which seems to be getting less and less. her staff is very professional as well. what i also liked was getting it done in tucson, it is a big town with a small town atmosphere, and i stayed at a motel within walking distance to her office. i think her skill is as good as you could want. i am a bit picky about things, and she gave me little to grip about. as to now, i am undecided if i want to get more grafts. i just want to get to the 6 month mark, and think it over. she is an excellent surgeon i my opinion, and will be realistic with you, that is very important. rob

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