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Posts posted by osmosis

  1. On 1/5/2023 at 4:32 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:

    @Jonas Medin,

    Honestly, if you’ve never undergone hair transplant surgery before and you’re being told you only have 1000 grafts, then one of two things is likely going on. Number one, you may possess diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA) which means that your donor area is thinning in addition to the thinning on the top of your scalp OR the clinic you are consulting with isn’t giving you accurate information for one reason or another.

    if the former situation is true, then you likely are not a candidate for hair transplant surgery at all unless or until you’re able to get the thinning on the sides and back of your scalp to stop and thicken up.  Even then, you would likely be bound to non-surgical solutions for the rest of your life to keep that area from thinning.

    The reason why this is so important is because hair transplant surgery operates on a principal known as donor dominance.  This means the transplanted hairs retain the characteristics from the area from which they came.   In other words, if the area the hairs were removed from starts to thin, the transplanted hairs will start to thin even though they were moved.  This is why those with DUPA are typically not candidates for hair transplant surgery.

    in my opinion, I would consult with a few doctors that are recommended by this community for an accurate assessment. If you are interested in a no obligation information session with Dr. Rahal who is highly esteemed and recommended by this community as well as a coalition member (the highest form of recommendation by this website), feel free to send me a private message and I’ll be happy to set this up for you.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    This video questions the donor dominance theory using interviews with one of the Farjo Clinic doctors and peer reviewed papers.

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