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Posts posted by burner28

  1. I have been a frequent lurker on this forum for around 3-4 years. I consider myself very knowledgeable on the basics of all things hair loss. I fully understand how progressive MPB is and that a transplant will do absolutely nothing for me if I do not continue taking a DHT blocker indefinitely. However, my case is somewhat different than others due to the fact that I was straight up blessed with a NWII hairline from birth. Sounds like something someone in denial would say, but I swear lol it is very real. I vividly remember being extremely bothered by this as a kid, and always wondering why my hair never looked like my friends did. This was way before I ever even experienced any loss. Fast forward to late 2019 and the thinning started beating my ass. Of course this grew into an obsession, which progressed throughout the pandemic, but it wasn't until early 2021 that I began to accept that I was balding. After a consultation with a shady HT clinic near me, I began taking 1.25mg finasteride and 2.5mg oral minoxidil daily, and experienced fairly good results. I continued this regiment from February 2021 to around October 2021. At this point my barber of many years moved away, and I was too embarrassed or scared or whatever it was to get another one, so I began shaving my head. I decided to stop taking the medication and just wear a hat at all times besides at night and in the shower. Needless to say it was not easy at all being in college and not looking like everyone else. This has negatively impacted my life for the past several years, as most of you could probably imagine. Almost a year ago now I decided that I cannot keep living like this and will go the surgical route. In anticipation for this, I started taking 1.25mg fin daily again around November of 2022. I have experienced some minor regrowth, but more importantly no further loss and still no side effects from the DHT suppression.

    Since graduating college this past spring, I have saved up enough money for a procedure with Dr. Dogan Turan. I was sent a proposal in December of 2022, but did not book due to being in school and not having the money. I have recently re-contacted FUE Capilar and plan on booking ASAP. This is horrifying to be honest. I know it is what I was, but I also am impulsive, and have seen quite a few horror stories on this forum and on reddit. I believe have very reasonable expectations. A conservative but dense hairline is my goal. I also know that I will most definitely want to/have to undergo another procedure again at some point in my life, so keeping enough useable grafts is very important to me.

    Dr. Turan's proposal:


    (Photo taken one month after resuming fin Dec. 22)

    I feel confident based on my research that Dr. Turan is a solid and ethical surgeon. I just want some other unbiased opinions on my situation given my age and condition. I took the photos attached under very bright flash so all areas can be clearly seen. Additionally, I attached a picture of my hair before any loss began (I was like 15). My head has not been exposed to direct sunlight in about 3 years at this point, so there is a very harsh contrast between my skin and scalp. Any advice from some of the OGs on here would be greatly appreciated. The only thing worse than being bald for me would be pouring a lot of money and emotional energy into a lost cause. Thanks guys!








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